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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library


  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library

    Hi Rob, Things are going very well with libsoxr and variable rate conversion! Hope you don't mind me asking another question. Are there any effects of choosing a specific max IO ratio (other than setting is too low)? Is there any relationship between speed and/or quality and the max IO ratio? For example: assume frequency ranges between (and including) 44.1 KHz & 192 KHz, would it be sufficient to set the max IO ratio using those max/min values (or a ratio of 1000 to 1), even if the actual ratio...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library

    Hi Rob, Thank you for your response! The thing you described about the maximum I/O ratio was indeed partly cause of the distortion (the other being an out of bound write of 1 byte in another part of my code). Am I correct that when using variable rate conversion the ratio values used in soxr_create have no relation to the actual sample rates other than defining the maximum I/O? (tests suggest this is indeed the case, but I want to make sure I'm correct) What are the limits of the skew value when...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library

    Thank you for this wonderfull library! Is it possible to use the variable rate conversion when both input rate and output rates are the same? I intend to use libsoxr as drift compensation mechanism between 2 clock domains. When I convert from 96KHz to 48KHz it works well, but when I convert from 48KHz to 48KHz it produces audible clicks in the audio. I setup the resampler like this: soxr_in_spec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_HQ, SOXR_VR); soxr = soxr_create( input_sample_rate, // (48KHz or 96KHz) output_sample_rate,...

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library

    Thank you for this wonderfull library! Is it possible to use the variable rate conversion when both input rate and output rate are the same? I intend to use libsoxr as drift compensation mechanism between 2 clock domains. When I convert from 96KHz to 48KHz it works well, but when I convert from 48KHz to 48KHz it produces audible clicks in the audio. I setup the resampler like this: soxr_in_spec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_HQ, SOXR_VR); soxr = soxr_create( input_sample_rate, // (48KHz or 96KHz) output_sample_rate,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on The SoX Resampler library

    Thank you for this wonderfull library! Is it possible to use the variable rate mechanism when both input rate and output rate are the same? I intend to use libsoxr as drift compensation mechanism between 2 clock domains. When I convert from 96KHz to 48KHz it works well, but when I convert from 48KHz to 48KHz it produces audible clicks in the audio. I setup the resampler like this: soxr_in_spec = soxr_quality_spec(SOXR_HQ, SOXR_VR); soxr = soxr_create( input_sample_rate, // (48KHz or 96KHz) output_sample_rate,...

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2017-05-23 11:42:17


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