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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi Matias, You are using InputOrderSelect approach to choose variables. In this case, the search efficiency is always hugely impacted by the order of variables you are using. For those type of puzzles often (not always) SmallestDomain approach for choosing the order of the variables seems to be working quite well. Sometimes, MostConstrainedStatic can also work very well. Good luck. Have fun. Radek

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, Please use Alldiff instead of Alldistinct. Alldistinct is usable only for specific tailored problems like larger Sudoku etc, but too often gives too little for the extra amount of work it requires. 95% of the cases Alldiff will be more than enough. best, Radek

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, I just put one longer response concerning your questions Peter. First, CP is often used to model and solve NP-complete and NP-hard problems. I assume your problem belongs to one of these. For those classes of problems finding the right search approach is something that even CP experts after years of experience will need to apply trial and see approach.We will have some hunches when we see actual problem but the only way to get good at it is to see existing solutions to similar problems and try...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, I have difficult understanding your post. Therefore, my answer my not be sufficient for you. Look at how ExampleFD is used by one of our examples. Create your own example in your package in the project. Make your class use ExampleFD. ExampleFD is just convienance class that you do not have to use it. You could just copy paste some of the code from this class to your class and you will be ok too. You could to study a bit how to start a project in Intelij, create Java classes, etc and youtube will...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, Please use store.print to print all the constraints. It may give you a hint what bad constraints you added to the store that together with the constraints you have already shown may be causing a conflict and a failure. best, Radek

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, XgtY1 : XgtY(L0::{1..100}, TA0 = 0 ) is a satisfied constraint because L0 is certain to be greater than TA0. andBoolSimple([ N0001_0_FS=0, N0002_0_FS::{0..1}], N0000_0_FS=0) is also a satisfied constraint as first argument is 0 and result is 0. The constraint can be satisfied even if result is equal 0. Both of the constraint are satisfied so IfThen should also be satisfied. The fact that N0000_0_FS=0 does not mean that constraint is not satisfied. It is satisfied because result is 0 and one of...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JaCoP

    Hi, We divided the constraints into two types Primitive and non-primitive on purpose....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JaCoP

    The assignment constraint was created with expectation that arrays of x and d are...

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2010-08-10 19:29:28


This is a list of open source software projects that Radoslaw Szymanek is associated with:

  • FRODO 2 Open-Source Framework for Distributed Constraint Optimization (DCOP) Last Updated:
  • Project Logo JaCoP   Last Updated:

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