Activity for Ron Horn

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7692] on FGAddon

    B-52F: Autopilot cleanup, previews, states, latest yasim version.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7691] on FGAddon

    B-52F: Autopilot cleanup, previews, states, latest yasim version.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7674] on FGAddon

    B-52F: add DME to mini-panel, revert vacuum system changes (not needed)

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7673] on FGAddon

    B-52F: add DME to mini-panel, revert vacuum system changes (not needed)

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7667] on FGAddon

    B-52F: Maintenance update. Instrument cosmetics and operation. Rudder steering added.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn committed [r7666] on FGAddon

    B-52F: Maintenance update. Instrument cosmetics and operation. Rudder steering added.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn created merge request #3 on Code

    One more fix to "mag headings": The lib gives EAST variation as POSITIVE, so we must SUBTRACT it

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn created merge request #2 on Code

    Two fixes to showing ILS freqs in airport diagrams.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn modified a comment on merge request #1

    Cool. I got your message on how you are building. I'll try to get my local environment setup for building/testing on Windows. Happy to help in any way I can. Your prompt reply was much appreciated.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on merge request #1

    Cool. I got your message on how you are building. I'll try to get my local environment setup for building/testing on Windows. Happy to help in any way I can. Your promp reply was much appreciated.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Trevor. I love this program, just started using it with flight gear, but I noticed that the mag var applied to my KLAX->KSFO was very wrong, like 47 degrees. I found the problem: the newer expects its params to be in (long, lat) order, but and were sending them in (lat, long) order. I make a fork and fixed it... tests correctly now (KLAX mag var about 12). I submitted a merge request if you agree this is the correct fix. Also: I got eclipse to MOSTLY...

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn created merge request #1 on Code

    Fix magnetic variation bug: long/lat params were reversed

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on ticket #2814

    OK, on the assumption that there is no good reason for these 2D panel action bindings to be in the property tree, I tried a different fix, to panel_io.cxx. It just gives the loaded xml binding node to the SGBinding instead of copying it to the global property tree first. This also works and seems not to cause any unintended problems I could find in testing. The attached patch (for 2020_3 only, but NEXT is similar) shows what I tried.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on ticket #2815

    OK, I set breakpoints as advised, and neither one fired: FGPanel::doLocalMouseAction() and FGPanelPickCallback::buttonPressed() I DID notice that FGRenderer::pick() was being called (in Viewer/renderer.cxx), and it passed the click on to FGGroundPickCallback::buttonPressed() (in Scenery/scenery.cxx) if there was terrain behind the point on the panel that I clicked. And then I got lost. :)

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on ticket #2815

    Yes. I'll be back to the computer later today and will try as you say.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on ticket #2814

    Thanks. I agree that my patch is, well, just a hack. I wanted to confirm that I knew what was happening, and did not want to break any code outside of the panel bindings. My thought was that SGBinding destructor could/should handle it, but it does not seem to.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn created ticket #2815

    Clickable HotSpots (actions) on 2D cockpit panels not working on NEXT

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn posted a comment on ticket #2814

    I guess the attachemets did not happen... trying again with them.

  • Ron Horn Ron Horn created ticket #2814

    Switching between two 2D cockpit panels bogs down quickly