User Activity

  • Modified ticket #156 on Pharos

    Ceiling Semaphore PLP

  • Posted a comment on ticket #156 on Pharos

    semaphore added and tests updated.

  • Created ticket #156 on Pharos

    Ceiling Semaphore PLP

  • Modified ticket #150 on Pharos

    Sporadic thread time tick handler

  • Posted a comment on ticket #150 on Pharos

    Corrected: Added call to pharosITimeTickRemoveThread in the body of the sporadic and periodic threads, at the end of each job. For example: void activateEvent(ptrSporadicThread thread) { /* event to receive */ Event event; /* interrupt level */ PharosInterruptLevel interrupt; /* get the running partition */ ptrPharosPartition partition = thread->rtThread.thread.partition; /* loop forever */ for(;;) { /* disable interrupts so we safely update the state of the thread */ pharosCpuDisableInterrupts(&interrupt);...

  • Modified ticket #150 on Pharos

    Sporadic thread time tick handler

  • Posted a comment on ticket #150 on Pharos

    Added Test248 to test it quickly

  • Modified ticket #150 on Pharos

    Sporadic thread time tick handler

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2017-07-26 20:09:30


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  • Project Logo Pharos RTOS for Secure, Safe and Real-Time Systems Last Updated:

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