User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1915 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    I'm also getting the error on every sync, for about the last week or two

  • Posted a comment on ticket #961 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Thanks for the help guys! After deleting all profiles, config, settings, tokens, etc... and reinstalling, my Google calendar is again working perfectly. I still have no idea what caused the initial permission errors. However, over the weekend I did get an email fronm corporate IT about ".pst files no longer being allowed". The one they flagged was on an old network drive & should have had no effect with my current Caldav setup, but maybe their sticky fingers are reaching further than they are admitting...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #961 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    @Alexander Nimmervoll: I have since uninstalled CalDav, and made sure the Program Files/Caldav is deleted as well. Reinstalled Caldav & was surprised to see my Google profile was still in place!! I deleted the profile and recreated it. Now calendar sync completed without the permissions errors, but new calendar entries (since new install 2 days ago) are not syncing. At this point I have tried so many different settings, I want to start from ground zero. I was hoping re-install would do that, but...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #961 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Running Outlook with Admin rights does not change the symptoms.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #961 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Here is the debug log

  • Created ticket #961 on Outlook CalDav Synchronizer

    Synchronize with Google Calendar fails

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on crrcsim

    Yay, I have compiling success on Xubuntu 17.04! I first installed g++-5, and already had gcc-5 installed. Then I followed this as a guide: My exact code: $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-6 100 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-6 $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 50 --slave /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5 $ sudo update-alternatives --config...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #6 on crrcsim

    Due to all the /c++/6 errors, I supected that CRRCSIM 0.9.13 may have been written to an earlier version of c++. My errors above were on Xubuntu 17.04 which uses g++ 6.3. I created a Virtualbox install of Ubuntu 16.04, which uses g++ 5.4 and compile completes without errors and I am able to run CRRCSIM. Next I will see if I can make my Xubuntu 17.04 use g++ 5. I see it is installed but not sure how to switch compiler.

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2005-10-19 11:53:45
United States / CDT


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