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    Hi Alexandre, Thank you for your work, I really appreciate it. The script is useful, but I think it can be even more useful if, instead of asking the user to press some hotkey to save a node to history-map, the script somehow automatically does this for the user. For example, each time the user visits a node, and if he stays there for more than a few seconds, the script will automatically add the node to the history-map. I believe this improvement, if possible, will help save a lot of time and effort...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Hi Jubal and everyone, I am the author of the 2018 post that Jubal mentioned earlier :) Up until now I still hope that we will have a history panel soon, because moving back and forth node-by-node is sometimes not enough, this way of navigation is a bit slow. Part of the reason why it is slow is that I often make a lot of 'meaningless' selections, in which I accidentally select a node when I move the mouse around the map treeview. This makes navigating back node-by-node to the 'meaningful' selections...

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    @Edo thank you, I will give the add-on a try

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    @dpolivaev thank you very much

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    @dpolivaev Thank you for your response. I think it is a problem because in my example above, if instead of cutting, I moved node 3 by selecting it and dragging it to node "Test Map", then node 1 (the child of node 3) would not lose it cloning property. In my point of view, cutting and then pasting a node to another location should have the same effect as dragging it to that location. In other apps, these actions are both called "moving". Moreover, in large maps, it is impossible to drag a node to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    @dpolivaev Thank you for your response. I think it is a problem because in my example above, if instead of cutting, I moved node 3 by selecting it and dragging it to node "Test Map", then node 1 (the child of node 3) would not lose it cloning property. In my point of view, cutting and then pasting a node to another location should have the same effect as dragging it to that location. In other apps, these actions are both called "moving".

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Suppose we have this setup: node 1 node 2 contains node 3, which in turn contains a clone of node 1 please see picture "before_copy_cut.png" I attached below now if we copy or cut node 3 and paste it into node "Test Map" expected result: node 3 (after copy or cut) still contains the clone of node 1 actual result: node 3 (after copy or cut) contains a copy of node 1 please see picture "after_copy_cut.png" I attached below This weird behaviour (or bug) caused a huge problem in one of my big maps. In...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Freeplane

    Hi Lilive, You're right, I didn't think about the growing-cache issue when I proposed the idea. But I think Jumper can offer this feature as optional. It's like a trade off between speed and space. I don't know about other people, but as for me, I am willing to choose speed in this case, since the maps consists of mostly text so they cannot grow too big and I still have hundreds of unused GBs in my hard drive ^^ I'm also considering another option: I could not remove the html formating when jumper...

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2012-04-16 11:05:08


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