Activity for Steve Keen

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #638

    Multiple identical dimension values

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #635

    MasterRavelToEmulatePivotTableFilterFunctionality20240905A.mp4 Yes, that seems to nail it. Here's a video of me using the slices feature on that Excel file anyway. Pardon the excess commentary!

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #635

    Sure. I'll use it and take a video. The point is that the filters on an Excel Tab, with plots derived from a set of independent Pivot Tables, affects all of the plots. We can't (yet) do that, because Ravels are currently related just to the slice already taken from the source data. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book, The New Economics, is now available from Polity:...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    Here's the movie. ResizingHassleAgain20240830.mp4

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    Unfortunately not! I'm using Minsky 3.8.0-alpha.3 Minsky GUI 3.8.0-alpha.3 Ravel 1.3.1: Expires in 72 days Angular 17.3.7 And I just triggered it again. MP4 too big to attach directly; coming in the next post.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #1759

    Having gotten rid of them to continue editing the file, a control-Z restored them

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #1759

    MKY file--created two days ago, using this alpha.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #1759

    This is with Minsky 3.6.0-alpha.1 Minsky GUI 3.6.0-alpha.1 Ravel 1.3.1: Expires in 73 days Angular 17.3.7

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #637

    Posted before the MP4 had been fully created. Check this one instead.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #637

    At least I found a minor bug! When you resize an edit mode Godley on a publication tab, it resizes from the middle or thereabouts of the Table, rather than from its other edge.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #637

    My bad! I didn't try the right-click menu to toggle to Editor mode. My apologies Maestro!

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #637

    Renew Godley Table Tab

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #636

    Forecast widget

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #635

    Master Ravel for a Publication Tab?

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #634

    User-extensible widget bar

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #633

    We need day of the week too, in abbreviated and full name format, both as data import format options to time, and as display options on the canvas.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #633

    Abbreviated Month Name Import Dropdown Option needed

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    Finally got the intended result. I hope I've uncovered something buggy in the code in the process. The exercise has emphasised the desirability of a running sum and a running average operator. In terms if icons, maybe indicate them with arrows <--> above the current cumulative sum and average operators?

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    I just re-triggered it by resizing windows.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    Replace the old running sum operator with the new one and everything is fine.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    Here's another comparison. The original operator doesn't work, with the same settings on which the new one does.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    Strange! I added a new running sum, and it worked with that. But it's still not working with the older one.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    I did that. See image and RVL file.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    What I now have is: Minsky 3.8.0-alpha.3 Minsky GUI 3.8.0-alpha.3 Ravel 1.3.1: Expires in 80 days Angular 17.3.7It seems not to have that bug now though.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    3.7.1. I'll try upgrading now. On Thu, Aug 22, 2024 at 8:53 AM High Performance Coder wrote: Are you guys using the latest version? (3.7.4). I think this one is probably fixed. [ravel:#631] Integer called on real value Status: open Milestone: Babbage Created: Wed Aug 21, 2024 01:48 PM UTC by Steve Keen Last Updated: Thu Aug 22, 2024 05:59 AM UTC Owner: nobody Attachments: JoernDemo20240821.rvl

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #632

    The successful workaround file.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #632

    Moving average operator

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    I managed to trigger this bug myself by resizing Ravel's window, so--as I expect you've already worked out--it's a scaling bug issue again. One of these videos also illustrates another bug: an error message for a difference operator that persists even though the error (not specifying an axis) has been addressed. I'm leaving this in this ticket because there's a chance these bugs are related.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #631

    Here's the recording of our Zoom session. I got him to open, try to import, shut down, reinstall, and the same error applies. After the initial error message on loading Ravel, nothing works: not even typing a divide by key, let alone inserting a data import parameter. He's a good friend, so I can link you two for you to suss out what's happening. It must be specific to his PC (Windows) but this is a problem we don't want anyone to experience. video1715194963.mp4

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #631

    Integer called on real value

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #630

    CSV files

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #630

    Sort order not working

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #629

    CSV files.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #629

    This one generates a strange effect--another 16-bit problem?

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #629

    Crash on Loading Horizontal Data

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #627

    Movies of crashes CrashOnFileImport20240818A.mp4 CrashOnFileImport20240818B.mp4

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #627

    Data files.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #627

    Crash on Loading Horizontal Data

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #622

    Ah! What I actually did was define GDP as a parameter, and then put it into a Ravel using the merge operator, then--here's the error--attach it to a variable that I also called GDP. Ravel caught the error, so I then renamed the variable GDP_{Nom}. Thanks. I'll go back and redo that file. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book, The New Economics, is now available from...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #623

    CSV files.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #623

    Divide Operator Glitch

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #622

    The merge operator seems to be scrambling data somehow. A division of one parameter by another returns the expected result. A division of one variable by another, both derived from a merged Ravel, does not.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #622

    Merge Operator glitch

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #324

    I'm only getting Ravel 1.3.0 when I choose Upgrade.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #324

    Let's go for the parameter edit then. Can you bump it up to 10? An option can come later, as you say. I'm starting social media posts tomorrow BTW. And I might contact a friend who runs a game marketing company as well.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #324

    Yeah, but now with the improvements we made to axis labelling and such in the last year, six is no longer the maximum. I'd say it's about ten. Can that parameter value be changed in the code? At some point, we could make it a user-option, but in trying to show off Ravel in social media posts, the faded display is more of a hindrance than a help. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon:

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #620

    Good. Even a minimum size warning would help, since 2^64 is a much bigger number than most people appreciate. Something that gave users an indication of potential data cube size? Maybe a box like this: Dimensions: Max number: 21 (this is the initial size of the BIS database) Est. minimum for unique key: (user entered--7 for the BIS) Max values per dimension: 350 (that's roughly the number of quarters) Min values per dimension: 2 (Adjusted or unadjusted for breaks) Estimated data cube size (calculated...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #324

    OK, but I have to sheepishly say... that I think my idea of a "greyed out" Ravel when there are more than six dimensions was a mistake--or rather a relic of when the angles of the axis labels and the text clashed with each other. This is now an annoyance when I load the BIS debt data for a video, since it come in as seven dimensions. I have to reduce by at least one dimension before what a Ravel looks like is obvious in a recording. Could this effect be bumped up to say ten dimensions, as a temporary...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #620

    OK, but we do need to warn users of when they are likely to breach "curse of dimensionality" limits. Could you include a calculation field showing the data requirements of current selections? This could be used to advise users to reduce dimensionality on importing by choosing to ignore sufficient columns while still generating a unique key.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #621

    Also some peculiarities in the associated sheet.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #621

    CSV file

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #621

    Negative which should be positive

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #620

    Analyse and Load Button

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #619

    Import form reversion

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #618

    Will do. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book, The New Economics, is now available from Polity: @ProfSteveKeen Mobile +66 (0) 99-257-2692 Honorary Professor, UCL &ISRS Distinguished Research Fellow On Wed, 7 Aug 2024 at 08:00, High Performance Coder wrote: Seems...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #618

    Source data.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #618

    Bad Alloc again

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #1755

    This is one worth bumping up in the priority list. Here's another example

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #617

    Using index and gather

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #616

    I didn’t enter a value though. That must be the consequence of attempting to move the legend using the mouse. I think we could insist the scaling is always positive, unless we sell a copy to Leonardo da Vinci. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book, The New Economics, is now available from Polity: @ProfSteveKeen...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #616

    Upside-Down Plot Label

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #615

    Also notice that the Year axis on the first Ravel is light while for the second it is the correct intensity.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #615

    Massaged CSV files.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #615

    Axes Wrongly Labelled

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #614

    Import routine loading pre-header rows

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #612

    Yes, but what happens if we have two time series then, one with something that fits the ISO standard and one Quarterly? Will they be treated consistently, or will one bugger up the other? Pardon my mood! My expensive USB microphone has just failed one day before the bloody YouTube Pitch. I'm now going to go back in time and kill Murphy.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #613

    Invisible Wires

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #612

    I think I've worked out what's going wrong. When you don't specify the date format, the program seems to treat the Quarter numbers as months. So what you get is data for January, February, March, April, and then the next January-April. Instead what you should have is data for January, April, July, October, then the next January, April, July, October. Of course what different countries choose as months for quarters is probably also arbitrary! But in this case I think it would be best to use the American...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #611

    Fair enough--but that raises the question of whether dates should be automatically sorted in Date order. Anyway, I was concerned that I might have found a boundary condition bug. This is something for the backlog I think--ensuring that date data is always in date order, regardless of how it was stored in the source CSV file. Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book,...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #612

    The Date dimension was a time dimension in both versions; in one I didn't specify the format, in the other I did. The first one had klunky plots--I think because only the year was being plotted, or each quarter in a year was stacked vertically--while the latter had smooth plots. The basic point is that I think we should aim to make specifying the date format unnecessary, unless there's a need to clarify when a US MDY format is used and it can't be distinguished from DMY formatted dates. In that case...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #612

    RVL and data files

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #612

    Plot formatting without date formatting

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #611

    Changing the difference operator to -1 for years worked, while the operator for quarterly data is correct with the operator being +4.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #611

    Data files

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #611

    Difference operator error

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #610

    CSV file--too big for SourceForge. Unemployment_{Rate}^{ILO}.csv Best, Steve Professor Steve Keen Want to rebuild economics? Support me on Patreon: My latest book, The New Economics, is now available from Polity: @ProfSteveKeen Mobile +66 (0) 99-257-2692 Honorary Professor, UCL &ISRS Distinguished...

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #610

    PS This was using 3.6 Alpha

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #610

    Cyclic plot on first import

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #609

    Plot has wrong labels

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #608

    This is the post about using Python to analyze the data:

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #608

    Dimensionality Error

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen modified ticket #607

    Bad Alloc again

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #607

    I couldn't save the file.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #607

    Second JPG. I wasn't able to save the file.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #607

    Bad Alloc again

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #606

    Missing Data on Import

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #605

    Parameter value bleed

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #604

    Just what we need at the moment: it appears to be a Heisenbug! The file loaded fine on the next attempt.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #604

    The offending process seems to be getting 0% of processor time.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #604

    I can't shut the program down. I think we need a "cancel" button on the resetting window.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #604

    Data files.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #604

    RVL file

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #604

    Cannot read properties error

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #600

    I thought it might--in which case, forget the "get me a beta ASAP" in my previous email: this needs to work as well for my intended example file. July 1 is looking like a good choice for the release.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #601

    My gawd, you're human after all! 😉. That sounds like one of my mistakes! Good that we've caught this one now, anyway. Can you get a new beta to me ASAP? I want to use this dataset as an indication of getting insights rapidly from Ravel on the Patreon site.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #601

    RVL and CSV

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #601

    Here's another example. I aggregated data by sorting and deleting in Excel, so the CSV has the actual numbers that can be compared to what Ravel is pumping out. There are obvious cases of numbers being scambled.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #601

    I think the redesign of the output from sheets may be the culprit here. The time trend for China in this sheet is the opposite of the data, but the column output for the year 1997 seems to grow as you'd expect China's patents to rise over time.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen posted a comment on ticket #603

    CSV file.

  • Steve Keen Steve Keen created ticket #603

    Column Tail Not Working

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