Activity for R. Daneel Olivaw

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks for the tip, I am indeed having a problem (for over 10 days now) with being unable to apply KB5040529 (the latest 24H2 Cumulative Update Preview) - and of course there is a) NO useful error message, and b) NO hint of any kind of help from "Windows Insiders" support. But as I did already consider Primo as a possibility for the update failure, I quit using it for my temp and tried again... but it made NO difference - so Primo is back in use again.

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yes, that is correct - I did end up using "Primo Ramdisk Standard". It is indeed a not-free product, but it is what I found that actually looks like a "real" drive to Windows 11 24H2, is dynamic (up to 8GB, which is all I need), and can start up already mounted as my "/tmp" tree.

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    To be clear, this thread is just to document that Windows 11 is tightening up on security issues - perhaps excessively so, but that is where we are now (or will be soon). 24H2 now blocks me from things that used to work fine - like executing out of an ImDisk-based /tmp folder. :( ImDisk - and v77's Toolkit - have served me well for years... but now changes in Windows 11 have forced me to switch to a different RAMDrive solution (one that does a more complete H/W simulation).

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, Olof's comments about it getting harder to keep things working on newer Windows versions are well taken... 1) I was unable to complete my update to 24H2 (the latest "Release Preview") without disabling / bypassing ImDisk (the latest, from the 20240210 ImDisk toolkit) - note that I use ImDisk to provide a RAMDrive behind a "/tmp" mount point. 2) After the update was running and I had re-enabled ImDisk (and my /tmp was using it), I found something new: when trying to execute a new NVidia driver...

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well, Olof's comments about it getting harder to keep things working on newer Windows versions are well taken... 1) I was unable to complete my update to 24H2 (the latest "Release Preview") without disabling / bypassing ImDisk (the latest, from the 20240210 ImDisk toolkit) - note that I use ImDisk to provide a RAMDrive behind a "/tmp" mount point. 2) After the update was running and I had re-enabled ImDisk (and my /tmp was using it), I found something new: when trying to execute a new NVidia driver...

  • R. Daneel Olivaw R. Daneel Olivaw posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Amazingly, I just installed the latest version of "Git for Windows" (2.13.3) and this has been fixed - presumably by the "bash" included there not being quite as picky about what it considers a valid folder. ;) So, cool, nothing to see here [any longer], move along...

  • Robert Roessler Robert Roessler posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ... I would guess this is the same as the rest of the issues that are because the ImDisk driver doesn't look enough like a physical [disk] device, but just in case someone has something else to say, I wanted to mention it. ;) Needless to say, I am using the ImDisk Toolkit's excellent support for mounting "/tmp" as a RAMdrive on my Windows 10 Pro 64-bit system. :) Note that this is issued by the "BASH Shell" that is part of the "Git for Windows" project, which states that what they provide is actually...