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  • Posted a comment on ticket #34 on PdfBooklet

    Hello Averell, thank you very much for your effort in explaining to me in more detail your way using IrfanView. Although I have been using IrfanView for over 25 years, I did not know it was such a powerful tool. Thanks for the hint about the option “multipage images\Extract all images ...”. My document uploaded here was already lossy because of upload problems. If I use my original scan and use IrfanView as you described, there are even big losses. Therefore, the way via IrfanView is out of the question...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #34 on PdfBooklet

    Hello Averell, Thank you for taking the trouble to offer a solution to my problem. However, I don’t like this one for two reasons: 1) Is it a lossy way. I use high resolution scans and I want to have their quality in the finished booklet. 2) It is a very cumbersome way. I already came up with a similar way that is less cumbersome and less lossy (but I’m still not happy with it). I can extract all the pages as png from the finished cropped file (which cannot yet be used for PdfBooklet because of the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Created ticket #34 on PdfBooklet

    PdfBooklet processes only the left pages of a scanned booklet that has been cut apart

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on PdfBooklet

    OK, folks, I have made a little progress. I have discovered that I have to scan the DIN A5 booklet landscape from the start, because PdfBooklet “knows” the original page direction and therefore stubbornly applies it. But now I have discovered a new problem: PdfBooklet refuses (also “stubbornly”) to process the right-hand pages of the original DIN A5 booklet. PdfBooklet processes only the left-hand pages (and doubles them) and omits the right-hand pages. I then came up with the idea of scanning the...

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2014-12-31 10:40:48
Odenwald / Germany / CEST


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