Activity for Robertonisola

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Alexandre, Thank you for your work, I really appreciate it. The script is useful, but I think it can be even more useful if, instead of asking the user to press some hotkey to save a node to history-map, the script somehow automatically does this for the user. For example, each time the user visits a node, and if he stays there for more than a few seconds, the script will automatically add the node to the history-map. I believe this improvement, if possible, will help save a lot of time and effort...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Jubal and everyone, I am the author of the 2018 post that Jubal mentioned earlier :) Up until now I still hope that we will have a history panel soon, because moving back and forth node-by-node is sometimes not enough, this way of navigation is a bit slow. Part of the reason why it is slow is that I often make a lot of 'meaningless' selections, in which I accidentally select a node when I move the mouse around the map treeview. This makes navigating back node-by-node to the 'meaningful' selections...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @Edo thank you, I will give the add-on a try

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dpolivaev thank you very much

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dpolivaev Thank you for your response. I think it is a problem because in my example above, if instead of cutting, I moved node 3 by selecting it and dragging it to node "Test Map", then node 1 (the child of node 3) would not lose it cloning property. In my point of view, cutting and then pasting a node to another location should have the same effect as dragging it to that location. In other apps, these actions are both called "moving". Moreover, in large maps, it is impossible to drag a node to...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dpolivaev Thank you for your response. I think it is a problem because in my example above, if instead of cutting, I moved node 3 by selecting it and dragging it to node "Test Map", then node 1 (the child of node 3) would not lose it cloning property. In my point of view, cutting and then pasting a node to another location should have the same effect as dragging it to that location. In other apps, these actions are both called "moving".

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Suppose we have this setup: node 1 node 2 contains node 3, which in turn contains a clone of node 1 please see picture "before_copy_cut.png" I attached below now if we copy or cut node 3 and paste it into node "Test Map" expected result: node 3 (after copy or cut) still contains the clone of node 1 actual result: node 3 (after copy or cut) contains a copy of node 1 please see picture "after_copy_cut.png" I attached below This weird behaviour (or bug) caused a huge problem in one of my big maps. In...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lilive, You're right, I didn't think about the growing-cache issue when I proposed the idea. But I think Jumper can offer this feature as optional. It's like a trade off between speed and space. I don't know about other people, but as for me, I am willing to choose speed in this case, since the maps consists of mostly text so they cannot grow too big and I still have hundreds of unused GBs in my hard drive ^^ I'm also considering another option: I could not remove the html formating when jumper...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lilive, You're right, I didn't think about the growing-cache issue when I proposed the idea. But I think Jumper can offer this feature as optional. It's like a trade off between speed and space. I don't know about other people, but as for me, I am willing to choose speed in this case, since the maps consists of mostly text so they cannot grow too big and I still have hundreds of unused GBs in my hard drive ^^ I'm also considering another option: I could not remove the html formating when jumper...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lilive, You're right, I didn't think about the growing-cache issue when I proposed the idea. But I think Jumper can offer this feature as optional. It's like a trade off between speed and space. I don't know about other people, but as for me, I am willing to choose speed in this case, since the maps consists of mostly text so they cannot grow too big and I still have hundreds of unused GBs in my hard drive ^^ I'm also considering another option: I could not remove the html formating when jumper...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi lilive, I'm sorry that I cannot upload my map because it contains information about my work and my company won't allow it. But here is some info about the map: It has more than 2000 nodes. It has pictures in notes, but these are only html links to the real pictures stored externally, and since Jumper converts the whole map to plain text, I think the pictures don't matter. The map also contains a lot of unicode (non-ascii) characters because my mother tongue language is not English. Don't know...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi lilive, I've just updated to version 1.0.0. It's nice and useful. Thank you for your hard work. There is one problem though: When I use Jumper with one of my large maps (map's size ~5 MB), it takes about 4-5 seconds just to start Jumper, which is quite long. In small maps (map's size under 1 MB) Jumper starts much faster. Is there anything we can do to make Jumper start faster when working with large maps?

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you Dimitry, I will try again tonight.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to build version 1.8.6 in Windows, but not successful yet. I have been following the build instructions from Freeplane Wiki page Specifically, here are the steps that I've done: 1. clone Freeplane from GitHub 2. cd into the freeplane folder 3. run: gradle build I attached here a txt file showing the build error log, please take a look. It has something to do with "freeplane_mac". But the funny thing is, also with the above steps, in the past I was succeeded in building a 1.7.x version....

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I am trying to build version 1.8.6 in Windows, but not successful yet. I have been following the build instructions from Freeplane Wiki page Specifically, here are the steps that I've done: clone Freeplane from GitHub cd into the freeplane folder * run: gradle build I attached here a txt file showing the build error log, please take a look. It has something to do with "freeplane_mac". But the funny thing is, also with the above steps, in the past I was succeeded in building a 1.7.x version. Here...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi lilive, I got a null pointer exception when I was playing with the highlight color option (ie. I was trying to choose another highlight color rather than the default one). Please see the attachment for error log. Thank you.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lilive, I think this script is a great idea, especially for large maps. I have some questions and comments: Does this script alter the map in any way? Is there any risk of data loss or map corruption? How does this script handle clones? I think it should show only search results from the original node, not the clone ones. In the next version, I would love to see the ability to search for words in the node's notes too, since I use them heavily. I think this is no simple task, but still hope to...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Lilive, I think this script is a great idea, especially for large maps. I have some questions and comments: Does this script alter the map in any way? Is there any risk of data loss or map corruption? How does this script handle clones? I think it should show only search results from the original node, not the clone ones. * In the next version, I would love to see the ability to search for words in the node's notes too, since I use them heavily. I think this is no simple task, but still hope to...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @echo21: Thank you very much for your analysis. The original map (which had this problem) was created and edited purely in Freeplane, using only mouse and keyboard, no script involved. And I agree with you that it might be difficult to reproduce this problem because that map was very big with thousands of nodes, and thousands of commands (create, cut, copy, clone...) have been executed on it, and somehow a rare combination of these commands created this problem. After all, no app is perfect so it...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    @dpolivaev Honestly I don't remember how I created that map. The map I attached here is just a strip-down version of the full map on which I noticed this behaviour. In order for you to fully understand my concern, I'd like to tell you my way of using clones: I often create a lot of clones when working on a project. And when this project finishes, I delete all of the clones, but I have to keep the original node. So regarding the 'strange' behaviour I mentioned in this topic, it is dangerous to me...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If d (and all its children) was cloned, the rectangle attached to g would be small, not large. Please take a look at the picture I attached with this reply.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have a simple map (please see the attached picture and map). In the map, there are 2 nodes named g, and since they both have the large rectangle at the left side, they are clone. The strange thing is: If one of them is deleted, the other one disappears too. This is not something I expect. What I expect is that: if a clone is deleted, then the other node should still exist. Also in the map, there are 2 nodes named d, if I delete one of them, the other still exists. This is the correct behavior....

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The best solution I'm aware of is to create a link from a node in map A (suppose this is the target node) to a node in map B (suppose this is the reference node). To do this: in map A: select the target node, right click it and choose 'copy node URI' in map B: select the ref node, press Ctrl + k, a small window will open, and you paste the URI into it.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is a quite basic thing but I cannot find it anywhere in Freeplane GUI. If you know the way, please help me, thanks.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the past when I showed my maps to my colleagues, there were nodes that I didn't want them to see. Back then I used the lock feature. Now if we can hide nodes, this will be a good alternative to my above mentioned use case.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When working with Freeplane, we often move back and forth between recently visited nodes, therefore it would be very helpful if Freeplane had a panel showing a list of these nodes. Even though right now we can already use (alt + left) and (alt + right) to move between these nodes, but this solution has some drawbacks: We can only move to the next adjacent node (in time) and we don't know which node we are about to move to (we only know the destination after we press the above keys). A panel (like...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When working with Freeplane, we often move back and forth between recently visited nodes, therefore it would be very helpful if Freeplane had a panel showing a list of these nodes. Even though right now we can already use <alt> + <left> and <alt> + <right> to move between these nodes, but this solution has some drawbacks: We can only move to the next adjacent node (in time) and we don't know which node we are about to move to (we only know the destination after we press the above keys).</right></alt></left></alt>...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    When working with Freeplane, we often move back and forth between recently visited nodes, therefore it would be very helpful if Freeplane had a panel showing a list of these nodes. Even though right now we can already use <alt> + <left> and <alt> + <right> to move between these nodes, but this solution has some drawbacks: We can only move to the next adjacent node (in time) and we don't know which node we are about to move to (we only know the destination after we press the above keys).</right></alt></left></alt>...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you very much, Dimitry!

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Recently I've switched to use Freeplane with a dark style. Everything is good, except for a small problem: The color of the cursor in SimplyHTML is still black. Well, it is black by default (which is ok with a white background) but when I set the background of the note editor to a dark color, because the cursor is black, I cannot see it clearly. Please take a look at the attached image FP_note_editor.png for example. However, the cursor's color of the node core dialog does change to white (after...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you, Dimitry. I am looking forward to your blog.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Since my Freeplane toolbar still has many empty space, I'd like to add some custom toolbar icons in order to execute some of my scripts from them. I've read this guide: Menus and commands, it gave me a start, but still not enough information for me to achieve my goal. Could you please give me some guides on how to proceed? Thank you.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please take a look at the attached picture. I have two sets of nodes: (S1, T1) and it's clone (S2, T2). If from S1, I create a link to T1, then this link will also appear in S2 (this is normal). The problematic thing is, if I click the link in S2, what I want is to move to T2, but it brings me to T1 instead. In other words, both of the links point to T1. Is there anyway to "force" the link created in S2 to point to T2? Thanks.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi nnako, Is there any hotkey to jump back to previous nodes of only one map (the active map)? In many situations, jumping back to previous nodes of all opened maps is not what I want to do. Thank you.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Ken, I have created the ticket. Thank you.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola created ticket #2457

    A panel showing recently viewed nodes of a map

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everyone, When working with a map, many times we have to move back and forth between recently opened nodes in order to read and update information for them. Therefore it would be great if we could have a panel showing a list of recently viewed nodes, for example, 10 recently viewed nodes would be perfect. The panel might be a floating panel. Is there anyway to implement this panel via groovy? If there is, please show me some guidelines, thank you.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi power Freeplane users, Inside the Note Editor, currently we have these options for changing text color: (Please see file attachment_1.png below) However, in many cases, I need to apply a different color to the text, like in this sentence: (Please see file attachment_2.png below) Of course I can Ctrl + W and then select the color and then apply, however this is slow since I need to do this repeatedly. It would be awesome if there is a hot key for an user-defined color, not just standard colors...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi nnako, Thank you for your answer. It helps.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, I am looking for a hot key to activate this "Find and Replace" window: (please see the attachment) This "Find and Replace" window belongs to the note panel. Normally, when you are editing some text inside the note panel, you just need to press Ctrl + F to activate this window. However, when your mouse are not inside the note panel, for example, when you are editing nodes on the map, then you cannot activate this window by any hot key. I even tried the "assign hot key" feature of Freeplane,...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, I am looking for a hot key to activate this "Find and Replace" window: This "Find and Replace" window belongs to the note panel. Normally, when you are editing some text inside the note panel, you just need to press Ctrl + F to activate this window. However, when your mouse are not inside the note panel, for example, when you are editing nodes on the map, then you cannot activate this window by any hot key. I even tried the "assign hot key" feature of Freeplane, but it didn't let me...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Does Freeplane have something like a night mode? (night mode is a mode in which the map and note background color are both black, and the text's color is white) This will be very helpful to reduce eyes strain when working for long hours. Thanks.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After a long time using Freeplane, I have always asked myself what is the most beautiful style for a map. By map's style I mean a combination of node color, edge color, node core's text font... we usually use for a map. I believe when a map is more beautiful, it will help us work more efficiently. Here is an example of my current style: If possible, please post your map's styles here. I am happy to learn from all of you. Thank you very much.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    After a long time using Freeplane, I have always asked myself what is the most beautiful style for a map. By map's style I mean a combination of node color, edge color, node core's text font... we usually use for a map. I believe when a map is more beautiful, it will help us work more efficiently. Here is an example of my current style: If possible, please post your map's styles here. I am happy to learn from all of you. Thank you very much.

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, I have used Freeplane for quite a long time, and it's great. There's...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everyone, I cannot fold nodes by one level. However, "Folds the selected node...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry, The map is beautiful. It's clear and concise. I have learned some useful...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, In my opinion, Freeplane is a valuable tool. And like most successful...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Personally I think that, for new users, it is better to have a normal, linear, pdf-like...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Volker, I think I can proceed from this code snippet :) Thank you very much for...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everyone, I would like to know which API function can be used to move the cursor...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Volker, As your suggestion, I have just tried tag <font>. However, it has also...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Volker, As your suggestion, I have just tried tag . However, it has also been...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry and friends, After a thorough search, I found 2 other threads describing...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, In an attempt to implement an advanced "search and highlight" feature...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi everybody, In an attempt to implement an advanced "search and highlight" feature...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Your comment are so funny :D I love Freeplane too. Perhaps the coolest thing about...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    By "stable" I mean how consistent the behaviour of the app is. Here is one of the...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What do you use Freeplane for? - Project management; - Study / knowledge organization;...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry and the dev community, Thank you very much for your efforts. Since you...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So, after a long discussion, and 1 month since the day Felix announced his intention,...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    No, that's just the way it is :) The note is programmed by something called SimplyHTML....

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry, Thank you for your time anyway. Since no other users seeing the same...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    One of the things I'd like to see is a special note that captures everything you...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry, Here is the complete Freeplane window: I have rearranged some items inside...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    4 days, 20 views, and 0 answer. Ok, I get it, I have not described the problem clearly...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, I have been experiencing this annoying rendering problem in notes. To...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, thank you for your helpful answers. With the above comments from Dimitry...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, I am using 1.3.15, and it's stable. But I really love the clone feature...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, Suppose I have a map which is named M. M has several nodes. Suppose at time...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the solution. It's quite trivial indeed. In case anyone goes into the same...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I found the solution. It's quite trivial indeed. In case anyone goes into the same...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, Currently, if I want to add picture P to the note of node N of map M1,...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, I found a java library named unbescape. Using this library solved my problem...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry, Thank you for your answer. I have searched the internet to figure out...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, Suppose I have this unicode string 'Nhật Bản'. When I pass it to function...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, Suppose I have this unicode string 'Nhật Bản'. When I pass it to function...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you again, Volker! This solution worked. I'm new to HTML so I didn't know this...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi volker, I tried your solution too. I entered this: And the result was: However...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, in one of my scripts I used function setNote() like this: node.setNote('<html><body>This...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, in one of my scripts I used function setNote() like this: node.setNote('<html><body>This...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi nnako, <CTRL> + <SHIFT> + <F> is good, but it is still not enough. If there are...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi friends, When I work with Freeplane, I use notes a lot. I always display the note...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Dimitry, Thank you for your reply. If replacing SimplyHTML is too time and effort...

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for pointing me to a useful thread. I will continue the discussion there....

  • Robertonisola Robertonisola posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi guys, When editing a note with the SimplyHTML text editor, I'd like to change...