User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    I feel rather Checkstyle itself should expose all the necessary metadata I agree but we had a discussion about this and we have not come to a conclusion on what data should be in the metadata and how it should be stored. One point of discussion was: I suggest you bring it up again in an issue in main project and keep asking for a solution from us. I imagine sevntu metadata is maintained alongside the checks, so whenever you change something...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    I am unsure how this can help with eclipse-cs metadata maintenance. As I understand I would still need to meticulously check all changes in a Checkstyle release, whether they have any relevance for the metadata. Could you give an example of something you think would have to be manually done and couldn't be automated? I can only speak from my experience with sevntu's eclipse-cs files. Even if you can't automate everything, doing some should alleviate some of the stress. The most complete documentation...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    I am unsure how this can help with eclipse-cs metadata maintenance. As I understand I would still need to meticulously check all changes in a Checkstyle release, whether they have any relevance for the metadata. Could you give an example of something you think would have to be manually done and couldn't be automated? I can only speak from my experience with sevntu's eclipse-cs files. The most complete documentation we have is in the xdocs where we have another junit to make sure it has required sections,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    Most of the time the bulk of work is hunting down Checkstyle changes which require metadata changes using the Checkstyle release notes. I assume you mean the metadata files that define checks, properties, and they descriptions, values, etc... like \net.sf.eclipsecs.checkstyle\metadata... Have you though of automating most of it? Sevntu automates it's eclipse-cs files using junits that tell when something is wrong or missing in the file. We use reflection and our inner utils to identify checks and...

  • Created ticket #1906 on HtmlUnit

    [PATCH] Added missing final for variable with anonymous class

  • Created ticket #169 on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    Add support for 'omitIgnoredModules'

  • Created ticket #415 on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    BeforeExecutionExclusionFileFilter not supported

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Eclipse Checkstyle Plug-in

    The only slowdown in Checkstyle that comes to mind is Javadoc parsing which we fixed...

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Personal Data

2003-08-28 22:09:53
United States / EDT


This is a list of open source software projects that Richard is associated with:

  • Project Logo checkstyle static code analysis tool for Java Last Updated:

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