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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I figured it out....Duh....too low of base resistor on the tranistors I had on the outputs and apparently that was making the pic do weird things

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    That did not change the result

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    here they are for the most basic version

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I am just turning on a led with a 220ohm resistor on both right now

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I really am at a loss here....With just this code it turns on one output then after the wait turns it off before turning on the next output, I can switch the order and it will do the same thing with whatever output turns on first. chip 12F675, 4 'mhz 'config INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT, MCLRE=off, WDT=off Dir GPIO.0 Out Dir GPIO.1 Out Dir GPIO.2 Out Dir GPIO.3 In Dir GPIO.4 Out Dir GPIO.5 Out Wait 100 mS 'I have had trouble sometimes reprogramming these devices, having a small delay sometimes helps? Do Let...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    I tried your ideas, and still same results, it will just pulse the output for whatever wait time I have after the on command then it goes off, and if i have no "wait" then it is just a instant on and off of the output? chip 12F675, 4 'mhz 'Is this needed for Great Cow Basic? config INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT, MCLRE=off, WDT=off dir gpio.0 in 'an0 bat1 dir gpio.1 in 'an1 bat2 dir relay1 Out dir relay2 Out dir gpio.5 out 'buck on dim bat1 as word dim bat2 as word main: bat1 = (ReadAD10(AN0)) bat2 = (ReadAD10(AN1))...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on GCBASIC

    When I run this the gpio.2 and gpio.4 only flicker and turn off right away but the gpio.5 stays on like it should amd I missing something? chip 12F675, 4 'mhz config INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT, MCLRE=off, WDT=off define relay1 gpio.2 define relay2 gpio.4 dir gpio.0 in 'an0 bat1 dir gpio.1 in 'an1 bat2 dir relay1 Out dir relay2 Out dir gpio.5 out 'buck on dim bat1 as word dim bat2 as word main: bat1 = (ReadAD10(AN0)) bat2 = (ReadAD10(AN1)) if bat1 >= 409 then if bat2 < 409 then charge2 end if if bat1 < 409...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on PuTTY Session Manager

    I want to use a pic that has a antenna on a pin and a output that beeps faster the stonger the signal detected by the antenna is, and i want it to detect signals between 20khz-100khz only. ANy help on a starting point would be great Thanks

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2016-02-24 19:43:57


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