Activity for Romtek

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Help

    **I finally managed to solve it after a long time. Hi, I would like to be of help by bringing my example (certainly improvable) for all those people like me who need to memorize and re-read on an external eeprom, (24lc32) a value of a 10bit ADC converter (word) in a specific memory position (data logger type). When the program is turned on, it displays the name of the program on the display and prints it on the serial line, and shows the value previously saved in the memory before turning it off....

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Help

    avoid answering me if you haven't tested the code (because I don't know much more I also have to solve the code you put me) or if the answers are not relevant to my questions thanks

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have to write 5 ADconverter values in memory 24c32 and then read the values again. Basically I have to make a datalogger. 1) It doesn't work, it gives me errors when copile 2) You didn't answer me about eeprom_rd_byte and eeprom_rd_word, how to use them and where can I find the manual. Where did you find the information on "eeprom_rd_byte"???

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Help

    1) THE eeprom_rd_byte COMMAND WHERE DID YOU FIND IT? I looked in the help but couldn't figure out how to use it. 2) I'd like to know if the libraries are described in the help with examples (see DS1307 and other libraries) 3) the example I found in the Demo folder I'd like to understand the commands eeprom_rd_byte eeprom_rd_word eeprom_wr_byte eeprom_wr_word I figured out that a value of 1023 takes up 2 memory cells. How can I write a value 1023 that I want to store in memory cells (8 and 9) and...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I have to write 5 ADconverter values in memory 24c32 and then read the values again. Basically I have to make a datalogger. I could not understand in the example (see DEMO folder) "Write-Read_Arrays+Strings_to_EEProm_Mega328p" how to write a value 1023 in memory, in a precise memory cell. I would be glad if someone can explain me how to do it, thanks

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would recommend modifying the manual where the example of the lcd is shown. For beginners and beginners like me, normally if one copies the example (see online help page 404) and uses a 16x2 or 16x4 LCD, one finds himself with the same problem as me. So I would add #DEFINE LCD_WIDTH 16 in the example since 16x2 lcds are commonly sold. I hope with my post can help others, greetings thanks.

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I attach the photo of the result

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks thanks thanks, thanks again, Solved Solved!!!! (I shout it to the world :) ) So I tested it both on pic 16f88 and 90s8515 with 16x2 and 16x4 lcd and displays the writings in the right position. For those who have problems with placement of text on lines ( Locate 0,0 Locate 1,0 Locate 2,0 Locate 3,0) add the following command #DEFINE LCD_WIDTH 16 (which if I'm not mistaken defines lcd 16 characters) Thank you all for your patience and time spent. This experience has taught me not to leave anything...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for your infinite patience, attached the file on 16f88

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't know what solution you are referring to on Thursday. 1)Have you tried TO USE WITH (PCF8574) ON A 4 LINE DISPLAY?? 2) did you see the photos I attached?? If you can kindly answer me thank you. SORRY I INSIST BUT IF I DON'T KNOW WHERE I'M WRONG.

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The fact remains that the same program on PIC16f88 4 MHZ (i2c PCF8574) lines 3 and 4 are moved. I can't explain it. See listing. Sorry for the previous error. ;Chip Settings #chip 16F88,4 #include <pcf8574.h> #option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings ' THIS CONFIG OF THE SERIAL PORT TO A PC TERMINAL via a TTL Converter ' USART settings #define USART_BAUD_RATE 19200 ' Dir PORTA.3 Out Dir PORTA.4 In #define USART_DELAY 10 ms #define USART_BLOCKING #define led PortA.2 'up port b0 Dir led Out...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Maybe I found the reason where I was wrong.... In the program I wrote: chipmega8515, 4 while in reality the micro I'm using is an AT90S8515 8PI , I recommend using an ATMEGA8515. I solved by putting chip 90s8515, 4 and on the display (with PCF8574 i2c interface) it shows the writings correctly. I still have the doubt that the library only manages 2-line displays and not 4-line ones, correct me if I'm wrong. In fact, lines 3 and 4 now appear shifted. Thank you all and patience for the replies. I add...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry but I don't understand, I send you what I did on 8515 with the last change hoping it will help you .(in the file I commented the Mine part that works and Yours part that doesn't work )

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think it would be a good idea that when starting the program, before going to write on the lcd, pause for 500 mS

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I think it would be good to focus on mega8515 to see if it can fix it!!???

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, (Preface for each test both 8515 and pic16f88 I connect 2x16 and also 4x16 lcds). Let's recap: with the mega8515 all the changes have not led to the solution, i.e. the display shows (on the 2x16 lcd) 1.0 0 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 128 while on 4x16 lcd displays 1.0 0.1 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 128 I did the same tests on pic 16f88 and everything works. Thanks for now

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I also tested on pic16f88 with #DEFINE LCD_SPEED 255 and it works, from the serial the values are 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 192 now I send the files you asked for ......

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried it on mega8515, also adding this modification DEFINE LCD_SPEED 255 (signals compiler "code /constant lcd_speed equates to slow cannot reassigned to equate to 255 ....") the result is the following: 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 128 see attached photo``

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tested with pic16f88 and the result is: 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 192 while I tested with mega8515 the result is 20, 0, 0, 128 20, 1, 0, 128 as in the attached photo, (also tested with another identical display and another pcf8574 interface but I got the same result. Note the communication speed, in the program it is 19200, while I had to set the terminal at 9600.....but this is another matter. I will try the #DEFINE LCD_SPEED 255 change and let you know

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    sorry if I reply now but I've been busy, I'll try the program for the weekend, greetings

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On 16f88 with display 4 row does not display correctly see attached photo ;Chip Settings #chip 16F88,4 #include <pcf8574.h> #option explicit ; ----- Define Hardware settings ' THIS CONFIG OF THE SERIAL PORT TO A PC TERMINAL via a TTL Converter ' USART settings #define USART_BAUD_RATE 19200 Dir PORTA.3 Out Dir PORTA.4 In #define USART_DELAY 10 ms #define USART_BLOCKING ; ----- Define Hardware settings ' Define I2C settings - CHANGE PORTS #define I2C_MODE Master #define I2C_DATA PORTB.0 'pin #define...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    On pic16f88 your program works. But on mega 8515 it works ???? I've already tried on mega8515 but it doesn't write, see attached photo characters are missing

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    photo of the problem always on 8515

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    photo of the problem

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I state that I'm using 16x2 and 16x4 displays with PCF8574 interface. Sorry but in the previous post I had put MY solution to get around the problem, in fact if one loads the prog as I wrote it it displays on the second line, while if one uses "locate1,0" it doesn't display on the second line.

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I state that I'm using 16x2 and 16x4 displays with PCF8574 interface. Sorry but in the previous post I had put MY solution to get around the problem, in fact if one loads the prog as I wrote it it displays on the second line, while if one uses "locate1,0" it doesn't display on the second line.

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I modified the program (removing the serial and interrupt) but the result changed slightly. Let me explain: the same listing on avr8515 does not display correctly and is missing on the second line, both with 2-line and 4-line display. On pic16f88 it writes correctly on the display, but not on the 4-line display. thanks for now ;Chip Settings #chip mega8515, 4 #include <pcf8574.h> ; ----- Define Hardware settings ' Define I2C settings - CHANGE PORTS #define I2C_MODE Master #define I2C_DATA PORTC.4...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This problem occurs on both pic16f88 and mega8515

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    this is the listing in asm thank you for the reply ;Program compiled by Great Cow BASIC (1.00.00 2023-01-01 (Windows 64 bit) : Build 1213) for Microchip MPASM/MPLAB-X Assembler using FreeBASIC 1.07.1/2023-01-02 CRC64 ;Need help? ; See the GCBASIC forums at, ; Check the documentation and Help at, ;or, email us: ; w_cholmondeley at users dot sourceforge dot net ; evanvennn at users dot sourceforge dot net ;**************...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    the program is the following compiled with the latest version Note that the locate 0,40 command for positioning the second line, unlike in the manual, locate 1,0 does not work 1.73.1 Release: 22314 Commit: 14f2d26367b7e8f03ff2352516ba27d6302dd7b1 Data: 2022-11-10T18:28:26.414Z Electron: 19.0.17 Chromium: 102.0.5005.167 Node.js: 16.14.2 V8: ''******** /* Locate 0,40 locate 0,0 PRINT "DISPLAY ON 1 row" locate 0,40 ' PRINT "DISPLAY ON 2 row" locate 0,16 ' PRINT "DISPLAY ON 3 row"...

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi the version I used are two. 0.99.01 2022-01-27 (Windows 64-bit) : Build 1073 and the version Version: 1.73.1 Release: 22314 Date: 2022-11-10T18:28:26.414Z Electron: 19.0.17 Chromium: 102.0.5005.167 Node.js: 16.14.2 V8: OS: Windows_NT ia32 10.0.19045 Sandboxed: No thank you for answering me. I hope this GCB project becomes more popular, I'm passing the word to my friends, Cheers.

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I add that I also tested it on MEGA8515

  • Romtek Romtek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I found this problem with using the PCF8574 i2c interface, where the "locate 1.0" command doesn't work properly. Let me explain using the 1602 display together with the pcf8574 it doesn't write anything on the second line and likewise for the other lines. I solved it like this: locate 0,0 ' 1 row PRINT "DISPLAY ON 1 row" locate 0,40 ' 2 row PRINT "DISPLAY ON 2 row" locate 0,16 ' 3 row PRINT "DISPLAY ON 3 row" locate 0,80 ' 4 row PRINT "DISPLAY ON 4 row" using both a 4 line and a two line display...