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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on gnuplot

    Specify the range of the fit as the first argument c.f. 'he;p fit' On Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 01:41:50 PM CDT, Earl Mitchell <> wrote: Appreciate your input. I'm working on plotting a dataset and would like to illustrate the transition from non-linearity to linearity. While I intend to show the entire dataset, I'm interested in limiting the fit to a specified range, akin to Excel's functionality. Is there a method to accomplish this tailored range for the plot?...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on gnuplot

    You need to insert a blank line between each of the file when Qx or Qy changes. If neither is constant plot them as points. Or do a surface fit to the points and plot that. I'd start by just doing: splot 'data' u 1:2:3 Then define f(x,y) and g(x,y) and do: splot 'data' u ( Assuming your data is actually phi, theta, intensity then the calculation in gnuplot would look something like: 'data' using ((4 * pi / wavelength) * sin(((2$1) / 2) - $2 * sin((2$1)):(4 * pi / wavelength) * cos(((2$1) / 2) - $2...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    But you are using a global variable. It's just unnamed and somewhere it doesn't belong. What you're doing is the sort of thing that gave forth a bad reputation which the language doesn't deserve. As noted, I can write C programs which don't use global variables and don't use function arguments. Fortunately, I've never run across code that did that. I might have gone looking for the author with seriously hostile intent. I use local variables unless I need a global variable or encounter a case where...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    I've not responded to this earlier because I was completely baffled. The sort of abuse of the stack and return stack described is a really bad thing to do. I'm going to use C as an example, but all high level languages follow the same pattern as it is imposed by the operating system and the linker. This is just a rough outline. I shall leave as an exercise stepping through a program and dumping memory to the reader. The details vary by system to some degree. When a function is called, the current...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    What ever got either of you thinking that the stack was for anything but passing parameters to and from words? What books on forth did you read? I have two by Leo Brodie. Both seem to me rather confused and confusing. More harmful than beneficial. It makes my head hurt just to read a few pages. Rather than make something complex, simple, he makes something simple, complex. Every time a word pushes output such as the address of a buffer and the length on the stack you have created unnamed variables....

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    Your use case is an abuse of the stack. Don't do that. Allocate a buffer and test against overflow. You have to provide flow control. Why are you not using XON/XOFF? Without flow control you are implementing a forth version of gets(3c) which should have never been allowed in the C standard library. For your use case the only thing that should be put on the stack are the buffer address and the length of the contents. Forth is not Java. REPL is a Java version of the forth outer interpreter. It's not...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    Would you please provide some context for your posts? I have no idea what this is in reference to. I took half an hour of my time to devise a forth-79 algorithm to do something that makes no sense. The fact that Mecrisp does not implement ROLL is of no consequence. It's easy to define and I could simply post a scan of the forth code to do that. You have not explained why you want to reverse the order of the stack. The fact that you want to do that indicates that you do not grasp that the stack is...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Mecrisp

    I'll have more to say tomorrow. It's mostly written but not yet reviewed and edited. In the meantime, I'd like to call the following to your attention: In particular, I call your attention to its stack based architecture which did not receive widespread acceptance until the introduction of RISC processors in the late...

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2008-08-16 19:26:59


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