1) in options - Keyboard Shortcuts - Copy And Save Current Clipboard. Set a key combination here you want to use. 2) Disconnect Ditto now. => 3 dots > Disconnect .... 3) use the key combination set in 1 4) the clip will be saved even Ditto is now 'disconnected' meaning normal Ctrl+C is not saved.
in settings/options under general : in field Popup position => At previous position. By this Ditto will open at last position. Next click on 3 dots on right of the seach field. Goto : Quick options. Goto View Caption Bar On on select where you want to have it... FYI. my settings. I have the windows taskbar on the RIGHT of the right instead of the default bottom. I then have my Ditto always opened on the right bottom aside the taskbar. Have the the caption bar set to the right as well. Ditto is visible...
Hi, do I understand well you want to change a filename in Explorer.exe by the content of a clip ? I have modified the settings file (I use portable versions always), and added in the section of : [PasteStrings] explorer.exe= {DELAY 50}{F2}{DELAY 50}^v{DELAY 50}
as in title. related to version 3.24.204 beta thanks
CF_UNICODETEXT, No copy possible of selected description box if this format is only there However when there is on top also HTML Format, and or Rich Text Format, then it IS possible to copy from description box. Which is extremely useful, fast and easy t copy parts of this to get a new clip added to the list. Would it be possible to als enable copy with only CF_UNICODETEXT ? Thanks in advance.
I confirm. would be nice to get it back to working. Used to use this often in the past.
same issue with copying in beta 3.23.130 portable 64. when doing a copy of part of text in description, the main list is not updated at once. When closing and bring back it's in the list. Sometimes even double whereas I'm 100% I only copied it ones. Started to see this after setting duplicate true and back to back true. the clip is added also when I close the description window. But when visible, and doing a copy of a part, the clip is not at once added to the main list.
same issue with copying in beta 3.23.10 portable 64. when doing a copy of part of text in description, the main list is not updated at once. When closing and bring back it's in the list. Sometimes even double whereas I'm 100% I only copied it ones. Started to see this after setting duplicate true and back to back true. the clip is added also when I close the description window. But when visible, and doing a copy of a part, the clip is not at once added to the main list.
Hi Ditto Master, as you see more users are in favor of this one. Any chance this may come on the world (short term) ? Would love to make a third year donation for this one to support and hopefully with me a lot of others too. Thanks
Hi Ditto Master, as you see more users are in favor of this one. Any change this may come on the world (short term) ? Would love to make a third year donation for this one to support and hopefully with me a lot of others too. Thanks
Hello Scott, sorry to continue to keep this in the highlights, but is there a chance this could be implemented ? I daily experience this lack of feature as an inconveniece while searching clips which are related to each other. Kindy see my description of a possible solution above. I do thank you in advance to consider it. Best Regards.
Dear Scott, I notice that in beta .74 portable64 , the combination shift-escape does not close the window. Nothing happens. Is this a broken link ?
Still on the wish list for reasons described above. :-)
Hello Scott, I get a "restore error: Unpacked db is not a valid Ditto database" when I want to pick up again a backed up .zdb file. What is the right procedure to follow ? [portable64 version]
available as from 3.22.61. Perfect Scott. Thanks again.
I 'open' get active window by using the 3/2 key on an AZERTY keyb as this key is never used AND just under the Esc Key. I have Ditto 'Always on top' enabled and located in the bottom right of the right (bar on the right). Pressing once the Esc key hides the Ditto window and only keep the bar visble which is perfect. However in some cases I need to get also the bar removed / non visible. This is needed to be able to scroll down in some applications. Therefore being able to press TWICE the Esc key...
Scott, it's no longer possible to copy all or a selected part of text in the 'description window'. Right click gives the options list (=same as sprocket/wheel). In the past we could select and copy so that this created a new clip. This is easy when you have a larger part of text and need a new clip of a selected part of text. ex. a number or word or... The options list via the sprocket/wheel would be enough to me. Possible to change this again ? Thanks. Btw the Ctrl + C also does Not work as alt...
there is dedicated software who can do this kind of ‘automatisation work’ in a more productive way. on the other hand I also see some benefits to see this within Ditto. Useful for standard forms where the same kind of data must be pasted.
hello Frisco, i'm using both without issues. Best to check configurations of both to see there's no conflict in setup.
Hello Jonathan, the preview of a clip (very useful with pictures (format CF_DIB) you can do by pressing the default F3 key. You can define other shortkey if you like in Options - Quick Paste Keyboard tab and look at 'view full description'. Not sure I understand your second question well enough but, ex. you can drag a clip to a place example desktop. the clip will become there a file with txt extension (like text_628.txt) You can 'copy' this file then and it will become a new clip... something like...
Uhm; digged some deeper into this. When 'At caret', I can easely set (On top) via ctrl+space, and drag to where I want it. (my case bottom right of screen). As long as 'On top' is enabled, Ditto stays as expected. =OK When I no longer want it visible I use ctrl+space again and click somewhere to get Ditto out of view. Triggering Ditto again, will use the 'At caret' again. =OK If the 'On top' remains enabled and Ditto is out of view (no focus), Ditto window appears at the bottom right position where...
Hello Scott, this is a request to have some additonal Positioning of Ditto. Having used the 'at previous position' option for years (in my case always fixed position at bottem right of screen), I now started to use the 'at caret' option for a while. This is useful in quite some cases, but I experience I still quite often change back to my old fixed bottom right at screen position WITH the On Top Enabled to keep Ditto visible. (easy when using the shortkeys ctrl+1, ctrl+2,.. to see what's on those...
some additional info. I'm refering in fact to the window when I click on groups, not in the general list with all clips. Only the tree of groups (level 1). other additons are a surplus.
Scott, is there a way to manual sort existing groups. I would like to get certain frequently used groups on top in a certain sequence. Is there some (hidden) setting where we can define the sorting ? Giving a number to each group could solve this. ex; group A = 10 ; group B = 20 ; no value = add at end of list. ... Thanks.
goto options. add keepass.exe in the exclude field.
Scott, would it be possible to also show (in the special paste menu) at the right the shortkeys if set. This is easy in case of some doubts when some more scripts are added with shortkeys. Thank you.
Version 3.22.21 64b portable How to apply these new add in functions ? Thanks.
+1. I do exactly the same. Would like to see this option as well. thanks
Maybe this one as a Christmas feature to us ... ? ;-)
hello HassanMullah, you could set in options 'Paste entries expires after days' to 1 or zero. and store the clips you want to keep in 1 or more folders. These will not be deleted.
maybe Ditto can help if this feature becomes available, but to me there is other , better software especially built do this kind of repetitive automation work.. ex. phraseexpress
uhmm... In that case it's best to wait on feedback from Scott (developer) I guess.
Hey Alan, Beta versions + older builds : https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/beta/
Email, Content in Body export, does not store the right picture in the body of my Lotus Notes email client. only a square with red cross but not image.
"Auto Roll Up" in quick options is gone in latest Beta v3.22.10 ... ?
Scott, any possibility to install this one? thank in advance.
you can use the regular installer or portable versions without problem. i prefer the portable ones when available.
Scott, I notice the special paste features (paste + 1 line , + 2 lines, + current date) does not work with CF_DIB clips. A yellow popup appears 'Paste Error -'
now the order from the list is followed, even if you use ctrl and select clips not in order. would be better to built up the new clip in sequence of the selection done by using ctrl key.
To go from a group (sub groups) one level up again, just press backspace key...
Yes. goto a group and right click on it to goto the properties. Then, select your shortkey. Ex. F12 + win + hotkey available globally. Set the same at the Save/Move to Group. Press now on clip in the main list : Win key + F12 + 12 (keep win key pressed). Your clip is move moved/saved in the group folder. If you press Win + 12 you go also directly to this group.
Hey Rob, you can press F3 to see the content Fully. You can customize the shortkey to something else too. Folding is not possible. There's some additional feature when you have a URL copied. you can click the link to go to the page directly. For text clips you can also copy a part of the text again in the F3 window which you create a new clip. press F3 on a CF_DIB clip and you'll see the picture itself. Just some tips and tricks here.
Hey Rob, you can press F3 to see the content Fully. You can customize the shortkey to something else too. There's some additional feature when you have a URL copied. you can click the link to go to the page directly. For text clips you can also copy a part of the text again in the F3 window which you create a new clip. press F3 on a CF_DIB clip and you'll see the picture itself. Just some tips and tricks here.
2018-10-0104see on the right bar the difference. Always on top or not. See the 3 dots and goto Quick Options.
see on the right bar the difference. Always on top or not. See the 3 dots and goto Quick Options.
see on the right bar the difference. Always on top or not. See the 3 dots and goto Quick Options.
Hey Marcus, OR you export the clip(s) -you can drag them to your desktop or a folder..- so you can use this to import in a new Ditto. OR you use the 'friends' feature where you first setup the IP addresses , set a same passw on the Ditto installations and then select the clip to send to your 'friends/team'. They will then receive your clip. They can also share this way clips with you or other defined 'friends'. Goto Options in Ditto and select tab Friends. define a Network Password here. Select 'Request...
hello Michelle, when you have it open use ctrl + spacebar. i recommend to explore all features in Options. Right click on Ditto icon in system tray. also click on the 3 dots! There’s plenty of features which you can customize to your needs.. Play around a bit and read the wiki pages but also the forums where you can find a lot of info.
Hey aploium, see this one too. https://sourceforge.net/p/ditto-cp/discussion/287510/thread/abee9824/#dc95
Hey Anne. Yes, you can copy without adding to Ditto by disconnecting from cliboard. right click on Ditto icon in system tray and choose 'disconnect from clibboard'. You'll see a little change in color. Easier is to assign shortkeys to disconnect and re-connect. Goto Options, Quick Paste Keyboard and goto Toggle clipboard connection. I have personally set it as 'Ctrl+I' by using this you can temporary disconnect/re-connect.
hey Birger, select a clip and just ctrl + c. It will be on the clipboard.
Give it a try with Revo Uninstaller 2.0.0. portable version available. freeware.
Strange I did not report this earlier from my side too because I have exactly the same request. Very often several clips in sequence belong to a same topic. This can be 1 word, a sentence, a print screen, a selection of text, etc... All having different clip description as result, but all belonging to a same copy action. As result after some time a paste is still to be done, but often more clips need to be pasted (context relevant) and this is what this is about. In order to find back all these clips,...
What IP address should I use to send to Ditto in the dropbox run ? sofar don't manage to get it to work this way.
In that case 2 instances of Ditto would run parallel on the same machine, right? Clips would come after a copy also in both Ditto installations then.. Not sure I understand the concept well, but I can give it a try of course.
Another option could be via command line activation like : ditto.exe -switch:second.db closing the active one and opening second db. To go back to other one via shortcut/bat file ditto.exe -switch:first.db This gives more flexibility in nr of db which can be used.... Just a thought.
is there a possibility to add following in (near?) future ? Today only 1 db is linked to Ditto features. Having a lot of print screens -meaning size increases fast due to CF_DIB- it is not recommended to place the database in a cloud. This is where the request comes. I would like to be able to have a second database linked which IS in a cloud, where I only add a more limited amount of clips (would exclude all CF_DIB) and keep track of new text clips which will be send to this second db via a special...
Most likely because majority of people (including myself) most likely only have 1 program in the list and not making use of the ";" I use keepass.exe since the beginning of this option and it worked like a charm.
In the same mindset, it would be nice to have a possibility in the 'Delete Clip Date' window to have a possibility to preview clips. especially CF_DIB as these are often big in size. and it would be good to check what the image is prior to deleting.
to delete this one
Goto Options - Keyboard shortcuts - set you Global hotkeys for last 10 items copied. This way you can define how Ditto should act.
Hey alexes, you can keep the Ditto clip list always on top. Goto the 3 dots (at bottom right), choose then Quick Options and enable Always on top. You can also set a shortkey to fast enable / disable this. Explore all settings and make the right combinations. You'll be surprised how much is possible.
Hey Iesuarez, avoid storing in Ditto's db can be done by disabling Ditto prior to copying. You can set shortkey for this (disabling and enabling clip storing in Ditto). Not sure how you can avoid it NOT to get it in the windows clipboard though. When will be computer know it's a password or not....? Ex. For me following can be a password 'THIS IS NOT A LOVE SONG' but it could also be just a title of a song (form PIL) :-) You still need to tell the PC when it's a passw. For passwords you could use...
Hey Zoltan, I have a solution for you not to go to another software. Use ditto in combination with X-Mouse. You'll love it. I have set it up that way you can single click and paste when left click once. This will only work in the bottom right kwadrant of Ditto list, not in the other ones. Double click (as per todays default) can be used in left bottom, left upper and right upper kwadrants. Launch X-Mouse, import the profile and follow the info. >>> https://forums.highrez.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=6&...
...So, despite what others may say, the source code is the only complete documentation of a project :) ... @Florian, see also: - https://sourceforge.net/p/ditto-cp/wiki/Custom%20Key%20Strokes/ - Info has also been for long time in Ditto Help Subfolder after download under "DittoCustomKeys.htm" :-))
Hey Thibaut, following works to me when testing. Most likely you have cf_unicodetext not in the list of supported types. Check this at 'options' - 'supported types'. Try following: 1) copy the green icon only you showed in your post. 2) goto options - supported types and click on ADD button. 3) you'll see listed at the current clipboard types cf_unicodetext. 4) select this one and ADD it to the list. now check again: 1) delete the icon in ditto list 2) copy the green icon again from you post. 3)...
In that case I would create a nr of group (folders) and have a (global) shortcut assigned to each of them. using the shortkey will bring you fast to the content of the group/folder. using backspace will bring you fast back to root or 1 group/folder higher (=in case of subgroups in a group) You can check if this works for you. (shortkey on group can be set in the properties of the group) IF you have hundreds of folders ;-) with favourites, I would look for another solution then Ditto. BUT that my...
Hey Chris, apart from a solution Scott (=developer) can offer, maybe another possible option is to use the "Paste entries expire after" function in Option tab. Set it to 1 day and check if this could help. All auto delete clips should be cleaned that way. Not tested myself, but give it a try I would say. (maybe first make copy of your db before doing this).
I do not find a' Default' theme file in the Ditto subfolder. How to update settings of this theme ? Would like to set : <captionsize>14</captionsize> <captionfontsize>12</captionfontsize> Thanks.
I checked again. v3.21.251 64b portable Reason why I didn't find it was because the clip IS stored, but at the bottom of the group list. That's why I didn't SEE it. Normally all moved clips are added on the TOP when moving manually. Will you keep it this way, or also move to top in group list after new ditto clip creation? I see that the added time is not correctly set in this process : Added: 1/0/1970 1:00:00 Last modified is ok.
I checked again. Reason why I didn't find it was because the clip IS stored, but at the bottom of the group list. That's why I didn't SEE it. Normally all moved clips are added on the TOP when moving manually. Will you keep it this way, or also move to top in group list after new ditto clip creation? I see that the added time is not correctly set in this process : Added: 1/0/1970 1:00:00 Last modified is ok.
Would be useful to see the clip ID in an add. column in the overview 'Delete Clip Data' to know which clip it is. Especially with CF_DIB clips which all have the same name. Would be useful to see the ID as well when hovering over the clips (popup) in the Ditto list. ID to be added maybe at bottom of each clip popup info. Thanks.
New: Possibility to sort on fields by click on Header of each column. https://ditto-cp.sourceforge.io/beta/ v3.21.250.0
I don't think so. Would be good to have the option to click on headers to get asc / descending. = Suggestion to Developer
Also in Option under Advance button. Click on Compact and Repair db button.
Click on the 3 dots you'll see at the bottom right aside the search field. Then click 'Delete clip data' option to open a new window where you can see te size of all clips... Check there I would say.
How about getting the possibility somehow via Key Shortcut to switch easely from 1 theme to another. Why? I have quite some 'white' windows to work in (ex. office apps) but also quite a lot of 'black/dark' windows (customized or company applications in a darker environment setup). Having the option to switch from my dark theme to a light one would make it easier. Especially as I use the Transparency % quite [since I have the toggle option :-) ]
Hey Scott, try the following pls : 1) control + n to open Ditto Editor. 2) enter ex. 'TEST' as clip data 3) move it into a group 4) in Ditto list you'll see the new clip TEST with the group icon. F3 description also tell it's into the group 5) goto this group. You do not find/see the TEST clip in this group When you manual move it to the group, and go to that group, you'll find the clip correctly. Also in the Ditto Editor, I notice that the Shift + Escape combination (Save, close and place on clipboard)...
Hey Jim, just copy the clip in question again. Go in Ditto list on a clip you want to have in the clipboard and press Control + C. This way this clip is on the clipboard without pasting.
hey Carlos, you can see when a clip is stored in a group. There will be a pictogram in front of each clip in the main list. you can skip these when deleting clip by clip. It would be easier if an option would be available in the "Delete clip data" overview where a user could make a selection to exclude non grouped clips in batch....
Hey, I tested the following in Beta 3.21.245 64b portable. TEST1 I copied TEST2 I copied TEST3 I copied Then in Ditto I seleced all 3 clips and then Ctrl + C (copy) after which I got a new clip with name TEST1. Showing F3 description does not show something. I got 2 error messages: 1) RTF input ended prematrurely 2) Invalid RTF data on the clipboard Any help ? I still believe this feature of merging would be great for text clips....
You can set a shortkey (move to top) ex. Ctrl + t You first search then ctrl + t and esc to remove search. You'll find your clip at the top of the list.
just wandering if you received the donation ? if yes, good, if not, let me know.
In group properties: what is the difference between the 'hotkey' and the "save/move to group' options ? using a 'double hotkey' also saves and moves to groups....
could be useful to define this on group l(property) evel. some groups you want this others not.
When you use F3 the popup is updated with the group path. However when you click on another clip in the list the popup is updated but NOT the group path. Updates only happen by using F3 key.
1 option to this could be to show all clips in the list when you type just " /q " (without quotes)..
Scott, clips can have values in Quick Past Text field. There is no way I assume today to know which clips do have text in it, unless going into the database via another program. Could be useful to add a (search) option 'Show All Quick Paste Text clips' in addition where all clips are selected. Going over the clips will show which values are in. Can be useful to clean up or to check in case of doubts what the value is...
Could it be the Horizontal scroll with Shift + M.wheel not working in F3 window no longer works as from beta .244 ? Vertical scroll works with the mouse wheel. BR // UPDATE // PLS FORGET. PC restarted and solved !
Could it be the Horizontal scroll with Shift + M.wheel not working in F3 window no longer works as from beta .244 ? Vertical scroll works with the mouse wheel. BR //
Thanks ! As promised another donation done via Paypal ! Cheers.
Great ! Have a look at your gmail mailbox dd 04/07 ... ;- ))=-
Hey Carlos, apart from your request I want to share how I quickly open Ditto with 1 key only. assign the "3/2 button" to activate it. just under the Esc button...(on Azerty keyboard) This button is normally not used very often.
Would it be possible to add in the popup window -when going over a clip - the folder path/name in case a clip is stored into a folder. This make it easy to know which clip it is in. Thanks.
Hello Scott, I'm using using the transparency option on/off more and more on specific tasks/windows. Would it be a possibility to define also a - shortkey to activate and disable the transparency - ? 1 key combination to full visibility modus and same combination to switch it to the x% it was set before . I know one can go via the quick options, but that's not 'quick enough' and for >40% you have to go via the 'options' menu, which is a bit more in time. Thanks to consider this.
Just to report a MINOR error in the indicator sign '<<' versus '>>' when having Ditto always on top. When "Show quick paste' window is visible, you see the indicator correctly as '>>' saying, clicking on it will closes the view and the indicator is switched to '<<'. Howewer when you close the window via the escape key, the indicator is not changed correctly after you click again on the sign in the bar. If not good enough described, let me know and i'll Jing a recording.
On beta .232 an option to 'paste, don't change clip order' is added. I have by default paste Do Not update clip order. It would be nice to have a "toggle" option in the last added feature. Meaning "update clip order on paste is False" and then having the latest feature where you can switch on (by shortkey) to have "Paste, Change clip order Yes". This could require an addition setting in the advanced section where you can define "Toggle cliporder on paste" just under the existing "Update cliporder...
praseexpress can do this. have a look at portablefreeware.com. There fir sure must b programs that can do this job.