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  • Posted a comment on ticket #2535 on gnuplot

    That makes sense. In the package I am writing, all the plots are really function plots, not parametric plots, They are all of the form (x):(f(x)), so xrange will always match the generated coordinates. I just need the '+' using (x):(f(x)) syntax to enable the smooth unwrap functionality for function plots. Thanks for your help. I think this can be closed, then, as "not a bug".

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2535 on gnuplot

    Thank you for the detailed explanation. I admit, the fact that sampling is happening in t, and not x, when using (x):(f(x)) should have been clear, but wasn't. Would set logscale x 10; set xrange [0.1:500]; set samples 200; plot '+' using (x) : (atan2((10*(-1)*((x)**(3)))+(2.6*((x)**(1))),(2*(-1)*((x)**(2))))-atan2((x),((-1)*((x)**(2))+100.25))) smooth unwrap; be a good way to achieve what I want? It does seem to give me the plot I want without any errors.

  • Modified ticket #2535 on gnuplot

    Sampling ignores logscale when using the special '+' filename

  • Created ticket #2535 on gnuplot

    Sampling ignores logscale when using the special '+' filename

  • Modified a comment on ticket #799 on gnuplot

    That works for plotting, but when I set table, the table that gets output contains only the radian values, not the degree values. I tried both set table 'plot.table'; set y2tics; set link y2 via y*180/pi inv y/180*pi; set samples 1000; set logscale x; set xrange [0.01:100]; set yrange [-8:4]; set y2range [-8*(180/pi):4*(180/pi)]; plot [t=0.01:100] '+' using (t):(0-atan2((0+(1*((-1)**((5-1)/2))*((t)**(5)))+(5*((-1)**((3-1)/2))*((t)**(3)))+(1*((-1)**((1-1)/2))*((t)**(1)))),(0+(4*((-1)**((4)/2))*((t)**(4)))+(6*((-1)**((2)/2))*((t)**(2)))+1)))...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #799 on gnuplot

    That works for plotting, but when I set table, the table that gets output contains only the radian values, not the degree values. I tried both set table 'plot.table'; set y2tics; set link y2 via y*180/pi inv y/180*pi; set samples 1000; set logscale x; set xrange [0.01:100]; set yrange [-8:4]; set y2range [-8*(180/pi):4*(180/pi)]; plot [t=0.01:100] '+' using (t):(0-atan2((0+(1*((-1)**((5-1)/2))*((t)**(5)))+(5*((-1)**((3-1)/2))*((t)**(3)))+(1*((-1)**((1-1)/2))*((t)**(1)))),(0+(4*((-1)**((4)/2))*((t)**(4)))+(6*((-1)**((2)/2))*((t)**(2)))+1)))...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #799 on gnuplot

    That works for plotting, but when I set table, the table that gets output contains only the radian values, not the degree values. I tried both set table 'plot.table'; set y2tics; set link y2 via y*180/pi inv y/180*pi; set samples 1000; set logscale x; set xrange [0.01:100]; set yrange [-8:4]; set y2range [-8*(180/pi):4*(180/pi)]; plot [t=0.01:100] '+' using (t):(0-atan2((0+(1*((-1)**((5-1)/2))*((t)**(5)))+(5*((-1)**((3-1)/2))*((t)**(3)))+(1*((-1)**((1-1)/2))*((t)**(1)))),(0+(4*((-1)**((4)/2))*((t)**(4)))+(6*((-1)**((2)/2))*((t)**(2)))+1)))...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #799 on gnuplot

    That works for plotting, but when I set table, the table that gets output contains only the radian values, not the degree values. I tried both set table 'plot.table'; set y2tics; set link y2 via y*180/pi inv y/180*pi; set samples 1000; set logscale x; set xrange [0.01:100]; set yrange [-8:4]; set y2range [-8*(180/pi):4*(180/pi)]; plot [t=0.01:100] '+' using (t):(0-atan2((0+(1*((-1)**((5-1)/2))*((t)**(5)))+(5*((-1)**((3-1)/2))*((t)**(3)))+(1*((-1)**((1-1)/2))*((t)**(1)))),(0+(4*((-1)**((4)/2))*((t)**(4)))+(6*((-1)**((2)/2))*((t)**(2)))+1)))...

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2012-03-11 19:59:39


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