Activity for Martin Riedl

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl modified a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, sorry for the late response. Which commands did you execute? And did you try to run the software using the VM or do you have an Hadoop cluster? And which input data did you use? Best, Martin

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, sorry for the late response. Which commands did you execute? And did you try to run the software using the VM or do you have an Hadoop cluster? Best, Martin

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Dear Amrit, for computing, you would require a Hadoop cluster. Furthermore, I would advise to use the more recent documentation from the KONVENS tutorial: Furthermore, for Hadoop computations you do not need the virtual machine as describes (this is just for testing), but just the Hadoop cluster and you might also use the recent jobimtext version: Best,...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Dear Amrit, I assume you are getting this error, as the dt-file is compressed. You need to decompress the wikipedia_stanford*.gz file (gunzip wikipedia...) and then start the command again. This will generate the different senses for each word. What is the purpose with "generating clustered file" for normal set of sentence? If you want to computed the senses for document collection, you have to compute a DT and then use this DT for the sense computation with Chinese Whispers. Best, Martin

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    that's great news! For the pattern file I would use one of the English General Domain, e.g.: Of course it will not contain ALL types of patterns, but I guess it might contain enough patterns to have a generally good coverage. Please also check that the format is correct (see post above). Best, Martin

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, so if you want to have a more recent documentation you can find it in the slide decks of our tutorial: There is a full example of all steps (with some hadoop VM). You can execute most commands if you have a hadoop cluster with the most recent source code on sourceforge. regarding your issues: there seems to be some issue with your patterns.txt and senses.txt file. Check the following: senses.txt: the information is separated by tab...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, to problem in the comand is the asterisk (*) without quotes. Running the command as following should work: sh ../splitted/ "*" output.txt extractor_relation.xml MaltParser Best, Martin

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl modified a wiki page


  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Dear Amrit, the script was used in a previous JoBImText version. You can still use it if you download the following archive:

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, this documentation is slightly deprecated. But the mysql has been renamed and can be downloaded here:

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on a wiki page

    Hi Amrit, thanks for your interest. If you want to test the joBimText framework, you can test the Webinterface, available at: A documentation how to access the similarities is available here:

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r841]

    remove sysout

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r840]

    fix bug

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r839]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r838]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r837]

    tokenizer that only detects tokens via whitespa...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r834]

    add the n-gram frequency to the output out the ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r14]

    describe simple tokenization which is now possible

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r13]

    add scripts for generating the executable

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r12]

    rm unneccessary dependency

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r11]

    add function to use simple sentence & token seg...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r827]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r824]

    remove unused import which produced errors

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r823]

    add documentation

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r820]

    pig script to compress data

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r819]

    add documentation

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r818]

    correct SingleSenseCombiner

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r817]

    fix bug

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r816]

    add sourcecode for singlesense experiments (als...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r815]

    Refactor Simcount to have the different weighti...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r814]

    slight refactoring

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r813]

    add Tokens POS extractor for MWE including POS

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r812]

    generalize adding extractor configurations

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r811]

    add parser project

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r810]

    corrected MWE Trigram extractor including POS a...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r809]

    extractor for token POS

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r808]

    filtering options for DRUID scores

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r807]

    annotator for MWE Trigram including POS (yet no...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r806]

    descriptor and resources used for the unsupervi...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r805]

    descriptor for unsupervised parser

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r804]

    implementation of Anders Søgaard's unsupervised...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r803]

    enable gzip support

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r802]

    add unsupervised parser

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r801]

    add a factory class to instantiate a structure ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r799]

    check that temp folder does NOT exist as the al...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r798]

    print non-matching lines

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r797]

    new dt pruning script including wc & sim filtering

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r796]

    - some cleaning in sourcecode

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r795]

    add functionality to read DTs in gzip format

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r10]

    change dkpro version

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r9]

    some corrections (first sentences were missing)

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Joe, thanks for the notes. a) I have just fixed the StartHolingOperation issue...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r780]

    generalize the StartHolingOperation

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hello Joe, we have some SPARK code available that performs the DT computation. There...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r120]

    add dependency to oss examples to have also the...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r763]

    modify script to output insert and output path

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r762]

    HolingOperation example

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r761]

    add RelationName as parameter

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r748]

    MWE descriptor

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r733]

    - add some comments to MapReducer

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r732]

    correct some minor bugs in the Druid MWE Comput...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r731]

    MapReducer to compute the DRUID score

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r730]

    Change UniqMapper from Integer to Long, otherwi...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r728]

    correct random contextualizer

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r721]

    change from old depreacted dfs to fs and change...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r720]

    add source to jar, to also have access to javadoc

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r719]

    change simcount to use different separator for ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r718]

    fix some errors

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r717]

    add functionality to split one column into seve...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r716]

    include patterns for each selected column

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r715]

    UniqMapper with possibility to specify regex to...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r714]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r108]

    add multiple context scores for each term

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r107]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r709]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r705]

    add dependency to bluej util which is now used ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r105]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r704]

    sort expansions according to ctx score

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r104]

    change contextualize to use simple contextualiz...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r703]

    add simple contextualization method similar to ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r103]

    Start random contextualization

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r702]

    Extend Distr.Exp by context score

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r701]

    change default_parallel to 100 for both simsort...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r693]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r683]

    separate features by tab instead of whitespace

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r20]

    split cv code

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r679]

    Updates to the evaluation code:

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r675]

    reader to iterate through DT entry based

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r622]

    change JoAnnotator (remove System.out...)

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r621]

    add new Parameter for minimum similarity (-ms) ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r617]

    Annotator to annotate Jo's according to POS pat...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r591]

    python script

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r590]

    rename some parameters with short and longname

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r589]

    extend hadoop script:

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r588]

    add multiple sense support for DCA Light

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r585]

    correct minor bug with mwe (replacing " " -> _ ...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r580]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r572]

    change hostname to be found automatically/corre...

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r571]

  • Martin Riedl Martin Riedl committed [r567]

    presteps to support new descriptors

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