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  • Posted a comment on discussion Great Cow Graphical BASIC Problems on GCBASIC

    Hi Im trying code to comunicate a PIC12F675 with a GSM SIM800L, this is my first code: #chip 12F675, 4 #option Explicit #include <SoftSerial.h> #DEFINE RELE GPIO.0 #DEFINE DEBUG_TXD GPIO.1 #DEFINE CALL_INT GPIO.2 #DEFINE DEBUG_RXD GPIO.3 #DEFINE GSM_RXD GPIO.4 #DEFINE GSM_TXD GPIO.5 DIR RELE OUT DIR DEBUG_TXD OUT DIR CALL_INT IN DIR DEBUG_RXD IN DIR GSM_RXD IN DIR GSM_TXD OUT #define SER1_BAUD 9600 ; baudrate must be defined #define SER1_TXPORT GPIO ; I/O port (without .bit) must be defined #define...

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