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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Kitchen Garden Aid 2

    I just installed V 3.0.4 in my MX Linux 21.3 (Debian 11 based), installed dependencies, when tried to run the apps, got the following errors, seems missing library: SEVERE: Invalid name Brassicaassica oleracea var. capitata f. rubra for SUBSPECIES Jun 01, 2023 8:32:22 AM org.sourceforge.kga.Taxon <init> SEVERE: Invalid name Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus for SPECIES Jun 01, 2023 8:32:27 AM org.sourceforge.kga.Taxon <init> SEVERE: Invalid name Viola x wittrockiana for SPECIES Jun 01, 2023 8:32:27...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Data Crow user questions on Data Crow

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, when the Recursive checkbox is checked, it seems not working, if I have the following file structure ebook > Asimov > list of ebooks, after clicking on Add button, it adds only the first level (ebook), does not go down the path. Is there anything I have to do in order for it to go down the directories? OS: MX Linux Data Crow: 4.2.2

  • Posted a comment on discussion Data Crow user questions on Data Crow

    Not sure if I'm doing something wrong, when the Recursive checkbox is checked, it seems not working, if I have the following file structure ebook > Asimov > list of ebooks, after clicking on Add button, it adds only the first level (ebook), does not go down the path. Is there anything I have to do in order for it to go down the directories?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Data Crow user questions on Data Crow

    I'm using MX Linux, Data Crow 4.2.2, when I run this apps, the terminal shows this warning message WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by com.jtattoo.plaf.BasePanelUI (file:/home/Michael/Data%20Crow/lib/laf/jtattoo.jar) to field javax.swing.ClientPropertyKey.PopupFactory_FORCE_HEAVYWEIGHT_POPUP WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of com.jtattoo.plaf.BasePanelUI WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Data Crow user questions on Data Crow

    Thanks for the developers' team for this wonderful apps, I was using Ant under Windows, got rid of Windows and couldn't find a replacement until now. I have many ebooks, music, movies saved on my HD, they are in the following file structure: ebook/music/movie > author/singer/genre > archive for each ebook/music/movie, just as an example, I have an ebook Rendezvous with Rama from Arthur C. Clark in folder /media/Data/Media/eBook/fiction/best seller/Arthur C. Clarke/Rama 1 - Rendezvous with Rama 1.1.epub,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Thanks for the tip, here's the log file

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Sorry Patrick, but there's no dialog asking for import. Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this problem? I even disabled uBlock and CookieAutoDelete.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Enigmail Support on Enigmail

    Hi Patrick, thanks for your reply, sorry to take so long, I had activated my dark theme, that's why I can't see the button, after disabling the dark theme, I saw the button, but when I click on it, nothing happened, the details one, when clicked, a drop down is shown, but from the Show Key Properties down, all are grayed out.

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2004-01-20 23:09:41
Valencia / Spain / CEST


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