Activity for paul stanton

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #35

    is there a step by step installation instruction? I only found out by trawling these issues that i still needed to put devloader.jar in tomcat .. i was assuming the new version did everything for me since there are no instructions on the market place page!

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #36

    i can get everything working if i edit context.xml and .tomcatplugin files directly (using an old workspace as a template) so my problem is just that whatever i enter in the UI is being ignored.

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #38

    i can get everything working if i edit context.xml and .tomcatplugin files directly (using an old workspace as a template) so my problem is just that whatever i enter in the UI is being ignored.

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #38

    Marc, this sounds exactly like what i am experiencing. how did you solve it? under "preferences>tomcat>source path" i have "automatically compute" and if i uncheck it and close, it gets rechecked automatically.

  • paul stanton paul stanton created ticket #37

    "update context" keeps adding "devloader" to xml

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #36

    for eg the docBase is the project root dir, however the webapp exists under [project]/src/main/webapp. "apply and close" creates an incorrect context.xml and returning to the properties page shows a blank input field.

  • paul stanton paul stanton created ticket #36

    project "application root" does not persist

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #35

    this issue should be retitled - does not support Java 9. Installing and running with Java 8 solved it for me. it would be good if some compatability details/versions were in the readme. cheers.

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #35

    the folder/file C:\programs\apache-tomcat-8.5.23-win64\endorsed does not even exist! is the plugin creating the system property behind the scenes?

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #35 looks like a very similar problem.

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on ticket #35

    Eclipse Tomcat management feature v 9.1.2 Jdk 9.0.1 eclipse Oxygen.1a Release (4.7.1a)

  • paul stanton paul stanton created ticket #35

    can't run tomcat - could not create jvm

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    also, please note there is no tag for the 1.06 release which makes it hard to create...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Version: j2mod-1.06.jar The implementation of TCPMasterConnection.connect means that...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm using TCP, the device I'm attached to does not do RTU. I'll try and follow up...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am not using a serial connection however ran into exceptions regardless. I guess...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I've found that requesting 1 value I get inconsistent results for fields which should...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, I found that via someone's copy of the source code. they were using version...

  • paul stanton paul stanton posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is a dependency on Gnu Io. I cannot find it documented anywhere, or what version...