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  • Posted a review on Win32 Disk Imager
  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    I did try that actually, though it didn't do any good. However, I seem to have had another breakthrough. So the secondary configuration file you references normally lives on my home server, so I can ensure the "known good" copy is always is in the same place. I've run it this way for quite some time. However, last night, after making some adjustments to the file, I inadvertantly saved it to my local drive instead. Everything instantly started to work again and has since. Like most things with EAPO,...

  • Created ticket #264 on Equalizer APO

    Configurator Ignoring Input VST Plug-Ins

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    So I did some more testing and the issue seems to be that EqualizerAPO has just decided to ignore VST plug-ins. I've been using ReaGate and ReaComp, but tried to install some other compressor and gating plug-ins and they aren't working either. It just ignores them outright. Does the developer actually read the forums? I'm not trying to be snarky, but I'm out of ideas here.

  • Modified a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    And just like that, for no reason I can tell, the same problem is back and the prior solution doesn't work. Interestingly, I discovered that it's only my mic that things aren't properly applying to. I also use EAPO and Peace to change the EQ that goes to my headphones and I've verified there's no issue there. I'm baffled. I assume it must have something to do with this mic being USB. Oh also, for no apparent reason, it now considers my mic device to be experimental. It never did before and literally...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    And just like that, for no reason I can tell, the same problem is back and the prior solution doesn't work. Interestingly, I discovered that it's only my mic that things aren't properly applying to. I also use EAPO and Peace to change the EQ that goes to my headphones and I've verified there's no issue there. I'm baffled. I assume it must have something to do with this mic being USB. I dropped VoiceMeeter a long time ago because it's jankiness was bothering me, but it has built-in compression and...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    So, I'm happy to say I've resolved the issue! In Configuration Editor, I selected Settings -> Reset all global preferences, just for kicks. After the window came back up, it no longer recognized my audio devices as being selected. I reselected the same audio devices I always used and magically, everything started to work again! I'm not sure what specifically that option resets beyond the audio device references, but I will take the win and I'm posting it here so hopefully, it can help out someone...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Equalizer APO

    All good suggestions, but no love unfortunately. I've tried multiple applications and I've confirmed the BEACN software is set to use Voicemod's output, which is the normal configuration. I actually tried setting it to use my mic directly, but that didn't change anything. The Podcaster has firmware that can be updated, but no software of its own. It just detects as a USB audio device to Windows. The mic, the BEACN mic device and the Voicemod mic device all were ticked to allow exclusive access, but...

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2022-10-04 19:55:05.574000
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