Activity for Priyam Nayak

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It will be helpful to find the issue if you can share the DWSIM file.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    When you install DWSIM in windows OS, there are two shortcuts that will appear in the desktop after successful installation - DWSIM and DWSIM(Cross-Platform UI). You can double click on DWSIM to access the classic UI. If the shortcut doesn't appear in your desktop, locate the folder where DWSIM is installed, and just run the file DWSIM.exe. You will be able to see classic UI.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Thank you Daniel. Will wait for the release to see the changes in DWSIM.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hello Daniel, Please see the attached DWSIM file where I am calculating the outlet pressure by setting the calculation mode other than Outlet Pressure. The outlet pressure is getting calculated correctly as it can be seen in the material stream connected to outlet port of the pump but it's not getting updated under Outlet Pressure property. Pressure Increase gets updated correctly. As an example, I have done it with performance curve calculation mode. Thanks Priyam

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hello Daniel, In DWSIM-Linux installation in the latest version, if we open an existing file in the classic UI, I am not able to save the changes anymore done in that file. Opening a new simulation and saving works fine but when it comes to opening an existing simulation and saving it after further changes, it doesn't save the file anymore. Is it because of this error that is shown in information panel when the file is loaded initially: "Some errors were found while parsing the XML file. The simulation...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hello Daniel, In DWSIM-Linux installation in the latest version, if we open an existing file in the classic UI, I am not able to save the changes anymore done in that file. Opening a new simulation and saving works fine but when it comes to opening an existing simulation and saving it after further changes, it doesn't save the file anymore. Is it because of this error that is shown in information panel when the file is loaded initially: "Some errors were found while parsing the XML file. The simulation...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Thank you Daniel. It works fine in the latest version. I didn't notice that you had released a new version few hours back. Sorry for the trouble.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Dear Daniel, I am trying to use DWSIM v8.0.4 classic UI in the linux ubuntu machine and getting the error which is attached as screenshot. Please check once.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Daniel, while running the consistency check for WMI repository, I got the message that WMI repository is consistent. I am attaching the error message I get while trying to save the file.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Daniel, while running the consistency check for WMI repository, I got the message that WMI repository is consistent. I am attaching the error message I get while trying to save the file.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Daniel, while running the consistency check for WMI repository, I got the message that WMI repository is consistent. I am attaching the error message I get while trying to save the file.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Can you please point out the steps you followed to resolve the WMI class error? There are too many steps mentioned in the link you gave and I am not able to follow properly.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Open DWSIM. Go to Help >> Documentation >> User Guide

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Daniel, Please see the attached file. It has a ChemSep column. Now, when one click on Open CAPE-OPEN Object Editor to open the Chemsep column and then solve it (by clicking on the gree button), simulation converges successfully but then when you close the object editor and then click on solve flowsheet in DWSIM environment, it doesn't simulate. Please check. Predictive SRK thermodynamics is used for the simulation. Thanks Priyam

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Python Scripting

    Reactive distillation column can be simulated in the DWSIM environment using the Chemsep column available. As an example, here is a flowsheet on reactive distillation using chemsep:

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for the report. We will work to get the files updated and working with DWSIM 6.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on ticket #263

    I think the issue might be because of the reactor length. In the DWSIM file, the reactor length is used as 1.2 m where as the length displayed in solution inspector is 0.012 m. It gets divided by a factor of 100 although both the units are metre.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified ticket #263

    Difference in PFR pressure drop in PFR results in PFR and solution inspector

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak created ticket #263

    Difference in PFR pressure drop in PFR results in PFR and solution inspector

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Please open the DWSIM file and check it. The reference document is already mentioned in the flowsheet.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Please open and check the flowsheet. The reference document is already mentioned in the flowsheet.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the attached gas-liquid separator file, initially the feed was at 350 K (complete liquid phase) and therefore on performing flash operation, complete feed was coming out as liquid which is as expected. Now, on overriding the separation temperature to 362.5 K, the flash operation happens at 362.5 K and feed gets separated into some liquid and rest vapor which is also as expected. But now when the "Override Separation Temperature" checkbox is unchecked and flash operation is performed again, the...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the attached gas-liquid separator file, initially the feed was at 350 K (complete liquid phase) and therefore on performing flash operation, complete feed was coming out as liquid which is as expected. Now, on overriding the separation temperature to 362.5 K, the flash operation happens at 362.5 K and feed gets separated into some liquid and rest vapor which is also as expected. But now when the "Override Separation Temperature" checkbox is unchecked and flash operation is performed again, the...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please find the attachment

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Please find the attachment

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Daniel, I am trying to simulate formation of acetic acid from methanol. In the process, i was doing sensitivity analysis on the CSTR and trying to find how change "delta-T" for CSTR would change "mole fraction(mixture)-acetic acid" in the product stream will be affected. However, there seems to be no change. But when the outlet temperature is increased manually from CSTR calculation parameters which in turn change delta-T, then the molar fraction(mixture)-acetic acid in the product stream changes....

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Daniel, Please look into the attached DWSIM File and document. It is a VL flash of gas mixture (0.2754 Methane, 0.3129 Ethane, 0.1479 Propane, 0.0570 i-Butane, 0.1168 Nitrogen, 0.0901 n-Pentane). Now, ChemSep column has been used here for flash. When we look into the results available in the ChemSep window, the liquid thermal conductivity of bottoms is shown as 0.0953402 W/[m.K]. Whereas if we look into the Phase Properties of material stream labelled as Liquid, thermal conductivity is show as...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Daniel, Please look into the attached DWSIM File and document. It is a VL flash of gas mixture (0.2754 Methane, 0.3129 Ethane, 0.1479 Propane, 0.0570 i-Butane, 0.1168 Nitrogen, 0.0901 n-Pentane). Now, ChemSep column has been used here for flash. When we look into the results available in the ChemSep window, the liquid thermal conductivity of bottoms is shown as 0.0953402 W/[m.K]. Whereas if we look into the Phase Properties of material stream labelled as Liquid, thermal conductivity is show as...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Daniel, Please look into the attached DWSIM File and document. It is a VL flash of gas mixture (0.2754 Methane, 0.3129 Ethane, 0.1479 Propane, 0.0570 i-Butane, 0.1168 Nitrogen, 0.0901 n-Pentane). Now, ChemSep column has been used here for flash. When we look into the results available in the ChemSep window, the liquid thermal conductivity is shown as 0.0953402 W/[m.K]. Whereas if we look into the Phase Properties of material stream labelled as Liquid, thermal conductivity is show as -2.3161 W...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    How do we consider the Ash present in coal for compound selection in simulation configuration wizard while we are doing Gasification of Coal process simulation?

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to separate a mixture of compounds using compound separator. While trying to mention the separation factor, while i select the spec as % Inlet molar flow and manipulate the corresponding value accordingly, i dont see the desired results in outlet material streams. When the spec is mentioned as molar flow or % inlet mass flow, it seems to work fine. But as i mention % inlet molar flow, manipulate the values and run, the outlet stream results are not coming as per specifications.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to separate a mixture of compounds using compound separator. While trying to mention the separation factor, while i select the spec as % Inlet molar flow and manipulate the corresponding value accordingly, i dont see the change accordingly in outlet material streams. When the spec is mentioned as molar flow or % inlet mass flow, it seems to work fine. But as i mention % inlet molar flow, manipulate the values and run, the outlet stream results are not coming as per specifications...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to separate a mixture of compounds using compound separator. While trying to mention the separation factor, while i select the spec as % Inlet molar flow and manipulate the corresponding value accordingly, i dont see the change accordingly in outlet material streams. When the spec is mentioned as molar flow, it seems to work fine. But since i plan to use recycle block, molar flow cannot be used as specification and therefore i need to use % inlet molar flow.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    In the classic UI version 5 update 6, i am getting the warning messages in language other than english (i guess, portugese as per google translator) while my UI language is set as english. Screenshot is also attached.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    In the classic UI version 5 update 6, i am getting the warning messages in language other than english (i guess portugese as per google translator) while my UI language is set in english. Screenshot is also attached.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    In the classic UI version 5 update 6, i am getting the warning messages in language other than english (i guess portugese as per google translator) while my UI language is set in english.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Windows Platform (New UI)

    It works when i do it by mouse right click. However, in any case i am unable to click on the simulation object added. By hovering mouse over the object, i am unable to right click it to edit its properties. I have to hover my mouse in the space around the flowsheet object (or sometimes even far away from the object) to show its properties as pop up and where the pop up is displayed, i have to right click there and edit its properties.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Windows Platform (New UI)

    After adding the compounds, property package and flash algorithm, whenever i am adding the unit operation through 'Objects' > 'Add New Simulation Object', i am getting error as Not Responding. Add Object to the Flowsheet window opens with not responding error. Tried multiple times but isn't working.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to achieve vapor phase cracking of acetone in an Isothermal CSTR but getting error as "No reactor volume defined". I have attached the file.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to achieve vapor phase cracking of acetone in an Isothermal CSTR but getting error as "No reactor volume defined"

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Also, look the condenser specification value is showing the correct value of reflux...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In that case, look into the attached file. I have used Reflux ratio as input for...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In the sample file for Petroleum Distillation, the Distillate Molar Flow and Reflux...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Daniel, What i understand is that Tmin and Tmax denotes the temperature range between...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In reaction manager while adding kinetic reaction, we get to see the below terms...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Got it. Thanks a lot.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Okay. Thank you for the clarification... What about this message: "Compounds Ethanol_BD...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Biodiesel Production flowsheet from DWSIM sample is not working. Its throwing warning...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on ticket #158

    Problem also existing in 16.04

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak created ticket #158

    Object palette's drag and drop functionality is not working in Ubuntu 14.04.

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Getting the error for the CSTR simulation as index was outside the bounds of the...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Getting the error for the CSTR simulation as index was outside the bounds of the...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Getting the error for the CSTR simulation as index was outside the bounds of the...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It works fine when the calculation mode is changed to ISothermic and vary the reactor...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to create a simple flowsheet for PFR simulation. Below is the problem...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I am trying to create a simple flowsheet for PFR simulation. Below is the problem...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In Absorption Column, there are 4 different solvers. Can you please provide some...

  • Priyam Nayak Priyam Nayak posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Suppose i add a material stream with 2 components. Now as soon as the stream is added...