User Activity

  • Created ticket #14 on rDock

    sdsort, sdreport and sdfilter problem

  • Created ticket #13 on rDock

    improving the accuracy- optimizing the docking parameters

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on rDock

    Hi Sergi, I am using rdock for docking RNA-ligand, but with my HTVS ligand file, I am getting a Segmentation fault (I have splitted my files so is one of them). I am not sure what is wrong with my input files and I would appreciate I you help me with it. I also used the DUD (ace) test files for my ligand database but still I am getting the same error. I appreciate it if you help me with this. I am using these command : rbcavity -r rdock.prm -d -was > cavity.log rbdock -r rdock.prm -p dock.prm...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on rDock

    Hi sergio, Thank you very much for your reply. You actually pointed out thr prolem. By visualizing I noticed my ligand is not defined in the vicinity of the receptor. How should I put the ligand in the vicinity of receptor? or what software or method I should use to define that? rbcavity -was -d -r <prmfile> will only creat a box around the ligand. Please help me with that so I can proceed with my simulation. </prmfile> Thanks a lot in advance. Bests, Sam

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on rDock

    Hi Sergi, Thank you for your reply. I defined the cavity. I have attached the outputs of running these commands: rbcavity -r rdock.prm -was > rna_cavity.log rbdock -r rdock.prm -p dock.prm -n 100 -i -o rna_docking_out > rna_docking_out.log sdsort -n -f'SCORE' > sdrmsd But still getting the same results. I can tell after running rbcavity commands the caviy has been determinded in the log file. Please let me...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #12 on rDock

    I was wondering if anybody can hep me with this problem??

  • Created ticket #12 on rDock

    no interaction with ligand and mol2

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2019-10-05 18:52:47


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