
Tree [10c9ed] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 CPPUnit 2011-09-23 Ricardo Tiago Ricardo Tiago [aaecdb] Merge branch 'master' into unstable
 build 2011-08-07 Patrick Niedzielski Patrick Niedzielski [65b1a1] Revert last commit, add .gitingore instead. Th...
 cmake 2012-08-02 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [10c9ed] Now, we sign Git tags with PGP.
 doc 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 include 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 scripts 2012-06-15 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [d15753] Use a ChangeLog generator script.
 src 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 tests 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [466187] Modifications to the build system. Tests now a...
 .gitignore 2012-06-21 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [07b841] Add a .gitignore
 AUTHORS 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 CMakeLists.txt 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [466187] Modifications to the build system. Tests now a...
 COPYING 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 INSTALL 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 NEWS 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 README 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...
 THANKS 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c... 2012-08-01 Patrick M. Niedzielski Patrick M. Niedzielski [476ba3] Merge branch 'split-off-engine-repo'. Engine c...

Read Me

-*- markdown -*-
# Humm and Strumm Engine
To the extent possible under law, the people who associated CC0 with
this file have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights
to this file.

## Overview
The Humm and Strumm Engine is a Free Software 3D game engine.  While
its target is to be used in the video game Humm and Strumm, it is
general enough for many other games to use.  Its goal is to provide a
properly multithreaded, scalable engine to the FOSS community.

You can find our home page [here](

Our home page has news updates, new downloads, documentation, and
links to all parts of the project.

## Features
  * Object/Type System
  * Smart Pointers
  * Vector Math System
  * Debug Utilities -- Logging and Profiling
  * X11 and Win32 Native Windowing
  * Date/Time Utilities.

## License

### Code License
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.

This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have receives a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this code.  If not, see [the GNU website][gnu-license].


### Content License
The other content, including images, documentation files, Doxygen
documentation, and music, unless otherwise noted, is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Unported License 3.0,
available at [the Creative Commons website][cc-license].


### Alternative Content License
Some other small content files are licensed under the Creative Commons
CC0 license, available at
[the Creative Commons website][cc0-license].  These files are clearly
marked as such at the top (if they are plaintext) or in a separate
`README` file (if they are binary).


## System Requirements

### Windows

#### Operating System
  * Win32
  * Win64 (AMD64)

#### Software Requirements
  * MSVC++ 8 or later
  * Windows SDK
  * CMake, 2.6 or later
  * Doxygen (optional)

#### Minimum Harware
  * Intel-compatible processor (x86 or AMD64 compatible)
  * Some amount of RAM that I'll figure out later.
  * An undisclosed amount of disk space (it's a secret!)

### GNU/Linux

**NOTE: GNU/Linux distributors may provide packages for your
  distribution that have different requirements.**

#### Software Requirements
  * A modern Linux kernel
  * A C++ compiler (GCC 4.4+ and Clang have been tested)
  * CMake, 2.6 or later
  * X11 development files
  * CPPUnit (optional)
  * Doxygen and LaTeX (optional)

#### Minimum Harware
  * Intel-compatible processor (x86 or AMD 64 compatible)
  * Some amount of RAM that I'll figure out later...
  * An undisclosed  amount of disk  space (it's a secret!)

### *BSD

#### Software Requirements
  * A C++ compiler (GCC 4.4+ and Clang have been tested)
  * CMake, 2.6 or later
  * X11 development files
  * CPPUnit (optional)
  * Doxygen and LaTeX (optional)

#### Minimum Harware
  * Intel-compatible processor (x86 or AMD 64 compatible)
  * Some amount of RAM that I'll figure out later...
  * An undisclosed  amount of disk  space (it's a secret!)

#### Other Platforms
The Humm and Strumm Engine was written with cross-platform usability
in mind, to ease the porting of it to other platforms.  However, we
don't currently have testing computers for other platforms, so any
system besides those enumerated above are not officially supported.
If you want to help out, contact us and arrange to become the official
tester for your platform.

## Directory Structure
  * `src` - C++ source files
  * `include` - C++ header files.
  * `scripts` - Script files
  * `doc` - Doxygen documentation
  * `tests` - Test source files

## Installation
Please see the file `INSTALL` for instructions on how to install the

## Release Notes
The file `NEWS` contains important changes that may affect the user of
the software.

## Credits
Please see the files `AUTHORS` and `THANKS` for all the people that
have helped make the Humm and Strumm engine possible.

## Bug Reports
The Humm and Strumm engine uses the Google Code issue tracking system.
Our issue tracker on our [Google Code project page][issue-tracker].
You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers at the top of
the list.

If you find a bug in the Humm and Strumm engine, be sure to search
through the existing bugs to see if the problem you are seeing has
already been entered into the bug database.  If you find that an entry
already exists for the bug you are seeing, do not enter it again.

To enter in a new bug you will also be required to have a Google
account.  Fill out the template, and be sure to tag the issue
appropriately using the input boxes below the main entry box.


## Feature Requests
The Google Code issue tracker is also used for new feature requests.
Use the above guidelines for bugs (i.e., look for already existing
requests).  The only difference between a bug report and a feature
request is that a feature request has a value of `Type-Enhancement` in
the tag fields.