Unfortunately logs doesn't show nothing useful. Website itself is working but I am unable to login (receiving login failed). Tried with additional debugging taken from there https://gist.github.com/samueljon/f33fae69cb5eaab799faf84ed934f803 but still was only receiving an error that login failed. Additionally I've replaced password and username with plain text of user and password that works on unsecure ldap connection and still "login failed" I will try to something with SSL certificate but I believe...
Unfortunately logs doesn't show nothing. Website itself is working but I am unable to login (receiving login failed). Tried with additional debugging taken from there https://gist.github.com/samueljon/f33fae69cb5eaab799faf84ed934f803 but still was only receiving an error that login failed. Additionally I've replaced password and username with plain text of user and password that works on unsecure ldap connection and still "login failed" I will try to something with SSL certificate but I believe that...
Hello, I've got running SOPlanning with version 1.36 and for a few hours was trying to change ldap connection from ldap to ldaps. I was changing the config.inc file and /www/process/login.php file to listen for port 636 and use ldap_connect with ldaps. Additionally I've an outside active directory domain that needs to be used during the login process. After changing values, I see the login screen, I am putting in my usual login credentials and I am receiving a login failed. Meanwhile logging I have...