Activity for Marcos Cruz

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #4

    I am not aware of any BASIC dialect whose "read" behaves that way, It's not a feature of classic/standard BASIC. I've found it in Sinclair BASIC, SuperBASIC, SBASIC and others. Anyway, a function to evaluate expressions would be more versatile. I have no plans to add the X11-BASIC dialect to Bywater BASIC at this time. Of course. I didn't suggested that. Besides, that would be nonsense, because X11-Basic is not an old classic dialect, but a modern implementation under active development.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #6

    DIM variables in a SUB (or FUNCTION) are local to the SUB (or FUNCTION). This is by design. Ok. Thank you. As local is not supported (in the Bywater variant), and the documentation does not explain that feature, I didn't suspect arrays are treated differently from ordinary variables. By the way, a GOSUB (or GOTO) from within a SUB (or FUNCTION) to a line outside that SUB (or FUNCTION), such as the "gosub init1" from within "sub init3", is not supported. That restriction is not mentioned in the glossary....

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #6

    Array items above 0..10 not accessible is some cases

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #4

    A function to evaluate expressions

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #1

    Just in case someone happens to find this old post: BaCon could be an alternative. But it's not an interpreter, and expressions are passed to C "as is", so the feeling is quite different from ordinary BASIC.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #4

    Perfect! I edited the code, recompiled it and now it works as expected. I use X11-Basic and PC-BASIC for certain projects of mine that need UTF-8, but after trying bwBASIC 3.20 I'm considering it as an alternative. I hope the UTF-8 support will be fixed in the next version of bwBASIC. Thank you.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #5

    UTF-8 characters are not displayed

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #4

    I've tried two older versions: 2.60 works fine, it prints UTF-8 characters; version 3.10 doesn't. Therefore I think this is a bug.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #2

    You are right. The wording of the manual confused me: SYNTAX: CONST variable [, ...] = value DESCRIPTION: Assigns the value to variable. Any later assignment to the variable causus a VARIABLE NOT DECLARED error. I misunderstood const inits a variable to prevent it from being used without initialization, i.e. before being declared withconst... which is nonsense :) What about option explicit?: With this option, all variables must be declared using dim.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #4

    UTF-8 characters

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #2

    Version 3.20 includes CONST, which is exactly what you need.

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #108

    One disk drive icon for every disk drive

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    After some investigation, I can confirm something strange happens with functions....

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    Not exactly a bug: The installer always creates the symbolic links in /usr/bin/ and...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    In case it helps, the Out of Memory error is thrown by FN calls if the function is...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    1) create a feature rich BASIC interpeter for iOS using GW-BASIC as a template 2)...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz modified a comment on discussion Bug reports

    Sorry for the delay. I use version 15.08.11, the first one I ever installed. I've...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    Sorry for the delay. I use version 15.08.11, the first one I ever installed. I've...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    I have found out this problem: new 10 def fna%(x)=100 20 print fna%(0) run Out of...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I discovered PC-BASIC some weeks ago, and I think it's an impressive emulator. I...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz modified a comment on discussion Bug reports

    I've updated from 15.08.10 to 15.08.11, and I forgot to run the uninstaller first....

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on discussion Bug reports

    I tried to update from 15.08.10 to 15.08.11, and I forgot to run the uninstaller...

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #103

    save/load binary data using any memory bank

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #102

    Improved memory browser to inspect any bank

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz posted a comment on ticket #365

    I forgot: I use Fuse compiled on Raspbian (Debian for Raspberry Pi).

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #365

    Z flag not updated by the debugger of fuse-sdl

  • Marcos Cruz Marcos Cruz created ticket #85

    Command line options to insert the second disk drive image