Activity for Rohit Kushwaha

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi Team, After completing the iTop upgrade process, the UI is not displaying correctly when I access the URL. anyone have any idea. for reference attaching the snapshot. Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi team, at the moment when my upgrade process is in progress, then after few minutes getting the below error. Ready to upgrade Install iTop is about to be upgraded into the existing database itop on the server localhost. Progress of the installation Error loading module "combodo-approval-extended": /itop_design/classes/class[TriggerOnApprovalRequest] at line 576: could not be found or marked as removed - Loaded modules: dictionaries:1.0, core:1.0, application:1.0, approval-base:3.0.1, authent-cas:3.2.0,...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Team, I hope you are doing well. I have a query like can SLAs be automated in the iTop free version such that if a ticket is not resolved by the team L1 with in 8 hours its gets automatically reassigned to Team L2 after 8 hours. Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    HI @jeffrey , What are you looking for? I am looking for a solution where, for example, agent ABC is a member of two different organizations. If ABC sends an email, in which organization will the ticket be created? Currently, during the creation of an organization, there is no option to set an email ID. To resolve this issue, I want to have the option to set an email for different organizations, so that when agent ABC sends an email, it gets sent from the respective organization's email ID, ensuring...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Team, I am using the iTop 3.1.1v community version, and currently, ticket creation through email is happening via the user ID's email. I want to configure the organization’s email ID so that whenever a user sends an email to the organization email ID, the ticket should be created under that organization. However, when I try to configure the email ID in the organization, there is no option for email configuration. Now, the current issue I am facing is that if an agent is assigned to two different...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi everyone, i have a query regarding the itop import data. i have approximately 1000 records of incident tickets that I am importing into itop and it takes at least 40-50 minutes for the records to be imported. could someone please let me know if this amount of time is normal? if not, how long should it take for these records to be imported, and how can i optimize the process?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    Hi Team, I have two instances of iTop. I want to import data for 50 incident tickets from the first instance into the incident category of the second instance. I am importing the CSV file in the data management category, but I am encountering an error related to the "ref" field stating, "can not update the data, 'ref' is read-only." Additionally, if I do not select "ref" and only select other fields like title, organization, etc., even when the data is correct, it shows as "not match." Can someone...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi everyone, I need to add a website bot to the client portal / user portal / standard portal. I have the bot(widget) script and I need to add it to the "head" part of the HTML code in the portal's code. However, I'm not sure how to check the iTop standard portal / user portal in the datamodel, and which file I should add it to. If anyone knows, please let me know. I appreciate your replies and answers.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Everyone, I would appreciate it if someone could kindly respond to my queries.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Team, I am facing an issue where I am making some code modifications and additions in the "model.itop-standard-email-synchro.php" file located within "itop-standard-email-synchro" under "env-production", the changes I've made are working as expected. But when I try to make the same changes in the "model.itop-standard-email-synchro.php" file under "datamodel->2.X->itop-standard-email-synchro", they are not working. Additionally, when I make code changes directly in the "env-production" file and...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi everyone, I have two questions that I'm having trouble understanding. The questions are as follows: which case “sPattern” is not null in GetRelatedTicket method present in D:\xampp\htdocs\itop\env-production\itop-standard-email-synchro\model.itop-standard-email-synchro.php which case “aMatches” is not null in GetRelatedTicket method present in D:\xampp\htdocs\itop\env-production\itop-standard-email-synchro\model.itop-standard-email-synchro.php Could someone please explain how these pieces of data...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    HI @pierre , I checked the email to ticket automation extension webpage where I found an FAQ section. I am implementing the same thing discussed there into the code. However, my closed tickets are still being updated. For reference, I'm attaching the portal code. is there another possibility to get the same scenario. Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Guys , I'm making some changes or modifications at the code level in the file model.itoppstandard-email-synchro.php inside the datamodel->itop-standard-email-synchro folder for email to ticket automation extenstion . However, these changes are not being replicated or visible on iTop. What steps should I follow to ensure that the changes are replicated on the iTop portal? Before changes: "$this->Trace("iTop Simple Email Synchro: Error: the incoming email refers to the ticket ".$oTicket->GetName()."...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    1- The main question remains: do you want to match the email only if the email subject contains the ticket reference (R-0123456)? Should I inquire whether you want the email to be matched only when the email subject contains the ticket reference (R-0123456)? If I add logic to match the email with the ticket reference, will it skip the scenario of email headers? For instance, if an email is related to a ticket with the subject line (R-0123456), and when I reply, I remove the ticket reference and send...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    1- The main question remains: do you want to match the email only if the email subject contains the ticket reference (R-0123456)? Should I inquire whether you want the email to be matched only when the email subject contains the ticket reference (R-0123456)? If I add logic to match the email with the ticket reference, will it skip the scenario of email headers? For instance, if an email is related to a ticket with the subject line (R-0123456), and when I reply, I remove the ticket reference and send...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Guys , all these changes i have made in the Datamodel->itop-standard-email-synchro->module.itop-standard-email-synchro. it is the correct location for changing the logics of the emails functions.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @jeffrey, as i have checked the code , yes email ticket also find the title_pattern but in the first step of the model.itop code it is finding the data by email header , so my ask is i did not want to search the ticket data by email i just want to search the data only subject/title of the email. if title matched then update the ticket or if i changed the subject/title from the email then it means extensions must be create a new ticket because of the new title . the existing logic are below. "...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @Jeffrey, so have you also developed the scenario where email should be considered as a subject/title rather then email header. and the below url is your fork url right. if not can you provide the url for the same.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi guys, "If I have hosted iTOP on a Linux machine and I am creating an SSH remote connection to it using VS Code or PHPStorm, can I run my iTOP on localhost with the help of VS Code or PHPStorm? If not, how can I run the deployed iTOP on localhost so that I can verify whether the changes I am making are correct or not and debug the problem easily?"

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @Lari , Thanks for your suggestion , I am writing to address some concerns regarding the updates made to the code as per your provided points and suggestions. Despite making changes in the code and thoroughly testing them, I have noticed that the ticket email headers are still being updated, regardless of any modifications made to the ticket itself. I am open to any further suggestions or insights you may have on this matter. One potential solution could be to have the system analyze the content...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    @jeffrey @cisou Hi, I have conducted the following tests on the Email-to-Ticket Automation extension: In the first test, I removed the ticket number from the received email notification. During the second test, I removed the ticket number from the email subject and completely changed the subject before replying to the email. In the third round of testing, I changed the entire email subject line and even removed almost all the data from the email body. Despite these tests, the Email-to-Ticket Automation...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, thank you for your reply. I'm discussing closed tickets and the issue where, despite changing the subject line, the email message still indicates that the data is being updated on the closed ticket. If I need to make changes in the data model, which context should I use so that if a ticket is closed and I change the subject in the email, a new ticket is created in iTop, and no data update occurs on the existing closed ticket?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    I am currently utilizing the Email-to-Ticket Automation extension in iTop, which allows us to create and update tickets via email. However, I have encountered an issue that I would like to bring to your attention. The problem arises when I receive an email from iTop regarding a ticket, and I proceed to close the ticket from the portal. After closing the ticket, if I respond to the same email with the ticket number removed from the subject line, iTop updates the data on the existing closed ticket...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Does the e-mail response contain the ticket reference in the subject - YES Did you properly configure the ticket title pattern - itop configuration below 'itop-standard-email-synchro' => array ( 'inline_image_max_width' => '500', 'ticket_log' => array ( 'UserRequest' => 'public_log', 'Incident' => 'public_log', ),

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi team, I'm currently using the "Email to Ticket Automation" extension in iTOP, which allows us to create and update tickets via email as per the extension description. However, I'm facing an issue while updating the ticket through email. While I can create tickets successfully via email, when I attempt to update the same ticket via email, a new ticket is being created with the old ticket reference. Could someone please guide me on how to fix this issue?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Thanks for your answers, can you please tell me that if the below extension(URl) will help me for or will help to archive my task or work.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for your answers, forget about the specific area , now suppose I want to add a hyperlink to the ITOP standard portal page and location will not fixed and text will be looks like , header "HELP CENTER," and in this header i will add the hyperlink for the same can anyone tell me where in the ITOP portal's data model and which line of code I need to add to achieve this?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've attached a screenshot where I've marked an area in yellow. I'd like to know how I can add a hyperlink to that area or any other area on the page, like the right top or right bottom, with a proper header. Can I directly use within the email or data model, or are there different methods for adding hyperlinks in those areas?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, I have a question. I want to add a hyperlink to the standard portal page in iTop. Can someone suggest whether this is possible or not? If it is possible, how can I add a hyperlink to the standard portal page in iTop? Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou, I hope this message reaches you in good spirits. I appreciate your time, and I was wondering if you could share more details regarding the queries mentioned earlier. Thank you and regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou , Dear Vincent, I trust this message finds you well amidst your busy schedule. Your assistance is highly valued. Could you kindly provide me with additional details regarding the above queries? Thank & Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou, 9> "Type of use mean" , anyone of the following -: Usage 1: Used within one company Usage form 2: Used in operations that span multiple companies Usage form 3: Use between service companies and users 11> what it means the following point -10 : "only 2 are limited to customers: Release Management & Sandbox (development and testing environment)" from the above statement what we have understood is "Release Management & Sandbox (development and testing environment)" only available for combodo...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou, 9> "Type of use mean" , anyone of the following -: Usage 1: Used within one company Usage form 2: Used in operations that span multiple companies Usage form 3: Use between service companies and users

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou , are the answers you provided applicable to iTOP SaaS as well? If I want to subscribe to the iTOP SaaS cloud service and have the same questions as mentioned above, would your responses also be relevant for the iTOP cloud version? Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou, thanks for your reply can you also clarify the below points 9> Please tell me the types of use that are allowed for each product and edition. 10> What are the elements that make up the price and price of each product and edition? 11> Please tell me whether each product and edition has functions. Incident Management Refresh from the screen Updated with APIs, webhooks Updates from email CSV Import/Export Knowledge (registration, sharing, etc.) Operational Dashboards Self-service portal (for...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi @cisou, thanks for your reply can you also clarify the below points 9> Please tell me the types of use that are allowed for each product and edition. 10> What are the elements that make up the price and price of each product and edition? 11> Please tell me whether each product and edition has functions. 12> What is the range of supported versions for each product and edition?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Team, I trust this message finds you well. My name is Rohit, representing NEC, and we are currently exploring potential ITSM tools for our organization. iTop has captured our interest, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance in clarifying specific points: 1> Is multi-tenant management possible (can one tenant (license) manage multiple environments)? 2> Japanese language is only supported in Excel format? Japanese language support is not provided for text displayed on screen and PDF / CSP...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    How many numbers of ticket like incident , request, problem management etc itop community version will be handle in a month. for ex. 500, 1000 etc

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi @Guillaume, I am using the iTop community version 3.0.3

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi team, I have an html.twig file in the location iTop portal base -> portal -> templated. I am adding a JavaScript code inside this html.twig file at the end, inside the body. {% block pPageExtensionsScripts %} {# UI Extensions inline JS #} {% if app['ui_extensions_helper'].js_inline is not null %} <script type="text/javascript"><br> {{ app<span>['ui_extensions_helper']</span>.js_inline|raw }}<br> </script> {% endif %} {% endblock %} ** <script> (function(d,t) { var BASE_URL="myurl"; var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi team, I have an html.twig file in the location iTop portal base -> portal -> templated. I am adding a JavaScript code inside this html.twig file at the end, inside the body. {% block pPageExtensionsScripts %} {# UI Extensions inline JS #} {% if app['ui_extensions_helper'].js_inline is not null %} <script type="text/javascript"><br> {{ app<span>['ui_extensions_helper']</span>.js_inline|raw }}<br> </script> {% endif %} {% endblock %} <script> (function(d,t) { var BASE_URL="myurl"; var g=d.createElement(t),s=d.getElementsByTagName(t)[0];...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, i hope you are doing well. i just want to inform that i am facing an error while i am going to install the an plugin "PowerBI" using iTop hub. when i try to deployed the extension after some time its give me an error like " Error detected during deployment ! iTop configuration has not been modified " can anyone help me out fromt this kind of error. for just information my itop deployed in linux machine and the permission of the Configuration file is read only. -r--r------. is that is the proble...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Installing and using iTop

    HI Team, when i am going to install itop its show me the following error " Fatal error: Cannot use empty array elements in arrays in /var/www/html/itop/web/setup/ : eval()'d code on line 354 PHP error occured : msg=Cannot use empty array elements in arrays, no=64, file=/var/www/html/itop/web/setup/ : eval()'d code, line=354" but i did not change anything in this file.did not understand why it is giving the following error. please give...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Team, I hope you are doing well. I just want to know that is iTop has the capability to integrate with SAP. if yes then how can we integrate iTop with SAP. is there any plugin or public APIs . please share your valuable inputs . waiting for your reply. Thanks & Regards, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi , in the following documentation "" Display time spent, there is a lines of code: <item id="pending_provider_delay" _delta="define"> <rank>80</rank> </item> <!-- This displays a stopwatch (**including some sub-items)** --> <!-- This will help you to understand how a stopwatch behave --> <item id="providerstopwatch" _delta="define"> can you tell me how can i find the location where **some sub items** are present?...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi , in the following documentation "" Display time spent, there is a lines of code: <item id="pending_provider_delay" _delta="define"> <rank>80</rank> </item> <!-- This displays a stopwatch (**including some sub-items)** --> <!-- This will help you to understand how a stopwatch behave --> <item id="providerstopwatch" _delta="define"> can you tell me how can i find the location where **some sub items** are present?...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Team, I hope this email finds you well. recent enhancement I have done some changes on the Incident Ticket Form in the ITOP system, specifically related to displaying pending ticket time when ticket is in pending state. I now require your expertise in resolving a minor issue related to language localization. As part of the language transition effort, I have made changes to the "ja" dictionary of the Incident Ticket Form page to display the "Pending Provider" status in Japanese. I have confirmed...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi @cisou, can you confirm , I have enter ""activity_panel.datetimes_reformat_limit" at correct postion in configuration parameter . attached a snapshot for your referance. Thanks & Regrads, Rohit

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi, Thanks for your reply . i have gone through you link given link but the links is all define for configuration parameter and i have already change the default language from English to JP but nothing is changing after you login again into iTop. any other workaround if you have , i appreciate it. thanks in advance.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi , i have already change the default language Eng to JP in the " iTop Configuration file ". the result was that when i log off from the itop then a login page was occure where i can see the japanes language on the login page itself but when i have loged in into itop , the same english version is occuring . so is there any other possiblitied to changes the language in JP but not via preferances setting.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Team, i hope you are doing well. i just want to know that can i install the itop in japanes version and suppose i have installed itop in english version but now i want to change it into Japanes language then how can i achive this and what is the japanes language % ratio like as english version we have 100% ratio in English. i did not want to do this from preferances. thanks in advance . waiting for your reply.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi , i want to show the date of the ticket in the activity panel -> activity instead of showing the days like days ago. how can i achive this. attaching the snapshot for referance. waiting for you reply thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha created ticket #2182

    Inquiry Regarding Installing iTop in Japanese Language

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on ticket #1866

    Dear Lalit, I hope this message finds you well. I am currently using iTop and would like to explore the possibility of implementing multi-tenancy in my existing installation. I was wondering if you could provide guidance on how to set up multi-tenancy and the steps required to achieve it successfully. I am interested in configuring multi-tenancy in iTop to manage multiple separate environments (tenants) within a single installation. Each tenant should have its own distinct data, configurations, and...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi team, i hope you are doing well. i am using iTop community version and i have some question regarding itop which are following : About multitenancy feature of iTOP application and how can we implement multitannacy in itop what will be the time required to install, activate & make live the out of box ITOP tool with Multitenancy Set Up? What we also need to specify is given a fresh deployment environment? a appreciate your help and thanks in advance for giving valuable input . waiting for your reply...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    if my understanding is correct can you please verify my understanding. become a part of itop , is IT free or any paid service i have to take. Uploading plugins on GitHub: Fork the official iTop repository: Visit the iTop GitHub repository ( and click on the "Fork" button at the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account. Set up your local development environment: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git....

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    if my understanding is correct can you please verify my understanding. become a part of itop , is IT free or any paid service i have to take. Fork the official iTop repository: Visit the iTop GitHub repository ( and click on the "Fork" button at the top right corner. This will create a copy of the repository under your GitHub account. Set up your local development environment: Clone your forked repository to your local machine using Git. You will need to have PHP,...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Jeffrey, after uploading the new plugin on github, what will be the process, doesn't your team verify or review all plugin whatever is uploaded on GitHub repo via users or developers on GitHub?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    But suppose I created or modified the plugin then how can I share those new plugins/ modify plugin to the community and how will I contribute to the community?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Dear Team, I hope this email finds you all well. I have a question regarding the process of sharing modifications made to an existing plugin or introducing a new plugin. I would appreciate your guidance on the following points: Sharing Modifications: If I have made modifications to an existing plugin, I would like to share these changes with the team efficiently. It is crucial that everyone has access to the updated version to provide their feedback and suggestions. Please advise on the best approach...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    I have written this code in user request form "datamodel.itop-mgmt -itil" page, inside field id=status. <field id="status" _delta="must_exist"> <values> <value id="pending_provider" _delta="define""> pending_provider </value> </values> </field> and in the stimuls tags i have add the follwoing code , <stimulus id="ev_pending_provider" xsi:type="StimulusUserAction" _delta="define"> of the <stimulus> tag then i have add the below code in the dictonary side. wrote this code This code is written in end...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Team, I want to add a new state/transition to the event form page on my itop and for which this "" documentation of itop I am following With itop extension, I will get help like code documentation, I am following all steps and want to update code from toolkit, but code also have problem or not showing error. After code implementation I am not seeing any change in the form so what should I do now. waiting for your reply....

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Guys, Good Morning! I want to add a new additional field in the event ticket form below the title tag. So what do I have to mention in the ID so that this new detail structure appears in the incident ticket form. I have mentioned id = ""Incident" in the given code but the problem is same as I have given in first question, now event is coming instead of all. <itop_design xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0"> <classes> <class id="Incident"> <fields> <field id="notes"...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    "Hi Team, i am following the url : for adding an extra filed in the form . i am following all steps as mentions in the documentation but while checking the consistency of the extention it is showing the following error attaching the snap; <itop_design xmlns:xsi="" version="1.0"> <classes> <class id="Server"> <fields> <field id="notes" xsi:type="AttributeText" _delta="define"> <sql>notes</sql>...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Using iTop Hub

    Hello, I have successfully installed the Project Management plugin from the iTop Hub. However, I encountered an error while trying to configure it in the iTop configuration tab. When I pasted the code as instructed in the plugin documentation and attempted to save the configuration, an error occurred stating "Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /var/www/html/core/iTopConfigParser.php on line 129." I would appreciate any assistance, suggestions, or feedback on how to resolve this issue....

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @@cisou, yes i am using the iTop 3.0.2. thanks for the update. Is this issue fixed in itop 3.0.3 version?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @@cisou, yes i am using the iTop 3.0.2. thanks for the update. thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @pgoiffon, sorry for the confusion but both post are diff diff scenarios . this post is regarding the user permissions for attaching or uploading the files in the attachment . only admin can able to upload the attachment but user can not able to upload the files in the attachement part. and [436be47e43] this disscussion regarding the attachment option enablement in the FAQ section.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @pgoiffon, Admin only able to upload the files but after uploading user can not able to see the uploaded files. so can you pls tell me how can i add org_id field and which file i have to modify for enabling the feature so user also can see the uploaded files and also upload the files in attachment section.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    HI "I have no idea how to write extensions, which mail file to edit, or which files to create to write extensions. Can you please explain to me , which files I need to edit, such as XML, PHP, and datamodel files?" i also need to maintain the DB for it? Thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Dear support team, I downloaded the ITOP toolkit 3.0.0 from the official GitHub repository and followed the documentation to add it to my project directory, which includes the addon, synchro, portal, pages, setup, webservices, and other folders. However, when I try to access the toolkit by hitting ITOP_URL/toolkit, I receive the error message "The requested URL /toolkit/ was not found on this server." I'm not sure if I missed a step or if there is another problem. Could you please assist me in resolving...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi Vincent , thanks for your reply . i want to add somethink , i am using the Itop free version and not a combodo user and not use the itop licenced version of itop. so how can i implement the following rule.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi, i want to stop the SLA when the ticket is in Pending state. so it possible in itop to handle or stop the SLA timing when ticket status is in pending. waiting for reply. thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    HI Everyone, Actually i am new in itop and don't have much idea i want to add a free text field in incident creation form page in which user some text writing is enabled. Somebody tell me how can I do this. I am not able to understand in the documentation that what should I add in which file so that I can get an extra field in the incident creation form. Can someone share some script/code with example and file name without documentation and tell me the file name in which I can do modification. i...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    for regular users i gave only two permission in their profile : 1-support agent, 2-service desk agent. both cant create FAQs. The one who creates FAQ I have been given " problem manager " permissions like many FAQ's can create but not upload file in attachment. i also try with permission " Document author " but this persmission also , user not able to upload the docs.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    user can create the FAQs and in the "grant matrix" attachments: field is " YES ". attaching a snap there is a permission issue so user can upload the document but admin can upload the documents in FAQ attachment option. anything else i have miss like any configuration need to update in Configuration Management section?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    user can create the FAQs and in the "grant matrix" attachments: field is " YES ". attaching a snap there is a permission issue so user can upload the document but admin can upload the documents in FAQ attachment option. anything else i have miss like any configuration need to upadate in Configuration Management section?

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    user can create the FAQs and in the "grant matrix" attachments: field is " YES ". attaching a snap

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    user can create the FAQs and in the "grant matrix" attachments: field is " YES ". attaching a snap

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @jeffrey , suppose i am an iTop admin and you are the user and you are creating a FAQ and want to upload a attachment in the attachment section but when you try to upload the document then its showing like no attachment. so now what type of permission i have to gave you in your profile , so you can upload document easily. findan attachment for the referrance. Regards, Rohit Kushwaha

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @jeffrey , suppose i am an iTop admin and you are the user and you are creating a FAQ and want to upload a attachment in the attachment section but when you try to upload the document then its showing like no attachment. so now what type of permission i have to gave you in your profile , so you can upload document easily. Regards, Rohit Kushwaha

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi , Notifications have stopped going in itop. When I am doing mail testing from email.test.php then this error has come "Error: 'Connection could not be established with host " smtp mail Id " [Connection timed out #110] ". But few days ago with same smtp configuration notifications were working but now mail notification stopped going. And checking in the mail box content, the following error is showing, Failed to initialize the mailbox: Reason: Cannot connect to IMAP server:...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Customizing iTop

    Hi , I want to add a free text field in incident creation form page in which user can write some text. Somebody tell me how can I do this. I am attaching the snap for example. Thanks,

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello Guys, I have enabled attachment option in FAQ section but only admin is able to upload documents. As a user, I am not able to upload any document in attachment. Please someone tell me that, me as an admin, which role should I give permission in the user's profile so that the user can also upload documents in FQAs attachment? when user try to upload any document its showing like " no attachment". waiting for your reply guys. if anyone have the solution please guide me : Thanks in Adcance Regards,...

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha modified a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hello Guys, I have enabled attachment option in FAQ section but only admin is able to upload documents. As a user, I am not able to upload any document in attachment. Please someone tell me that, me as an admin, which role should I give permission in the user's profile so that the user can also upload documents in FQAs attachment? when user try to upload any document its showing like " no attachment". waiting for your reply guys Thanks in advance.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Thanks @Jeffrey and @cisou , it is working now .

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Thanks @Jeffrey and @Vincent , it is working.

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Jeffrey, suppose i hve some tickets in which documents are also uploaded and when i am going to export the tickets, at that time of checklist process, there is no option related to attachment which i can choose and select. Basically i want to export all the documents uploaded inside the tickets along with the tickets. Thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi @jeffrey, in my configuration file there is the following configuration like.. 'itop-attachment' = array( 'allowed_classes'=array( 0=> 'Ticket', ) ) so i don't think attachments option is enable for me ? i am right? can you tell me how can i enable it if it is not enabled. Thanks

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi, I am trying to export my tickets but also want to export the documents which are present in the those tickets but there are no option or checklist present for any selection. can anyone tell me how can i export the tickets with the documents which are already present in the tickets. Thanks in advance and appreciate for your reply Regards, Rohit Kushwaha

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion Extending and integrating iTop

    Hi Team, I hope you are well. i am in trouble because i want to upload documents like PDF, CSV file etc while Creating ITOP FAQs but in itop there no option for upload the documents. a rich text editor is presented in the description part but in the editor only images can be upload not any documents like pdfs etc. please suggest me how can i over come from this issue. I am Very Thankfull for your suggestions and support. BR Rohit Kushwaha

  • Rohit Kushwaha Rohit Kushwaha posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Jeffery, I'm getting the below error and also email to ticket creation extension is not working. i did not able to understand like 2 months ago these both (IMAP server & Extension ) service was working fine. but now it is not working. Itop Version - 3.0 Failed to initialize the mailbox: Reason: Cannot connect to IMAP server: '{}Inbox', with credentials: ''/'*' Array ( [0] => Retrying PLAIN authentication after...