Activity for pryrt

  • pryrt pryrt modified a comment on discussion Help

    What version of Notepad++ are you using? Plugin DLLs have never gone in AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config that I can remember (that's the directory for their config files, not their DLLs), and they haven't gone in AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\ for at least 5 years -- I know for sure that with v7.6-7.6.3 in 2018, when they reorganized the structure, it was made so plugin DLLs could only go in <install_dir>\plugins\<PluginName>\, and I thought that even before that, it was the default of...

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on discussion Help

    What version of Notepad++ are you using? Plugin DLLs have never gone in AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\config that I can remember (that's the directory for their config files, not their DLLs), and they haven't gone in AppData\Roaming\Notepad++\plugins\ for at least 5 years -- I know for sure that with v7.6-7.6.3 in 2018, when they reorganized the structure, it was made so plugin DLLs could only go in <install_dir>\plugins\<PluginName>\, and I thought that even before that, it was the default of...

  • pryrt pryrt created ticket #2381

    SQL Highlighting: does not handle nested comments

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on ticket #2363

    So far, ... you haven't defined the behavior you do want. In my example above, putting the caret at the 3and then doing ParaUp should take you to the line labled 3 (which is internally line 2). If the caret were already at the beginning of that line (before the e), then it would still take you to the beginning of the line labeled 1. This could be accomplished by changing // In the code, lines are numbered from 0, not 1 line--; to // In the code, lines are numbered from 0, not 1 if(current_caret_column==0)...

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on ticket #2363

    Interestingly, I would say that your analogy works better for my argument. If you have the phrase the word, and the caret is immediately before the w, then the caret is at the beginning of the word word, and so a Ctrl+Left should take you to the; but if the caret is between the w and the o, then the caret is not at the beginning of the word word, so Ctrl+Left should take you to the start of word. Similarly, the digit 3 in my example paragraph is not at the beginning of the paragraph: it's well into...

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on ticket #2363

    My point is that ParaUp behaves differently depending on where in the paragraph you are in. If you are on the second (physical) line or beyond of a given paragraph, then ParaUp will take you to the start of that paragraph. If you are on the first (physical) line of a given paragraph, then ParaUp will take you to the start of the previous paragraph.

  • pryrt pryrt created ticket #2363


  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on ticket #2333

    The same happens in SciTE 5.2.2, so it's not just Notepad++'s usage of the library.

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on discussion Help

    Great idea. I was so focused on my idea of storing the file in KeePass that I wasn't trying to find other implementations.. That will accomplish my actual goal. Thanks

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on discussion Help

    When I unlock my database, I'd like to be able to save an attached file from a particular KeePass entry to a particular location on my local drive... then delete that file when the database is locked or closed so that it's not available when my database is locked (some tools need secrets in files, but I only want that available when I've got my database unlocked). I thought I remembered something like that in the past, but after a few days of searching documentation, I cannot find a way to do it...

  • pryrt pryrt posted a comment on discussion Bugs & Issues

    Could you add the SCI_SETMARGINLEFT / SCI_SETMARGINRIGHT to be able to change the editor margins? and have both recently asked about how to change those, and being able to point to your plugin as the solution would be nice.

  • pryrt pryrt created ticket #2

    digit error in text files, equivalent to -s 7599

  • pryrt pryrt created ticket #1

    digit error/mismatch at -s 9999 -n 20, in the 10th of the 20 digits shown