Activity for Abdul Rasyid

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The error message above is from the CA. The error from VA Im getting as below: Administrator Certificate is issued by external CA and not present in the database.;remoteip=1;forwardedip=

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi All, Im trying to setup peer system between CA and VA. In my VA, I already deploy with set web.reqcertindb=false, then I enrolled VA SSL cert from CA, then copy to /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore/keystore.p12, scp trustore from CA to VA /opt/wildfly/standalone/configuration/keystore/trustrore.p12. Import CA cert to VA cer. But then when I try to peer Im getting error as below(deleting the IP address for safety purpose): 2023-08-14 09:58:29,741 INFO [org.cesecore.util.provider.EkuPKIXCertPathChecker]...

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi @anatom Noted on that. Thank you. Have a good day

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi @Tomas How to create and init using wildfly user

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi Amaury. May I know how to create token or init softHSM as wildfly user? Is it by change ownership to wildfly user for clientToolBox directory?

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, Im trying to run ant runinstall after do ant deployear. After run deployear, Im getting no error on server log. But when run ant runinstall getting failed, Im getting error like below photo, it say my ManagementCA doesnt exist. Isnt it suppose when I run ant runinstall it will install the ManagementCA? im running with: OpenJDK11 Wildfly 22 EJBCA 7.11

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Tomas, I dont have any account to login keyfactor support. Care to clarify? Thanks

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I want setup peer connector from CA to VA, I have done add entity to enroll VA SSL Certificate, import keystore and trusstore from CA to VA. Restart VA wildfly, Import CA cert to VA, Set Authentication Key Binding, Remote Authentication. Then after that setup peer connector. Then got error handshake failure as below. 2023-06-14 03:32:28,691 ERROR [org.ejbca.peerconnector.client.PeerConnectorPool] (EJB default - 1) Failed connection to Received fatal...

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    By the way Im using Enterprise edition

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I want to build after ant deploy. When I deploy there is no error coming from logs. But when I try to ant runinstall the feed back is like below: [echo] [echo] ------------------- CA Properties ---------------- [echo] : ManagementCA [echo] ca.dn : CN=ManagementCA,O=EJBCA Sample,C=SE [echo] ca.tokentype : soft [echo] ca.keytype : RSA [echo] ca.keyspec : 2048 [echo] ca.signaturealgorithm : SHA256WithRSA [echo] ca.validity : 3650 [echo] ca.policy : null [echo] ca.tokenproperties : /opt/ejbca_ee_7_11_0_1/conf/

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Help

    meaning I have to delete, p11tool2 and csadm first. And change the EJBCA properties file to soft right? After that try to ant runinstall?

  • Abdul Rasyid Abdul Rasyid posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I want to install EJBCA using "ant runinstall" but build failed. I check on server log no error, but it show CA with name ManagementCA does not exist. Below are the result after run "ant runinstall" ejbca:deployprompt: [input] skipping input as property httpsserver.password has already been set. ejbca:init: [echo] [echo] ------------------- CA Properties ---------------- [echo] : ManagementCA [echo] ca.dn : CN=ManagementCA,O=CIMB,C=MY [echo] ca.tokentype : org.cesecore.keys.token.PKCS11CryptoToken...