User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feature suggestions on Open Camera

    i thought only about making photo. not video. i understand button to lock but before locking, i would want to see orientation, via an indicator. an option is to write "(there will be) the bottom of the image" in one side of the preview. ср, 5 июл. 2023 г., 20:31 Jaggz H. You can see the orientation, though not always immediately obvious, through the Icons/UI orientation. But I think we should have additional toggleable UI elements for many things that are important to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feature suggestions on Open Camera

    when i shoot some object from above, often the orientation of the resulting photo is unexpected. if i turn phone (tablet) to one of 4 directions for more than some degrees like 30, resulting photo becomes gravitationally orientated. if the decline is to opposite/above side, from vertical (default phone) orientation, preview does not change. (so, cannot be predicted). if the decline is to left or right, preview changes a little after photo orientation changes. (so, cannot be predicted). when orientation...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feature suggestions on Open Camera

    there is option to mirror front camera resulting image. i suggest an idea, to consider, to mirror also on the preview stage, so that it can be used as a "strange mirror" to look to itself from point of view of another person. btw there are such separate apps available in play market.

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2008-08-23 15:06:07


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