Activity for Ron Novy

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    I'm trying to do the same thing for Windows 11 ARM by creating an ARM64X compilation. ARM64X requires both ARM64 and ARM64EC targets in order to get the ARM64X to work and I'm stuck at this stupid Schemasoft library again. I've used the other structured storage libraries before but they don't seem to be 100% compatible with the files created by Schemasoft code and I have no idea why.

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any chance the Schemasoft structured storage library sources used for the other platforms can get compiled for Windows 11 ARM? I've been trying to create a windows ARM64X build of AAF in visual studio 2022 and, aside from just a few changes to platform detection in the AAF headers, the big thing holding it back is the missing ssrw_c.lib for Windows ARM64, ARM64EC or ARM64X. The original sources for that Schemasoft lib seem to be unobtanium... Any chance anyone here might be able to help with tha...

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    That's basically what I thought. Still very interesting. ;)

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Thank you for the update. This is very interesting. Please keep us updated.

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    Jim, thank you for chiming in. I see you are a member since your name is still listed on the website. I thought to myself that it would be a perfect time to grab a membership and get the code updated and make a few people happy, but then I realized I don't work for a company with a membership and I only have about $100 in the bank, which might be best if it stays there. I honestly don't think the membership would be worth the money for myself because the ROI wouldn't be worth it. It would only benifit...

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    I've only ever been able to build using VS2010 because the required SchemaSoft Structured Storage library included with AAF was compiled using VS2010 dynamic run-time. I should also mention that I've created my own VS project files for compiling AAF and it only compiles the stuff important to me (the main dll and aaffmtconv). Using any other version of VS while compiling the AAF library will result in linker errors and warnings about ssrw_c.lib (SchemaSoft) library having been compiled with VS2010...

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Developers

    To convert to xml you use: aaffmtconv -xml input.aaf output.xml To go the other way...

  • Ron Novy Ron Novy posted a comment on discussion Help

    Someone has asked me to compile the library using the static version of the Microsoft...