Hi, The question is, when to center a modal property sheet related to its parent. Upon receiving the PSCB_INITIALIZED message, the first tab hat not received the WM_INITDIALOG message yet. At that stage, although the sheet has been created and has a size, it has not properly resized itself according to the tabs size it holds. In a nutshell, if you call CenterWindow upon receiving PSCB_INITIALIZED, nothing happens. A workaround is to center the property sheet inside the WM_INITDIALOG of the first...
Hi all, sorry but I messed up with my project settings. I can see those properties. Please discard my previous post and if you want remove it since it isn't useful at all for anyone. Thanks!
Hi, I just discovered that there has been a new group of properties (visual studio properties pane) related to the dynamic layout of dialogs at design time (resources). They have been there since VS2005. Unfortunately it seems that they are available only on MFC projects only. Is there a trick /a way to let them appear also for resources of Win32 projects? Thanks!
Sorry, it was an oversight. I didn't see the wrapping method around CreateDialogParam. Thanks
Hi, Thanks for the answer. My intention was to have a tab control plus some other controls around it on the parent dialog. CProperty* classes don't allow that. I was playing a bit with the tab control and wanted to add a dialog for each tab and I noticed WTL doesn't provide a modeless dialog class as far as I've seen. Is that true? How can I achieve that? Thanks
Hi, Basically, I would like to have a traditional "settings"/configurations dialog for my program, where the user can (un)set global settings. Under the resource I created a dialog and dragged a tabctrl on it. Then I created several dialogs each one for every tab that I will add to the tab control. What is the WTL class that I could use for my scenario? I've looked through the WTL Samples folder without finding anything useful. CTabCtrl is a simple wrapper around the Win32 tab control. It misses...
Thanks, Igor, for your time and explanation. It is much clearer now.
Hello Michael, Thank you for you answer. I appreciate it. I'm pretty much new to WTL but I had already read the link you provided. The compile-time polymorphism is quite clear, but I have some generic questions regarding the design of WTL, design that I didn't catch very well. I'm sure I can wrap my head around it as I'd go further using WTL, I hoped however I could find an answer in an updated doc. 1) There are some classes whose name end with T. For example CPagerCtrlT. There is the declaration...