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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hmmm... well, I was concerned about having my passwords exposed at this point, so I deleted all my user logs (the error only ends up in user.journal files, not system.journal). I've also started using KeePassXC for now, but I do have one last log entry from today when I closed KeePass. Here's the verbose output: Thu 2020-01-30 12:48:21.853821 MST [s=d114bf1d0b2c4caa9a39957a03adbc07;i=f678;b=ceb325e07ec848fdbcd96ab1fe8c864e;m=3ab6a8260;t=59d60bd4c127d;x=42842cadc78728ae] _UID=1000 _GID=1000 _SELINUX_CONTEXT=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    New development (maybe). After doing a bunch of updates the other day, I've noticed a lot fewer instances of this in journalctl. After watching it all day yesturday, with no passwords getting logged, I was getting a little bit hopeful. Looking back this morning, though, I found that it basically logged every password I used yesturday in one single entry when I logged off. Maybe that's one way to reproduce it (by logging off or shutting down)? I'll have to keep an eye on it and see.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Mostly clipboard, I think. It's hard to know; I've not been able to find a consistant way to reproduce it, though it happens several times a day, from what I can see in my logs. One of my friends doesn't ever use the autotype feature, and it shows up in their logs. Also, from what I can see, it's almost always passwords for me, and rarely usernames (though they do show up from time to time), which also points to clipboard--if i'm copying and pasting, it means I'm likely logging through terminal through...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    This is still happening (runnin on Fedora 31). I just found out about it today when I was troubleshooting something else related to KeePass. I've been watching my logs, and it doesn't do it all the time, but pretty frequently. I think it might have something to do with mono? Usually the logs look something like this: keepass.desktop[2241]: mypasswordmypassword2anotherpassword systemd[1872]: gnome-launched-keepass.desktop-2241.scope: Succeeded. systemd[1872]: gnome-launched-keepass.desktop-2241.scope:...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1710 on KeePass

    I know this is closed, but I'm having this issue, and I'm running KeePass 2.38 on Fedora 28 / Mono 4.8.0 I always wondered why my workspace locking wasn't working, until I found this post. I almost always hit Ctrl+F to search for everything -- it's the first thing I do when opening my database. I'm willing to upload logs or whatever you would need to trouble shoot this.

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2008-01-08 01:16:58


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