Activity for Raven Claw

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What chip is on your device ? I guess there are more than one STM32Discovery boards ... each with different chips ... You can browse through the xml files directly in your eclipse installation, go to: eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.cdt.embsysregview.data_0.2.X.rXXX\data There, the first folder is the Architecture, inside the architecture are the vendor folders, and inside the vendor folders are the xml files ... The Board itself is defined inside of only a few xml files. I once built this feature, so...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is as it should be ... the update folder is an update site for eclipse, so it only hosts an site.xml file pointing to the jar files for the plugin. If eclipse is not able to read from this update site, you can try in your browser to see if something is wrong with your connection. If you simply want to manualy download the jar files ... go to sourceforges files section: But the prefered...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    What xml/svd file are you using ?

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please use manual install for the moment. It seems that for some users the installation from the update site doesn't work as it should. see: -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Valentina, if you enter the url of the update site in the browser it lists "An error has been encountered in accessing this page." This means that it has no default file to display and it is configured not to display the directory listing. The Update site is not intended to be used in the browser. It should be entered into eclipses "Install new software" dialog, that you can find under "help". If you want to verify that you reach the update site you can enter

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi void, I've seen this error myself lately, but I am not sure what causes this. Looks like eclipse is trying to download all the jar file from the update/ folder. But the only file there is the site.xml, that points eclipse to the real jar locations. This can be seen, when you point your broser to: Because sourceforge hosts big files on its file mirrors, its not allowed to host them on the webspace, therefore the redirect to the files url. The...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw created a blog post

    Version 0.2.6 Released (works with Oxygen)

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r195]

    update for 0.2.6 release

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #20

    Cannot install in Eclipse Neon

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r194]

    patch #26 Add support for using expressions as register address, by Martin Schuessler

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r193]

    release 0.2.6 preparations

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #20

    The update-beta site now hosts the (debug)-untested 0.2.6 version that runs with oxygen. Please give feedback -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #9

    Hi hackridsourceforge, thank you for the link. Looks like embsysregview was the initial source for this svd collection. I collected most of the svd files myself on the net, partly from the arm cmsis svd site (which is not hosting them anymore), partly sent directly to me from Silicon Labs. (But I dont use their svd's because they also generate the xml's in the format, I developed for the view. (They contain additional Information, like field interpretations) I contacted posborne, asking if he will...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #23

    Hi Timothy, i've commited your patch back in 2015, but now it will be released in the 0.2.6 release. Thank you for your patch. -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #23

    Implemented dimIndex range & default behavior in SVD parser

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #24

    Fix for STM32F10X_CL.xml description

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #24

    Hi Igor, thank you for the patch. I'll include it in the next release. -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r192]

    patch #24 by Igor:

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #25

    Patch: add Collapse-button to close all open tree branches

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #25

    Hi Emil, thank you for your patch. As I don't use the view frequently myself since I initialy wrote it, I never missed a collapseAll button. But I'm sure more frequent users will do. I have commited it as revision 191 into svn and will include it into 0.2.6. -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r191]

    patch #25: added collapseAllButton by Emil Brink

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #26

    Hi Martin, I'm currently collecting all patches/fixes for the next release. I'm not sure if I fully understand your patch... Addresses are parsed from xml files, and saved as "0x0" instead of a long value "0". But where does the expression come into play ? (The address field is not editable) And where does it get evaluated ? Can you give me an example of how a expression in an address looks like? -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r190]

    Bug #20:

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r189]

    updated chip descriptions from Silicon Labs, all files updated to device release 5.2.1

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hi Morten, sure I am interested. You are right, time shifted enough to dump backward compatibility. I'm thinking about a third update site. Stable for Neon+ and preNeon for the old release. The beta update site stays for tests. All three will be using the same data package so this should not be too much work. So while I'm waiting for your patch, I start updating the data package with new svd/xml files. -Robert

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #21

    Hi Alexander, I tested the update site, and it works for me. (See attachment) The Url itself is not working because there is no default file at that location and the only file sitting there is site.xml So if you enter in your browser, you see the xml that eclipse uses to display the features in the install new software dialog. Test if you can view site.xml in your browser. Further you can testdownload...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Carsten, please take a look at

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #20

    Hi Freddie, I took a short look at the problem, and with neon and cdt 9.x the api...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, embysysregview supports chips either by its own xml format, or using arm standard...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Marc, read

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #8

    This problem is solved by bug #13.

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #8

    Problem with bit range and parsing SVD

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #13

    Thank you for sending in this bug, I checked it in as r188. It will be included in...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #13

    Wrong computation of bitfield length from lsb/msb fields in SVD files

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r188]

    Veit Kleeberger ( found...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r187]

    Rick Foos ( sent regis...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r186]

    Timothy Van Ruitenbeek implemented the dimIndex...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thank you for providing your xml, I checked it in as revision 185. It will be included...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r185]

    added xml file for TI CC2538SF53 from Rangineni...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r184]

    filled in provider-name (Vendor in gui)

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r183]

    final commits (website/release_todo update) for...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r182]

    0.2.5 Release Update Site

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r181]

    preparation for r180 Data release

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r180]

    Preparation for 0.2.5

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r179]

    New families are EFM32HG, a Cortex-M0+ mcu and ...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    try to copy the 4 files into your plugin folder ...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #11

    STM32F10X_HD.xml => RCC_CFGR / PPRE1 bits view is missing

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #11

    will be in next data release...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r178]

    checked in fix from bug #11 in STM32F10X_HD fro...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r177]

    + files for the Happy Gecko family, a Cortex-M0...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #22

    Fix for handling fields without <enumeratedValues> and truncated descriptions

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #6

    STM32F3 support

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #6

    Hi, i checked in updated svd files for STM from (

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r176]

    Feature Request #6 STM32F3 support

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #22

    I just looked at the source and found out, this behaviour is by design! In the Treeview...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r175]

    Fixed a SVD bug, that only insert fields in the...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #22

    Hi Leeloo, can you tell me what specific svd suffers from this problem, so I can...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r174]

    Toshiba SVD's

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r173]

    handled numberFormatException for strange hex v...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r172]

    Silabs released new parts in the Giant, Leoprad...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #7

    SVD file using % (dim elements) specifiers doesn't work.

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r171]

    aditional Freescale SVD files, see bug #7

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r170]

    bug #7: implementation of dim element in svd pa...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #7

    Sure, just attach them in an archive (7z,zip,...) Is there a download location for...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi Erich, Thank you very much for extending the SVD parser. I never looked at the...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Vote

    VOTE: conemu

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi thiag, when you double klick on a register or a group you make them green, mark...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Stephen, this is due to a strange formating in the svd files from freescale. See...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi Erich, good to hear that the plugin is put to use. Please create a new ticket...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #16

    just released data update r168 (just update), this time I got it right and your patches...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r169]

    data update r168

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r168]

    Updated and new EMF32-XML files: bugfixes and r...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r167]

    scaled Icon for Eclipse Marketplace

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r166]

    reminder to update svn before building a release

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #16

    Oh, sorry ...thanks for pointing that out. I guess I've to add "update svn" to the...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r165]

    removed buggy from filename

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #21

    Fixed bug in binary values

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #21

    thank you for the clarification, and the patch commited as r163 and will be in 0.2.5...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #21

    Fixed bug in binary values

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r164]

    removed buggy from filename, should only be inc...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r163]

    added Patch #21: Fixed bug in binary values by ...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #21

    Hi, while adopting the parser for svd files, I tried to fix parsing of mk10D5 but...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r162]

    added way of install via Eclipse Marketplace

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    opening the url in the browser, does not work...I think this has to do with not beeing...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Look at , there click on Install and Use the...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Brutte worked on adding core registers in patch#12

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, I maintain this plugins only for eclipse. Someone has to write a plugin for...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I looked through the code, and it seems this was a bit of a hack. The Fontheight...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    What chip do you use ? Bit fields have to be defined in the xml and not all chip...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Feedback

    Hi Michi, the download is around 35mb and extracts to about 430mb. If you need hdd...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r161]

    Version 0.2.4 data update r160

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r160]

    new Atmel and STMicro SVD files from ARM site

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r159]

    new SVD from Spansion (fromer Fujitsu)

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Jonathan, sorry for the delay ... I got no email that there are new posts. There...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r158]

    tagged 0.2.4

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r157]

    Version 0.2.4 final commit

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw committed [r156]

    Version 0.2.4 announcement

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw created a blog post on embsysregview

    Version 0.2.4 Released

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw posted a comment on ticket #20

    Thank you for the patch I'll include it in 0.2.4, and checked it in as r155 -Rob...

  • Raven Claw Raven Claw modified ticket #20

    Fix for STM32F050x and STM32F051x reigster address ADC_CFGR1

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