Fixed all file/directory permissions as there is no need to to have "execute"
Any news here? Because I still have the same crash, now with up-to-date libs/dev packages and compiler: gcc version 7.2.0 (Debian 7.2.0-1) Same "fix" worked, by manually changing Makefile from -O2/3 all to -O0 (no optimization). Maybe -O3 over-optimized it.
Any news here? Because I still have the same crash, now with up-to-date libs/dev packages and compiler: gcc version 7.2.0 (Debian 7.2.0-1)
This error message comes when I send following SQL dump (origins from an upcoming FLOSS project): SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Exportiere Daten aus Tabelle jfinancials.mobile_numbers: ~1 rows (ungefähr) -- Exportiere Daten aus Tabelle jfinancials.mobile_provider: ~1 rows (ungefähr) INSERT INTO `mobile_provider` (`provider_id`, `provider_dial_prefix`, `provider_entry_created`, `provider_mail_pattern`, `provider_name`, `provider_country_id`) VALUES (1,...
This error message comes when I send following SQL dump (origins from an upcoming FLOSS project): SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; -- Exportiere Daten aus Tabelle jfinancials.mobile_numbers: ~1 rows (ungefähr) -- Exportiere Daten aus Tabelle jfinancials.mobile_provider: ~1 rows (ungefähr) INSERT INTO `mobile_provider` (`provider_id`, `provider_dial_prefix`, `provider_entry_created`, `provider_mail_pattern`, `provider_name`, `provider_country_id`) VALUES (1,...
tpzo: +check
Segfault in thread_launch_trampoline/allocate_stack
Only for documentation, -O2 seems to work again and -O3 not. I now use this small...