Ok, thank you again!
Hi, thanks. For all projects using 2 standard parallels, my code works greatly now! I have another question. I was checking EPGS 27564 (only one standard parallel) https://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/27564/html/ There we have given a latitudeOfOrigin and a scaleFactor (and a centralMeridian == 0.0). So I require the first constructor, right? So I tried the same algorithm as you did in your PA example (pseudo code): var epsg = [ centralMeridian: 0.0, latitudeOfOrigin: 46.85, scaleFactor: 0.99994471,...
Hi, thanks. For all projects using 2 standard parallels, my code works greatly now! I have another question. I was checking EPGS 27564 (only one standard parallel) https://www.spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/27564/html/ There we have given a latitudeOfOrigin and a scaleFactor (and a centralMeridian == 0.0). So I require the first constructor, right? So I tried the same algorithm as you did in your PA example (pseudo code): var epsg = [ centralMeridian: 0.0, latitudeOfOrigin: 46.85, scaleFactor: 0.99994471,...
Understood. Thank you so much, sir!
Wow, that was quick! Thanks a lot! I missed that example. So, the two key points are: You do the Forward() operation twice: One for the point transformation using the given X0/Y0 points and then the actual operation, correct? What's interesting about this, is that you use the lon0 twice in the parameters. Could you explain this point please? k1 equals 1. Is that always the case with these kinds of definitions?
Ah, I missed that. So, the two key points are: You do the Forward() operation twice: One for the point transformation using the given X0/Y0 points and then the actual operation, correct? What's interesting about this, is that you use the lon0 twice in the parameters. Could you explain this point please? k1 equals 1. Is that always the case with these kinds of definitions?
Hi Charles, first: Thank you so much for your library. I used it several times in my projects and even already ported some parts of it into Dart. Currently I want to create a WGS84 LatLon converter from/into Lambert-93 and several other specific Lambert projections. When I read some sources like the French Wikipedia on that (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_conique_conforme_de_Lambert) I came to a problem with the definitions. In your code, one needs following parameters (next to rotation...
Hi Charles, first: Thank you so much for your library. I used it several times in my projects and even already ported some parts of it into Dart. Currently I want to create a WGS84 LatLon converter from/into Lambert-93 and several other specific Lambert projections. When I read some sources like the French Wikipedia on that (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_conique_conforme_de_Lambert) I came to a problem with the definitions. In your code, one needs following parameters (next to rotation...
Hi Charles, first: Thank you so much for your library. I used it several times in my projects and even already ported some parts of it into Dart. Currently I want to create a WGS84 LatLon converter from/into Lambert-93 and several other specific Lambert projections. When I read some sources like the French Wikipedia on that (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_conique_conforme_de_Lambert) I came to a problem with the definitions. In your code, one needs following parameters (next to rotation...
Hi Charles, first: Thank you so much for your library. I used it several times in my projects and even already ported some parts of it into Dart. Currently I want to create a WGS84 LatLon converter from/into Lambert-93 and several other specific Lambert projections. When I read some source like the French Wikipedia on that (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Projection_conique_conforme_de_Lambert) I come to a problem with the definitions. In your code, one needs following parameters (next to rotation...