Activity for Anthony Williams

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #397

    As a workaround you can probably do something like this: mem /c | find "ANSI" >NUL if errorlevel 1 goto loadansi Or you could use NNANSI, which is an unloadable TSR. Tom Almy's DOS page (look for NNANS593.ZIP, GPL w/ src)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #375

    Here are a few links to Pascal tutorials and related sites. Tao Yue's Basic Pascal tutorial Wikibooks' Pascal Programming Standard Pascal FAQ and Rules Modern Object Pascal FreePascal From Square One You may also wish to check some example programs included with FPC (e.g. fpctris and samegame).

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #375

    Thank you again, Tomas, for all your years spent working on such a wonderful project. (FYI, I believe he is the OS/2 maintainer who also sometimes helps Go32v2/DOS target since it's unmaintained.) You can use LFNs in FreeDOS (e.g. DOSLFN), and it's not that problematic on FAT(12/16/32), esp. under VM. If you insist on being like Turbo Pascal exactly and thus "more" DOS compatible, just use freeware TP 5.5 (or one of many other Pascal compilers). For casual usage questions like that or programming...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #390

    Is that all it says, just a generic "file access error"? Try to load this TSR first, and then check C:\HISTORY.DAT to see what files it tries to load. KGB TSR This is kernel 2043, right? What memory (XMS EMS) drivers are loaded? Is mouse loaded? SHARE? Is it in the same named dir that you installed to? Any specific environment variables needed? Any idea what kind of DOS extender (if any) was used? Also, this is a graphical app, right? VirtualBox is far from perfect. You could also try QEMU. What...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #388

    I've found the IDE interface is slow in Borland TurboC with FreeDOS (haven't looked into why) so it might be the same with the IDE in Borland C/C++. I believe we discovered that the Borland IDEs are noticeably slower when FDAPM (APMDOS??) is loaded.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #100

    If you want a small external calculator, try Eric Auer's calcfixp or Oleg Chukaev's resident FDRC.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #358

    The 16-bit real mode unzipper can be found on the iBiblio archives:

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #378

    Rarely does anyone need a linker without a compiler. Most compilers come with their own linkers. We do have several 16-bit OMF linkers. Although none is 100% compatible in the most extreme cases, they do work for average use. Some of the ones I've used recently (in small ways): Warplink, JWlink, VAL, DJLink, ALink. If there is specific functionality needed that is not supported here, I'm sure someone on the mailing list could point you in the right direction.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #375

    If FPC.EXE can't find CRT.O (and .PPU), then FPC.CFG is wrong or some other installation error. Try grabbing the release .ZIP from upstream and installing manually (e.g. DOS322.ZIP). Also, traditionally, Pascal allowed "(." for "[" and ".)" for "]".

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #115

    According to the MASM online documentation (which aligns with my memory of JWasm usage): /Fo filename Names an object file ml.exe /Fo a1.obj /c a.asm /Fo b1.obj /c b.asm

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    Regina Rexx 3.9.5 (DOS4GW)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #92

    There are also GNU Diff ports to DOS (GPL'd). DJGPP Diffutils 3.7 (386+ DPMI) GNUish Diff description GNUish Diff 2.3 (built with Borland C++ 3.1)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #92

    DOS also has FC.EXE, and FreeDOS is no exception. FC 3.03a (GPLv2) File Compare (Wikipedia)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #281

    PLoP can only mount the USB as read-only, so it won't let you create new partitions. You'll probably want to use a lite Linux distro (old Puppy?) to create partitions there instead.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #278

    Sorry for late reply, but I'm not sure. I think it's actually just the way things were done in DOS days, i.e. "polling" without worrying much about cpu usage since it was single-user anyways. You'd have to ask on the mailing list (or check the archives), I think it's been discussed before. IIRC, some editors could handle themselves better than others. TDE (DJGPP build) uses DPMI yield, but its keyboard handling was always buggy under VirtualBox, so I never used it much there. Not sure what better...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #277

    "Attached is a patch that removes the layout discrepancy at least. Not tested, because I don’t have easy access to a toolchain that could compile it" OpenWatcom 1.9 works. I made a simple .BAT to rebuild the 2041 kernel (with a few patches from others) on my MetaDOS floppy image (e.g. under QEMU or VirtualBox). In other words, "tests ke2041 edit" will show the build batch in a text editor, and "tests /t ke2041" will build it (and show very simplistic timing results afterwards). And yes, that specific...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #278

    Just to quote myself from an older email: "The only quirk I remember hearing about in recent years was slowdown (in Borland IDEs) due to FDAPM, but that can be worked around by using "ADV:REG" instead." Possibly try that? P.S. Free Pascal 3.2.0rc1 is out. While it still doesn't (AFAIK) have a proper Go32v2 (32-bit DOS) hosted compiler for (16-bit) i8086-msdos target (but the Win32 PE version can probably still run under HX), it does still have an IDE.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    HimemX 3.35

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #267

    Although I never properly learned Lua nor Agena, I was mildly curious. So it was probably me who mirrored it years ago. For comparison, the latest DJGPP build of Lua 5.2.2 (circa late 2013) is in /current/v2tk/ on DJGPP mirrors (done by Juan Manuel Guerrero). Removing old versions would have to be approved by Jim Hall. Feel free to ask him privately, but usually he leaves old versions forever (unless there's a good reason). In particular, I believe he likes to keep GPL'd stuff at least three years....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #251

    I don't quite know, but I'll give suggestions. Try getting on the freedos-user mailing list. Most volunteers are always busy (or inactive), but you may still find someone fluent there. For instance, I think?? at least one guy (Matuesz Viste) speaks Polish, but he's been busy lately. (Haven't seen Henrique Peron lately, nor Aitor Santamaria Merino. They're the resident i18n experts.) You could also (indirectly) ask on FASM's forum since some of them are Polish. (Sadly, I'm not, but ... "mi eklernis...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #238

    I don't know who originally made the "package", so I'm not sure of the rationale behind making two separate .ZIPs. Probably it's just trying to keep data separate from code (although it's a very simple program, just calls the BIOS). I'm not even sure where the fonts came from (probably not created from scratch) nor whether you can copyright bitmapped fonts! Years ago, I did manually translate the program to assembly, just for smaller size, and to not rely on a (proprietary) Pascal compiler. Of course,...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #194

    I thought this was already fixed by now, and a quick check shows no erroneous irrelevant .LSM anymore, so I think it's not a problem anymore.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #213

    USB install should be relatively easy, but most people use other host OSes to do that, e.g. UNetbootIn or RUFUS. There's even ways to dd a raw install to disk, presumably created under VM first. Have you tried any of those methods? A normal (minimal) DOS install is only this: fdisk, (reboot), format, sys. You only need a MBR/boot sector, FAT partition, kernel, and shell. Anything else is just an XCOPY away.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #212

    Yeah, don't use JEMM386. I'm still not sure why it's enabled for us by default. Safer is XMS only. But even one guy reported some incompatibility there. We do have alternative XMS drivers if this specific HIMEMX version is buggy for your use. While it's a longshot, that could also be your problem. HIMEM/HIMEMX FDXMS/FDXMS286 or XMGR As far as DOS4GW incompatibility, IIRC even the DOSBox developers recommended that people use DOS/32A instead for games. So "dos32a doom.exe" should work better, AFAIK....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #211

    Unfortunately, this is too obscure (old hardware, proprietary software), and we just don't have the developers for it. (But I don't speak for anyone, just guessing. There are still a very few, thankfully, but they're always busy.) "without support for booting from CD" ... as in no BIOS support or no physical drive? You can probably use Smart Boot Manager (or maybe PLoP Boot Manager) to boot off drives (CD or USB) even if your BIOS doesn't directly support it.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #212

    There's some weird BIOS bug (quirk?) in some computers that requires a different approach for booting CDs (.iso). I don't remember the details, but you should use the other .iso instead, and see if that helps. Thus, if you're using "legacy" under VirtualBox, download the normal boot CD image instead. (Notice "excluding" below.) More immediate help is available on the freedos-user mailing list. Bootable CD-ROM...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #206

    HIMEMX does have options, so try fiddling: Or use an older version (e.g. 3.32): Or use an alternative XMS driver (e.g. FDXMS, FDXMS286, XMGR): One of these is bound to work else you have some quirky hardware. Nevertheless, feel free to tell us exactly what works and what doesn't.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #178

    You might?? be able to rename XCOPY to _XCOPY.EXE and then create XCOPY.BAT that will call _XCOPY.EXE with %1 %2 %3 etc. holding the relevant args. IIRC, FreeCOM has a quirk where it will split "/S/E/V" into "/S /E /V" for you.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #179

    While I haven't tried all of the suggestions in these links, they at least sound useful: FreeDOS 1.1 Bootable USB Image -- Linux FlashBIOS -- Debian DualBoot/FreeDOS -- Debian Flashing BIOS from Linux -- ArchLinux BIOS Update -- Gentoo Creating a USB Bootable Storage Device Using FreeDOS -- Legacy Systems -- Dell

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #199

    If you think it's FD KEYB that is buggy, then try mKEYB, which also seems to support Danish. However, if you're not getting the correct letter represented, then it's a bug in the codepage (EGA.CPX or whatever). That should probably be reported to Henrique Peron via email, but I haven't seen him around lately. I did convert Terminus (8x16) for us a while back, and it supports Latin-1, so you could also...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #204

    Not sure, you probably have to disable AHCI in the BIOS and use legacy IDE instead. Or maybe the "legacy" download would work for you? Doubt it, you may be stuck with only floppy or USB install, which is made easier if you have a working packet driver.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #205

    213C INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "CREAT" - CREATE OR TRUNCATE FILE I think you instead meant 3Dh here: 213D INT 21 - DOS 2+ - "OPEN" - OPEN EXISTING FILE

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #206

    That's strange, especially if you've already tried the legacy version. (BTW, "ver /r" is more specific and should mention kernel version, too.) It makes me think of some kind of JEMM386 clash (which really shouldn't be enabled by default). Try booting only with HIMEMX (XMS only) via F8 or whatever. Or maybe your download was corrupted? Try verifying the checksums:

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    NASM 2.13.02

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    FreePascal 3.0.4

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created ticket #6

    patch for makefile.wcl386 for DOS/Causeway target (OpenWatcom)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #191

    A package update is coming soon. However, as a quick fix, you can run (LGPL?) WDOSX's "stubit" on the (Win32) .EXE, and it should also work.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #189

    This has already been reported recently: Just to summarize, you can make a simple binary patch to disable the beeping entirely: "VER" says: "FreeCom version 0.84-pre2 XMS_Swap [Aug 28 2006 00:29:00]" upx -d %COMSPEC% --- binary patch begins here --- Comparing CMD.OLD and CMD.COM 00008293: 55 C3 000082AF: 55 C3 I know this isn't a perfect solution, but it's an acceptable workaround, IMHO. Please tell us if this doesn't suffice for your usage....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #187

    Outside of trying yet another keyboard driver (KBFR) or manually entering Alt-Numpad digits, dunno! Try asking for further help on the freedos-user mailing list. BTW, what VirtualBox version and host OS are you using? It's probably not their bug, but you never know.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #187

    Try mKEYB instead. You may be able to "fdnpkg install mkeyb". If that (for some reason) doesn't work, grab it directly (assuming you have installed FDNET):

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #183

    The FD package has been updated. However, Dev86 is not well-supported anymore. Even de Bath just points to lkundrak's Github for newer releases (0.16.21 from 2014). I seriously doubt it properly supports 16-bit DOS host anymore. The updated FD package is still using de Bath's old 2002 (0.16.10) 16-bit compile. Even he didn't compile unproto, so I had to do it manually, hoping that it works better than nothing. There is no copt available. If you just want to cross-compile (although I recommend against...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams modified a comment on ticket #186

    You mean all "installed" packages? Or just can't install new ones? Do you still have the CD (.iso) mounted?

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #186

    You mean all "installed" packages? Or just can install new ones? Do you still have the CD (.iso) mounted?

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #184

    Not sure why that is. But, AFAIK, the package is just a re-ZIP'd version of the latest (old) upstream DJGPP build. So just grab it via FTP (assuming you already installed FDNET) from any DJGPP mirror, under /current/v2gnu/ : I don't use Perl, so I'm not much help. I would be surprised if any active Perl users for DOS were left. But you can still try asking on news://comp.os.msdos.djgpp for ...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #183

    You didn't specify which version you're trying to use. Anyways, BCC/Dev86 is not...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #182

    FDPKG was offline only and is replaced by the network-aware FDNPKG tool (and accompanying...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #173

    This is all the relevant files on iBiblio, if that helps narrow things down: [freedos@ibiblio...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #172

    Unfortunately, is limited to 128 MB per piece, plus my...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #167

    It could be that FD SHARE is not fully compatible. I don't remember the details,...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #170

    DOS is a simple system, so yes a bare bones install is easy. All you need is FDISK,...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #171

    These are apparently unapproved / unofficial / modified BIOS files. However, in a...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #167

    Assuming that the program ever correctly worked at all (e.g. under traditional MS-DOS)...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #167

    I honestly hate to point to my own weak kludge of a floppy image, but it does come...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #146

    Don't use JEMMEX unless you absolutely need it. Stick to HIMEMX only, for now.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #142

    The updated MODE release can be found here:

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #164

    I assume these drivers were tested successfully in MS-DOS. Mimicking that successful...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #163

    Not sure why the UDVD2 included is from 2013 when latest UIDE is from 2015. Sadly,...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #165

    Try using "/q /u" or "/f:1440" instead, and see if that helps.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #167

    FTP is part of mTCP and needs setup via its own DHCP first (and suitable packet driver,...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #169

    AFAIK, DOS usually sets "LASTDRIVE=E" by default unless told to do otherwise.

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #154

    I don't think this will help you much, but you can find Extract here:

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #126

    Kernel 2042 has already been released in May. This ticket should be closed (and a...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    Links 2.13

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    GCC 6.1.0 (/current/ DJGPP 2.05)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #148

    A quick search finds two relevant pages (one leading to the other): 1).

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #148

    I only needed FreeDos for flashing BIOS. You should be asking Dell customer support...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #148

    do you mean that the out of memory happened in the shell AFTER the flashing program...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #148

    The point here is that such errors CANNOT BE TOLERATED when flashing BIOS! This is...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    NASM 2.12 (386+)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #145

    This behavior is well known and similar to old MS-DOS era, which (IIRC)...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #144

    If I had access to other legacy equipment and MS DOS, I would have tried other troubleshooting...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #144

    Could running something this old on newer architecture cause a problem. It was run...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #142

    Bob Ouellette (Dec 12): "I was able to get my hands on the PC from the high school...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #114

    Late reply (but I'm nobody important anyways) .... Normally, I think most of us use...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #143

    What floppy image are you referring to? You mean fdboot.img from here?

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams modified a blog post

    FreePascal 3.0.0

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    FreePascal 3.0.0

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #142

    I don't know if MODE is maintained anymore, but Eric Auer is still sometimes around....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    DJGPP 2.05 (386+)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #140

    AFAIK, no, classic MS-DOS never supported that functionality. 4DOS might, but I can't...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #139

    "No Dos program - e.g. chkdsk - will run with FreeDOS 1.0." You mean MS chkdsk??...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #139

    I think this is probably Microsoft's fault. At least for MS-DOS 5, some bundled utilties...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #136

    "when DEVICEHIGH=C:\NET\NTSTS.DOS starts, it says that there is not enough upper...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #136

    I suggest you ask on one of the mailing lists (e.g. freedos-user) since very few...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #137

    Why not try FD 1.1 instead?

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    FDNPKG 0.99 (386+)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    Terminal Matrix / DeciMatrix / QDot (8086)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, The machine I'm talking about is an old (Dell) Pentium 4 with SB Live! (emu10k1)....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    uHex 1.0.2

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    GCC 5.1.0 (DJGPP, 2.04 only)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    GNU Emacs 24.5 (DJGPP)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    FreeBASIC 1.02.0

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #129

    Sorry, but I can't promise anyone will fix this soon, if that's what you're hoping....

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams posted a comment on ticket #129

    I'm not sure of the details, but an educated guess is that you're looking for Gilles...

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    Mined 2015.25

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams modified a blog post

    DRIVES shows available drives

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    UIDE etc. (Oct. 19)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    UIDE etc. (Sep. 27)

  • Anthony Williams Anthony Williams created a blog post

    WCD 5.2.5

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