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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Boost C++ Libraries

    Hello, I've got a strange behaviour when reading edges after applying Kruskal algo on a delaunay graph. When displaying the result edges, sometimes one point of some edge can be a point (always (0,0)) which hadn't been added in the graph points. Does someone know where that comes from? Thanks

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Boost C++ Libraries

    Hi everyone, I created a Delaunay graph and used kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree on it in order to retrieve a list of edges, mostly by copy/pasting some code. Thing is I'm more a C prog than a C++ one, and reading boost stuff is such a pain. Anyway, I'd like to associate an index to each of my vertex and when retrieving the edges, being able to get the index of eah point of the edge. How can I do that? Do I already have that in my code? I add indexes in my code in the lines : for (boost::tie(vit, ve)...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Boost C++ Libraries

    Hi everyone, I created a Delaunay graph and used kruskal_minimum_spanning_tree on it in order to retrieve a list of edges, mostly by copy/pasting some code. Thing is I'm more a C prog than a C++ one, and reading boost stuff is such a pain. Anyway, I'd like to associate an index to each of my vertex and when retrieving the edges, being able to get the index of eah point of the edge. How can I do that? Do I already have that in my code? Thanks, guys!!! <a href="#"> typedef CGAL::Exact_predicates_inexact_constructions_kernel...

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2006-03-06 11:10:44


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