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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    i still get errors, but it's ok for now. i just converted my old Proton code to GCB not using the library, here how it goes. Define Hardware I2C settings for SSP module #define HI2C_BAUD_RATE 400 #define HI2C_DATA PORTC.4 #define HI2C_CLOCK PORTC.5 ;I2C pins need to be input for SSP module Dir HI2C_DATA in Dir HI2C_CLOCK in ;MASTER I2C Device for SSP module HI2CMode Master ' #define DS_AddrRead 0b11010001 #define DS_AddrWrite 0b11010000 ' 'read year,if year >=20 then RTC is initialized HI2CReStart...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    "re... DS3231_SetClock(DS3231_ControlRegister, DS3231_ControlStatus) ~~~ I am not sure what this call in meant to do. You have set the set the clock on the previous line." I thought i still need to write the values to the RTC. Ill go back to the board, ill revert back on result. appreciate your help, Thanks.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    Hi, Im trying to use the DS3231 library into my 4 digits 7 segments LEDS, but results in lot of error, i only need to Read/write the Hour and minutes. on my code upon program starts i want to read the year, if it's not set then I'll write to the RTC registers. can someone kindly point what im doing wrong, here's the code : Thank you chip 16F18345, 16 option explicit include <millis.h></millis.h> include <ds3231.h></ds3231.h> ' 'Template comment at the start of the config file ' #startup InitPPS,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    Thanks! for the fast response. i got it.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    these lines results in error " Error: Incorrect parameters in Set, expected: Set variable.bit status" dim Flags as Byte #define fRunning flags.0 set fRunning these lines compiled succesfully: dim Flags as Byte #define fRunning flags.0 fRunning = 1 is that normal? Thank you, Rox

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    I tried the On Interrupt with the "If pir1.5 then.. Commented. tried Sub Interrupt with the "If pir.5 then.. Added the line ansel = 0 to disaable ADCs changed the RX pin to default pin RA1 nothing work. ill just set aside this chip and use an old and tested PIC.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    Ok ill try those sample program. Thanks you.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on GCBASIC

    The problem is the RX interrupt doesn't triggerrs. ' ----- Configuration #chip 16f18313, 4 #config fextosc_off, #option Explicit ' ' Variables dim Length as Byte dim Buffer(16) as Byte dim wFlags as Word ' ' Defines/ Alias #Define fInt10mS wflags.0 'Generated by PIC PPS Tool for Great Cow Basic 'PPS Tool version: 'PinManager data: v1.65.2 ' #startup InitPPS, 85 Sub InitPPS UNLOCKPPS 'Module: EUSART RXPPS = 0x0002 'RA2 > RX RA5PPS = 0x0014 'TX > RA5 LOCKPPS End Sub ' 'USART settings - these...

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2018-05-31 13:02:56


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