Activity for s armstrong

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    perfect! Thank you, Steve.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    Delete me

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks, here it is

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks, here it is

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    Feeling more dense than usual. Have been doing xml epg import (source zap2xml) for years and everything works fine. The daily bat file exits after epgcollector.exe runs, I think, because it is returning status code "10" timing out during the in-band scans. The bat file completes normally if run from the command line but exits prematurely when run as a scheduled task. There are just a couple of file copy commands after the epgcollector program runs. In searching here I see references to disabling...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    Feeling more dense than usual. Have been doing xml epg import (source zap2xml) for years and everything works fine. The daily bat file exits after epgcollector.exe runs, I think, because it is returning status code "10" timing out during the in-band scans. The bat file completes normally if run from the command line but exits prematurely when run as a scheduled task. There are just a couple of file copy commands after the epgcollector program runs. In searching here I see references to disabling...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Feeling more dense than usual. Have been doing xml epg import (source zap2xml) for years and everything works fine. The daily bat file exits after epgcollector.exe runs, I think, because it is returning status code "10" timing out during the in-band scans. In searching here I see references to disabling the in-band scans in wmc but not how to disable the epgc in-band scans. Is there a reason I still want/need the epgc in-band scans when I am importing my epg via xml? If not, is there a way to disable...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Mine hung for one day, but as you say, seems to be OK since then.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    You probably don't want your password out in public. I'll see if anything is obvious and post back

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    I believe 14 days is getting close to what zap2it makes available. You also are bumping up against diminishing returns as you go further out as well as increasing runtime and load on zap2it servers. even 14 days out is somewhat marginal accuracy, esp program details. If you try it, report back on the results.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anyone interested in seeing my particular zap2xml xmltv issue, I've attached the "bad" and "good" xmltv files from zap2xml. Good is after deleting cache entries for that day and re-running. Since I , so far, have not noticed the issue until days after it's initial download I don't know what the zap2it site looked like when the problem initially occurs. Once in the zap2xml cache, however, it doesn't correct itself until cache is deleted. [sorry, don't know xml well enough to know best start/stop places]...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anyone interested in seeing my particular zap2xml xmltv issue, I've attached the "bad" and "good" xmltv files from zap2xml. Good is after deleting cache entries for that day and re-running. Since I , so far, have not noticed the issue until days after it's initial download I don't know what the zap2it site looked like when the problem initially occurs. Once in the zap2xml cache, however, it doesn't correct itself until cache is deleted. [sorry, don't know xml well enough to know best start/stop places]...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    on the command line include "-N #" where # is the number of days of cache to delete and reprocess. You usually want this to be as small a number as possible to get the results you need because processing from cache runs faster and puts less burden on the zap2it site. The primary reason for this is so guide updates replace old data so the upcoming N days have the most current/accurate data possible. I mostly see it with weekend sports, others have mentioned guest names on talk shows. An initial guide...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you do a google search on zap2xml, you will see people reporting issues in plex,emby,etc starting around the middle of Dec. This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you do a google search on zap2xml, you will see people reporting issues in plex,emby,etc starting around the middle of Dec. This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you do a google search on zap2xml, you will see people reporting issues in plex,emby,etc starting around the middle of Dec. This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    If you do a google search on zap2xml, you will see people reporting issues in plex,emby,etc starting around the middle of Dec. This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues may be a symptom of a change at zap2it or simply some temporary issues on the site. To the best of my knowledge, no one has taken...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This is the second week in a row that my zap2xml guide & cache have gotten corrupted. In this case the corruption occurred ~ 01/01/2021 about 1:00 am and stayed corrupted until ~ 01/04/2021. Solution in both cases was to increase the -N parameter to delete the corrupted cache. For me in both cases I would end up with shows that went on for days in the guide. These issues may be a symptom of a change at zap2it or simply some temporary issues on the site. To the best of my knowledge, no one has taken...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The j flag marks anything not a movie as a series. I think most that tested it didn't find it useful but others can comment and it would depend on what you are wanting to accomplish. Hmmm, maybe my terminology isn't correct. Maybe adding the series category to everything not a movie is somehow different than marking everything as a series? The full implications of these tags isn't always clear to me.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The j flag marks anything not a movie as a series. I think most that tested it didn't find it useful but others can comment and it would depend on what you are wanting to accomplish.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The j flag marks anything not a movie as a series. I think most that tested it didn't find it useful but others can comment.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    VERY nice.! One thing I notice is vhf sration setup. Maybe you don't have any of them. I know epg123 has pretty good documentation about setting them up.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    Response from developer: ========= Hello, Unfortunately a lawyer for a big corp didn't like it, but it is still available on the way back machine =============== Since they chose to contact him in that way, I wouldn't be surprised if a relatively minor change occurs on the site fairly soon

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Response from developer: Hello, Unfortunately a lawyer for a big corp didn't like it, but it is still available on the way back machine

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    Here is just the exe from 12/18. Most recent version I had, and seems to still work fine. No usage info. This is the windows only exe vs perl version. I never had the perl version. Note: if zap2it changes their site at all this will stop working if it is not being maintained.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Here is just the exe from 12/18. Most recent version I had, and seems to still work fine. No usage info. Note: if zap2it changes their site at all this will stop working if it is not being maintained.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Zap2xml developer has in the past been receptive to emails. It may be worth contacting him to see if he plans on maintaining the app and if not if would pass the code on or make public.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes, only each ti e you run it

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, Zap2xml saves (caches) each program's information so that it does not have to be downloaded again but has no way to know if a program's information has been updated. So if an initial description is very generic, it would not be replaced with more specific information if/when that becomes available. The N option resolves this issue by always deleting the cache for the upcoming N days and replacing with newer data. Talk shows may be a perfect example. 2 weeks out the description may be "late night...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, Zap2xml saves (caches) each program's information so that it does not have to be downloaded again but has no way to know if a program's information has been updated. So if an initial description is very generic, it would not be replaced with more specific information if/when that becomes available. The N option resolves this issue by always deleting the cache for the upcoming N days and replacing with newer data. Talk shows may be a perfect example. 2 weeks out the description may be "late night...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Paul, Read the recent thread titled "Wmc import issues" specifically the references to "replace text". You should be able to replace the / with some innocuous character. What I don't know is when in the process it happens so that it would fix the file naming issue.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Adam, myself and the few people I'm familiar with are just OTA so relatively few channels (~ 20 in my case) so we collect every day. In that case we use N 1 or 2, along with the T switch, so that we take advantage of caching but reload the most recent 1 or 2 days data in case there are updates to program info. The T switch doesn't cache tba listing so they are always loaded if new info is available. Using these settings, my zap2xml command always completes in less than 10 minutes and my epgc runs...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Adam, myself and the few people I'm familiar with are just Ota so relatively few channels (~ 20 in my case) so we collect every day. In that case we use N 1 or 2, along with the T switch, so that we take advantage of caching but reload the most recent 1 or 2 days data in case there are updates to program info. The T switch doesn't cache tba listing so they are always loaded if new I fo is available. Using these settings, my zap2xml command always completes in less than 10 minutes and my epgc runs...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, If not already, you will want to use the -N 5 (or so) on your zap2it cmd. That will replace the most recent days (number after the N) data with more up-to-date information. Otherwise, since you are only collecting once a week, your most recent info will always be old. I would also suggest the T switch to suppress caching of descriptions containing TBA.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, If not already, you will want to use the -N 2 (or so) on your zap2it cmd. That will replace the most recent days (number after the N) data with more up-to-date information. Otherwise, since you are only collecting once a week, your most recent info will always be old. I would also suggest the T switch to suppress caching of descriptions containing TBA.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, If not already, you will want to use the -N 2 (or so) on your zap2it cmd. That will replace the most recent days (number after the N) data with more up-to-date information.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Very sorry to hear about your system issues. Hope you get them sorted soon. I've had good luck with macrium reflect (free for personal use) but there are certainly others that may be more flexible. Others may have experience with multiple packages and can comment.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    VERY nice start! Look forward to the rest. Couple of quick ?s. F switch personal preference or make it work better with some other things? Haven't tried it, just curious. L switch - have you noticed any functional benefits to using this? Seems I tried it at some point but didn't notice anything. Thanks much for this!

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not from personal experience, but from what others have written, it seems these types of issues are usually tied to channel mapping in wmc. Try remapping the channels. Make absolutely sure they map to what is being downloaded by the guide. Check the epgc log for the load step and whether it appears the Channels match. Make sure the loadmxf step completes correctly. Also, consider adding the T and N switches to your bat file once things are working. I think Steve told someone else that time needs...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not from personal experience, but from what others have written, it seems these types of issues are usually tied to channel mapping in wmc. Try remapping the channels. Make absolutely sure they map to what is being downloaded by the guide. Check the epgc log for the load step and whether it appears the Channels match. Make sure the loadmxf step completes correctly. Also, consider adding the T and N switches to your bat file once things are working.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not from personal experience, but from what others have written, it seems these types of issues are usually tied to channel mapping in wmc. Try remapping the channels. Make absolutely sure they map to what is being downloaded by the guide. Check the epgc log for the load step and whether it appears the Channels match. Also, consider adding the T and N switches to your bat file once things are working.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not from personal experience, but from what others have written, it seems these types of issues are usually tied to channel mapping in wmc. Try remapping the channels. Make absolutely sure they map to what is being downloaded by the guide. Check the epgc guide for the load step and whether it appears the Channels match. Also, consider adding the T and N switches to your bat file once things are working.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    Thanks Steve, Certainly no rush on my account. I was just frustrated that I couldn't figure it out. Glad there is a valid reason.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    MXF vs xml file logos? Apologize if I am missing this somewhere: You guys specifically are talking about creating xmlTV files and using the associated path. I'm creating from zap2it xml and going to mxf/WMC trying to replicate the same process with stored PNG logo/icon files. Tried putting them in both images & images\imports (where epgCollector puts my images) and various different naming conventions. Is this the portion of the EPGC log I should be looking at to determine icon/logo file names? ===================...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    MXF vs xml file logos? Apologize if I am missing this somewhere: You guys specifically are talking about creating xmlTV files and using the associated path. I'm creating from zap2it xml and going to mxf/WMC trying to replicate the same process with stored PNG logo/icon files. Tried putting them in both images & images\imports (where epgCollector puts my images) and various different naming conventions. Is this the portion of the EPGC log I should be looking at to determine icon/logo file names? ===================...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    MXF vs xml file logos? Apologize if I am missing this somewhere: You guys specifically are talking about creating xmlTV files and using the associated path. I'm creating from zap2it xml and going to mxf/WMC trying to replicate the same process with stored PNG logo/icon files. Tried putting them in bot images & images\imports (where epgCollector puts my images) and various different naming conventions. Is this the portion of the log I should be looking at to determine icon/logo file names? ===================...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, before anybody wastes time on this. Noticed in the mxf file the image references get changed to a unc format similar to "file=//f:/appdata/..." I'm not sure if that is a valid unc reference when "f:" is a local drive. Need to do some more testing and research.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, before anybody wastes time on this. Noticed in the mxf file the references get changed to a unc format similar to "file=//f:/appdata/..." I'm not sure if that is a valid unc reference when "f:" is a local drive. Need to do some more testing and research.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hoping someone on here might have ideas to try: Created a new partition on my ssd/system drive for AppData so that my system backups don't have the guide images and other transient app data in them. I had originally moved it to my data/spinning drive but unfortunately that made the guide image fetches pretty slow. Everything worked as expected when AppData was on a folder within the data drive, but images don't seem to appear in the new partition/folder setup so I think it is a wmc permissions issue....

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    According to what I see it looks like one drive is cloud storaage like Google drive, etc vs local network storage (NAS, share, etc).

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So are your boxes in different locations so you can't use network storage or a share? If so, maybe worth looking at Google drive. I think you can have the copy done real-time (ie have bat wait for completion) but my experience with gDrive is pretty limited.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So are your boxes in different locations so you can't use network storage or a share? If so, maybe worth looking at Google drive. I think you can have the copy done real-time (ie have bat wait for completion).

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So are your boxes in different locations so you can't use network storage or a share?

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, FYI - I do the same thing with a network share/NAS and that works fine. Or are your boxes in different locations? Best to limit demand on zap2it servers when possible. We don't know if/when they may decide to do something so that this process no longer works.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Jim, FYI - I do the same thing with a network share/NAS and that works fine. Best to limit demand on zap2it servers when possible. We don't know if/when they may decide to do something so that this process no longer works.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ringo - can i ask why you are clearing the cache each run? It does run substantially slower without cache. If worried about more current guide data look at the -T and -N switches to accomplish similar results without losing all of the benefits of caching. Some of us are using -N (1 or 2) to ensure current results for most current days. But, we are also running every day so that may be why clearing cache makes more sense for your use case.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ringo - can i ask why you are clearing the cache each run? It does run substantially slower without cache. If worried about more current guide data look at the -T and -N switches to accomplish similar results without losing all of the benefits of caching. Some of us are using -N (1 or 2) to ensure current results for most current days. But, we are also running every day so that may be why you are going the route you are.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, see my response above Jim's. Let me know if you want to pursue further.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The process I'm familiar with would not be overly easy to replicate. It uses a screen-scraper on the site using each users login credentials to access location/channels/favorites. Requires creating zap2it user account & credentials which are then used by the screen scraping program "zap2xml".

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The process I'm familiar with would not be overly easy to replicate. It uses a screen-scraper on the site using each users login credentials to access location/channels/favorites.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The process I'm familiar with would not be overly easy to replicate. It uses a screen-scraper on the site using each users login credentials to access location/channels/favories.

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    First, Thanks very much for the quick answers and support! Just an FYI - when setting EPGC_DATA_DIR to a new location it seemedto do as expected EXCEPT this file: WMC Export.xml was created in the default/old/original location. May be by design or may not matter. Just an FYI.

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    First - Thanks MUCH to the developer and any other contributors! Great app (WAY overkill for my simplistic needs) but seems to do a great job of collecting the guide related resources and making them available to WMC. Have been reading docs and searching and will continue to do so. Appologize if these answers are out there and I am missing them. Using zap2xml xmlTV source. 1: Selecting Local image download - I overlooked selecting this option when I first configured things but images were downloaded...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    First - Thnks MUCH to the developer and any other contributors! Great app (WAY overkill for my simplistic needs) but seems to do a great job of collecting the guide related resources and making them available to WMC. Have been reading docs and searching and will continue to do so. Appologize if these answers are out there and I am missing them. Using zap2xml xmlTV source. 1: Selecting Local image download - I overlooked selecting this option when I first configured things but images were downloaded...

  • s armstrong s armstrong modified a comment on discussion Help

    First - Thnks MUCH to the developer and any other contributors! Great app (WAY overkill for my simplistic needs) but seems to do a great job of collecting the guide related resources and making them available to WMC. Have been reading docs and searching and will continue to do so. Appologize if these answers are out there and I am missing them. Using zap2xml xmlTV source. 1: Selecting Local image download - I overlooked selecting this option when I first configured things but images were downloaded...

  • s armstrong s armstrong posted a comment on discussion Help

    First - Thnks MUCH to the developer and any other contributors! Great app (WAY overkill for my simplistic needs) but seems to do a great job of collecting the guide related resources and making them available to WMC. Have been reading docs and searching and will continue to do so. Appologize if these answers are out there and I am missing them. Using zap2xml xmlTV source. 1: Selecting Local image download - I overlooked selecting this option when I first configured things but images were downloaded...