User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #37 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    The HLS is there when I configure 1.17.1 for the LCH site. It won't run without the patch that was recently checked into the tree. But it is there. What version of the gfe are you using?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #37 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    The HLS works for me with site LOX. However you will need the patch I just checked into git. The next release will have this fix for the HLS.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #37 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    Not all sites are configured to have all products. The gfe uses information in the etc/afos2awips.txt file to see if a given site has a given product. For example BOU and CAE don't have an HLS product. But LOX does. I usually test with the default BOU site so the HLS is not up front in my testing. But I did just do an install with site=LOX and the HLS is there. GenerateCyclone requires products from the national centers. There is currently no way to ingest these products. So, It is expected that...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #36 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    Your build is still not sucessful so the make install target is failing. What errror do you get with just plain 'make'?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #36 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    gd-devel is in the config/gfe.spec file. You will need to make sure that every package mentioned in a Requires line there is installed.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #36 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    Install the gd-devel package. It looks like I missed that in gfe.spec file. I'll add it there too.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #36 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    Attached is the fixed linkHeaders script. It will also be checked into git. You should be able to copy it over the one in your tree and then still use the testing directory name.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #36 on Graphical Forecast Editor

    I think my linkHeaders script (the one that does the work in 'make links' hates the testing directory name. Normally it will skip header files in test subdirectories. But I think it is skipping everything in your whole tree due to test being part of the testing name. This is obviously a bug. I'll fix this. In the meantime try renaming your testing directory to something without the word test in it and see if that fixes the build. When make links runs it should print out many dozens of headerfiles....

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2000-08-08 18:16:41
Lafayette / United States / MDT
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This is a list of skills that Mike Romberg possesses:

  • X Window System (X11)
  • Tk
  • Linux
  • C++
  • Python
  • Java
  • Code Generators
  • D
  • AWK
  • Fortran
  • Programming Language
  • Pascal
  • Ruby
  • Tcl
  • Unix Shell
  • HTTP Servers

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