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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi Paul, Now everything is o.k. and I think this thread can be closed. Many thanks again. Best regards, Wilfried

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi Paul, the mistake was, that I used the URL Nextcloud was showing me selecting the "Share file" hints. On the left bottom of the same page there is an icon "Settings" with the hint "Use this address to access your Files via WebDAV. This in fact is the correct URL and syncronization with that URL works fine. I want to thank you for your hints, which pointed me in the right direction. One problem still remains: It seems, that automatic syncronization is only possible via scripting with the Sync comand....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    No success. The error returned: Failed to save to the specified file! The remote server returned an error:(405). Invalid method. The target file might be corrupted. Please try saving again. If that fails, save the database to different location. I'm going to log into Nextcloud via Putty to find the correct link by myself, not what Nextcloud is telling me. However, I have to do this later today.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Paul, I don't understand what you'r really meaning. Rgds, Wilfried

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Hi Paul, Concerning sharing I'm not sure. What I did: I logged into my Raspi Nextcloud where the data.kdbx file which I copied from the original resides. Right clicking on that file-icon and selecting "share file" and then "Share link" I can copy a link to the data.kdbx file. This link address is what I enter in the KeePass sync function window. And as I mentioned earlier, if I use this link in Firefox to download the file, there is no problem. Best regards, Wilfried

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Thanks Paul, I deactivated "Use file transactions for writing databases" and also "Use file transactions for writing configuration settings", but without success.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    I have KeePass installed on my Windows PC and Keepass2Android on my smart phone. I copied the .kdbx file manually to a Raspberry Pi with Nextcloud and from there I synchronize the smart phone. Now trying to synchronize the Raspi directly with the KeePass sync function "Synchronize with URL..." I get the error message: Failed to import the specified file! The file signature is invalid. Either the file isn't a KeePass database file at all or it is corrupted." However, if I download the file from Nextcloud...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    It's a miracle. Firefox 94.01 developed some problems in that no auto-logins were possible at all. Finally I removed FF, cleaned the PC incl. the registry and reinstalled FF and Kee. Now auto-login is possible into all the relevant websites, but I have to finalize all logins by pushing the Enter key. I really don't know why auto-login changed the behavior, but I'm happy.

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2018-09-05 07:40:53


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