Activity for Recos IC

  • Recos IC Recos IC posted a comment on discussion Discussions

    thank you very much for the fast answer. we are using it since two years as an ldap proxy in several production environments. so far we didn't encounter any stability or performance problems. you did a very good job! :-) but one customer has 3000 active connections. 3000 threads are using around 800 mb memory. I don't know if i should try to add a thread pool. and maybe we get a new customer with around 20000 active connections.

  • Recos IC Recos IC posted a comment on discussion Discussions

    Hi Does the InMemoryServer use a thread pool to process requests or does it create a thread per connection?

  • Recos IC Recos IC posted a comment on discussion Discussions

    hi I use the InMemoryDirectoryServer for some type of proxy server between an ldap...