Activity for Frank R Brown III

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Larry: The third column, the Debutanizer, worked out easily. Here is a solution for all three columns. Hope this helps you and your client. Frank

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Larry: First I must apologize. I thought you were designing a light ends plant, not modeling one with an eye to improvements, energy saving, etc. This of course is a slightly diiferent case, (approach) since you have most conditions all ready. Secondly, I tried my own advice. I converted the de-eth column to a reboiled absorber. I get a fuel gas phase stream. If you need a liquid fuel gas stream you can add an air cooler at the end. If trouble getting a liquid, raise the pressure. Anyway here are...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Report: No trouble opening the simulation Water Electrolyzer.dwxmz. Using DWSIM version 8.8.1.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I looked at the simulation LPG frac full column.dwxmz. It does not match the short cut column scheme. In the Short Cut Column simulation, you have no control over the phase of the overhead. In the full column simulation, the first column has a partial condenser. The products are both gas and liquid. The usual arrangement in a gas Plant is to use a reboiled absorber to strip off Ethane and lighter to a Refinery fuel gas system. The present arrangement results in to much Propane in the overhead. See...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I looked at the file LPG Frac SCOLs.dwxmz. First your initial pressure is too high. when I experimented with lowering it things began to fall in line. A solution is posted below, LPG Frac SCOLS.dwxmz. I will look at the LPG frac full Column.dwxmz if I get a chance this week end. But you may try to change conditions in the full column to match the short Cut columns. Sorry to take so long.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You know "NaN" means "not a number". I would first suspect your mixture composition does not have any materials.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Kevin: Could you possibly post the problem so I can have a look? Also is the video tutorial on You Tube, If so what is it's name. Frank in a heat wave in Southern California.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Prateek: I am not sure of exactly what you are asking for, but I'll try. In the dcol Flowsheet the two cloumns are solved by the Wang Henke Bubble Point Method. This is a matrix based method. You will have to do some research to find out exactly how it is done. The Chem-Sep Columns in Run1 are solved by a proprietary method. The first column is a complex distillation column and second is a simple distillation column. Neither seems t o be treated as an absorber.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Pete: Another solution is to click on the bar below the "Results" of each exchanger which says "View Temperature vs Heat Exchanger Profile." Look at the picture of the Heat flows in the exchangers. Two as given are operating in a region where you are taking heat from a cold stream and heating a hot stream. Note the green vertical line on the picture shows where the trouble is. You can cure this by checking the box above "Results" labeled "Force Pinch Point Location to Outlets."

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Prateek: Can you post the simulation so that we may see what the problem is? By dcol do you meant the DWSIM Column? As for question 2, the Cape_Open ChemSep Column is more robust than the DWSIM column. It can be varied in more ways than the DSIM column.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    I suggest the following changes. R_EtAc stream is partial vapor. Change the specification to Pressure and Vapor Fraction. Stream temperature becomes 99.9°C HEX_02 is a Heater Change to Cooler Stream temperature is the same 20↑8C Units are kmol/h Change to mol/h to make numbers more manageable. There is nothing wrong with the CSTR simulation. For CSRT residence time is defined as V/F. In this case Reactor Volume = 0.5 m^3 and Feed Rate = 5.7E-3 mol/h . Residence time is 0.5/5.7e-3 = 86.7 h. The reaction...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Why not create an Air Stream from Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon and some water? That should give you all the properties you will need.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Bad News DWSIM's background is the hydrocarbon industry. It was made to deal with vapour-liquid processes, not electrical phenomena. The fact that DWSIM has been broadened to deal with solids and electrolites is great. It is really a great extension of theory. But it is not a process simulation program for electrical flows etc. Seeing that you have a "" address, you may want to try DWSIM-PRO. it is based in Germany. sincerely, I wish I could help Frank R Brown III Chem Engr (ret.)

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Mario: One of the places that the Hea Exchanger software has trouble is when there is a temperature cross. That is when the Cold stream exits at a higher temperature than the Hot stream.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Using Data from the NGPSA Data Book I found the stream to be 7505.76 kJ/kg. Incidently speaking of typos I assumed 0.2% N2 from 0.02 to make the total 100%.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Try deactivating the reactor until you get everything else set the way you want it. Then Activate the reactor. You can Deactivate reactor with a button on the top of the bar or beside the reactor title on the parameter sheet.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Alahmad The DWSIM simulator cannot handle nuclear reaction: yet. maybe some day. The reactions it handles are reactions involving the electonic shells. It is not capable of reactions involving the nuclear core, fusion of protons and neutrons.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hi ditt: Try summing the Enthalpy of the exiting streams and subtracting the Enthalpy of the entering streams. The difference should equal the Energy stream either positive or negative. Sum the Enthalpy of each component on a mass or mole basis multiplied by the mass or moles as appropriate. The MCpDelta T method may not be accurate if there are large changes in Cp and/or Delta T.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Aicha Boumaiz: So how far have you gotten? I guess you must be able to specify the component fatty acids in Bleached Palm Oil Deodorization. And you have a good idea of how much steam is going to be needed and at what conditions, pressure and temperature. Then you can probably do it with an absorber acting as an extraction column. Finally, since nothing is ever 100% removal you have an understanding of what level of removal is desired. Bear in mind, that different fatty acids will have different...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    R Meenakshi sundaram You have made on complicated flow sheet. It will take some time to think it through. For instance, I do not understand where it begins. Usually, the feed streams are to the left on a Process Flow diagram. And the end result is on the right. I suspect the solver wants to start at the left end of the Flowsheet. You cannot start with a recycled stream. You can start with a feed and add a stream that is a recycle. You might help yourself by looking at each piece of equipment by itself...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Promwong: Here is the general guideline. Anytime a stream from later in the process is solved and sent back to the front of the process, you need a recycle block in the stream. There are elegant ways to draw the flowsheet and show process stream loops which make it obvious which streams need recycle blocks. If you can use DWSIM PRO, they have a way to automatically identify the minimum number of recycle streams

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have had a closer look at your problem. I found that there is a temperature cross that makes the heat transfer impossible. Have a look. Check the box for Calculate Heat Transfer Profile on the Condenser details panel. If necessary, rerun the simulation, then check. It is necessary to change the Heat Transfer Efficiency to about 10% in order to make it work. Here is what I found. It is labeled R-2. Comment ; I do not know why the calculation does not stop when the temperature crosses and the transfer...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    should have posted solution. Here it is.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I downloaded yoursimulation and it seems to work perfectly. Only thing I did was add a small pressure drop to the first exchanger and specify a percentage efficiency similar to the other exchangers. Hope this helps

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Promwong: Looks to me like you could use a Liquid/Vapour separator for those cases where the Liquid goes one way, and the gas goes the other way. If you need specific quantities in each stream use the stream Splitter. It is very general and you can divide the stream into two streams by many criteria. General Comment: This seems to be a rather complicated flowsheet. I for sure would have started with a much simpler one until I got to understand how each part of the simulation works. For instance,...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry I am having trouble posting. Bear with Me I renamed the file copy-2.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try this

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try this!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try this!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try this!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    HX-2 (2) has no Inlet Stream 2 HX-2 has no Inlet Stream 2 Settings Thermo, why Cool Prop? Components are Just CO2, Air, and H2O. Just use PR. Valve 4 does not change streams V-4 Inlet to V-4 . Pressure and Temperature are the same. Since this simulation is labeled "final test.dwxmz", I cannot tell what you are required to use from what conditions you may change. I am reposting you flowsheet with some items 'straightened out" Furthermore I changed the Flowsheet theme from 'Default' to "Black & White"....

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    sundaram: You have it correct. A Valve is just a Valve. It is the specifications you assign it that determine what it does. As for the storage tank with two (2) outlets, one for vapor and one for liquid. You are correct in using a liquid/vapour separator. After all you are only making a simulation. If it does what you want it to do great. You are not making a painting.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Since you did not post any flowsheet, it is difficult to say where recycle blocks are needed. Here is the general guideline. Anytime a stream from later in the process is solved and sent back to the front of the process, you need a recycle block in the stream. There are elegant ways to draw the flowsheet and show process stream loops which make it obvious which streams need recycle blocks.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    You can always add a heater to the simulation to bring the temperature back up.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    It is not free! You have to pay for the use of non-equilibrium models.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Missing "*" before exp?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    But isn't 81°C the adiabatic mixing temperature. Are you sure you don't want to designate it as Isothermal mixing?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    !. Can you post your current DWSIM flowsheet? 2. You may need a 2nd recycle for the Solar collector loop. 3. With reasonable temperatures, have you tried to run the model as an open loop? This would give you estimates for rapid closure of the recycles.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Where did you get the file from? It could be corrupted or your DWSIN installation may have an error. An easy check! does your DWSIM perform correctly on other samples, (examples) or problems? You do not need to post the same problem 4 times!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Where did you get the file from? It could be corrupted or your DWSIN installation may have an error. An easy check! does your DWSIM perform correctly on other samples, (examples) or problems?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    There is no Thermodynamics for MEA capture of CO2 in DWSIM. Supposedly DWSIM PRO has thermo that will work. You may have to contact them to use the package. Hysis has a themo package also likewise Winsim. IMO ProMax seems to be the best one.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Usually you can adjust the output flow of the column A by adjusting the Feed to A. Adjustments like that are proportional. Have you tried the Specification Controller? It would help if you could post the simulation.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Interesting! Apparently, you can use the Dashboard without charge? On a different track, have you looked into WinSim.. they supposedly have two-week free trial. They say they can do Amine and Sour Water. I do not know, but it is the old Chemshare program remade for Computer (Windows) use.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Can you log into, usually with Username followed by your password. Have you tried E-mailing Support@

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    here it is in 7zip format.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Are you sure the name wasn't "Sour Water"?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Consult "Biomas Simulation" discussion 3-11-2023. Here is relevant text. I really hate to disappoint you, but there is no way to reconstruct a definite molecule from Proximate analysis and Ultimate analysis. Both of the analyses along with an Orsat gas analysis are used to characterize coals and coke 'with respect to heat generation, etc". Coal and coke, as carbon, have no well defined molecular structure. If you need to know what sort of things you can do with these analyses, I would recommend the...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Xu: I think you forgot to put in a Recycle block. Here is what I got,

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    christ: Review attached article. It may be of help.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hi Christ; Don't shout. You need to describe your problem more. Perhaps post the written assignment or better yet post the simulation so we can see where you need help. There are several examples of PEM on line, although you may have to search for them. Trying to help because as Chem Eng student I've been in that position many times.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Maybe the recycle changing causes an instability in the minimization algorithm for the Gibbs Reactor. However, I made some changes and here it is. Changes: Mixer is now "Average Pressure", not Minimum Pressure". Changed split on separator. You can probably change it to whatever you want.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hi Jijun Xu: I have a new solution for you. You asked for Gibbs minimum reactions. So, I put in a Gibbs Reactor. (I should have seen that from the first!) Thank you for the interesting modeling problem.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    I have used DWSIM version 8.6.7 for Windows 10 . You should be able to download the latest version from the site you are posting these messages on under "Files". Here are the steps to check the Dynamic mode. Click the button which appears when you click on "Dynamics Manager". It is on the Strip labeled "Material Streams - Charts - Dynamics Manager - Files - Spread sheet - Flowsheet- script Manager". Finally click on "Flowsheet" to return to the model. Hope this helps

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Using an Equilibrium Reactor with Free Energy calculations is tricky at best. Here is a sample solution for you. I deleted extraneous compounds like diethyl ether and Methanol for now. I turned off the Dynamic mode. And last I ran the model as isothermal, once I got a solution, I changed it to adiabatic and got a solution.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Here is the second one. I have not seen a json file for Biuret. I do not think there is one. Both have been copied from the fossee file cited above. Check for yourself. Have fun!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Your Welcome

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Here is your simulation. I modified several specifications about the demethanized.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Urea is not in the DWSIM chemical database. So, you will have to get it from somewhere else. Such as the ChEDL Thermo Anyway, here is the json file for Urea.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Increase the reflux ratio. Look up the Gilliland Curve of Plates versus reflux ratio.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    kinda depends on the chemical you want to add. What is it? We see that you are experimenting with producing NaOH by electrolysis. Have you tried searching this board with various key words?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    kinda depends on the chemical you want to add. What is it? We see that you are experimenting with producing NaOH by electrolysis. Have you tried searching this board with various key words?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But User Manuel says; 10.11. Heat Exchanger DWSIM has a model for the countercurrent, two-stream heat exchanger which supports phase change and multiple phases in a stream. And since Heater cooler does Phase change could you separate the two strems and balance the heat duty?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try choosing Defined Outlet Temperature for the PFR. I tried 780 °K

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    You have trouble setting up Rigorous columns because 2 of your short cut columns do not make sense. I tried printing out as a report just the three short cut columns. Here are the steps Results>Create Report>Shortcut Columns -select all of them - Then "View" Or "Print" report. In the report for SCOL-3 the Minimum Reflux Ratio is -0.43 In the report for Distillation Column 2, there is no Optimum Feed Stage possibly because there are no actual stages listed in spite of the fact it shows 21.17 Minimum...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Looks Good!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Some idiot comments. I have attached my simulation of your problem. Comments: You can specify units to match your problem. I used an Expander instead of a compressor (trivial). Your Feed condition of 550 kPa and 250°C is already a vapor, Why go to all that trouble reconditioning the stream? The properties you want are displayed by clicking on the item. I hope this helps rather than hinders!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    It looks like you have the problem solved. You only need to read off the results. However, can you post the simulation as constructed? It would help.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    tseke: Please give us a hint as to the problem. Of course, this is not the place to give you lessons on how to use Chem Sep, but sometimes an overlooked command can trip things up. Perhaps you could post us a simulation to look at. We are trying to help. Thanks

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Try again

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    ID 10T error I forgot to attach simulation.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    I have downloaded you simulation. It ran perfectly. I see nothing wrong with it. I did widen the erro limits from 1e-5 to 1e-4. I have also save the profile for you as dwcdi file.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    You are using the wrong thermodynamics. PR does not model the absorption of ammonia in water. A little research might point you to a better choice. At worse case you may have to use a vapor - liquid diagram from a textbook and pick off points and fit a model to the curve, i.e. regresss an equation in DWSIM.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    The model is asking for the elevation change not the actual elevation of the segment. For instance Pipes P1, P3, P5, and P7 show no elevation change. Zero! 1. Specifically P3 has a length of 2 meters at an elevation of 4 meters. 2. Elevation change is always one number.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    More informaton is needed to describe the stream. For instance presssure an Temperature or Vapor phase fraction and Temp. or Press. Anyway, here is a sample of the stream I concocted.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Take a quick look at your PFD reactor. Are you sure your catalyst is 9000000000 kg/m^3? That seems sort of high. Density of Water is near 1000 kg/m^3 On your absorber, look at the connecting streams. Shouldn't water, stream 20 be directed to the top of the tower and stream 18 placed in the bottom. I have not had time to read all your pdf, but your stream relative values should match the pdf. That is 20/18 = Absorbent/Process. Also check inlet temperatures. Otherwise you get to far from equilibrium...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This comment is in reference to the comment (News) that DWSIM PRO has a Carbon Capture Process simulation. I attened {viewed] the meeting of Simulate 365 on Jun 27th about their carbon capture. I gathered it is very good for the aborption of CO2 from flue gases, but not available for removal of acid gases such as H2S and CO2 from refinery gases. This is in spite of the fact the model is based on the Kent Eisenberg ionic equilibria. Sour Water strippers are another problem! The removal of H2S, NH3...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Absorbers are very hard to simulate. Usually your estimates of profile need to be 'spot' on. In your case I (we) do not have enough information to make any suggestion on Absorber simulation. For instance, what are you trying to achieve? And what is the absorbent you are planning to use? And at what flow rate? [moles/mole of absorbent] et cetra. See it takes a good deal of planning to simulate an absorber!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Problem No1. You have the wrong type of reactor. Try using either the CSTR or the PFR. Both are made for catalytic reactions.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    You are right! For some reason the Heat Exchanger Properties Table from the Insert menu does not pick up or show the HE pressures. The good news is that the Master Property Table does. See the simple water to water exchanger attached.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Windows Platform (New UI)

    Not sure what you need to study. Suggest you put a valve in the stream and adjust the outlet pressure until you get the mass flow you want.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Most of the time downloads go to a Down Load Folder. However you can always Search for the installation file. Search for "DWSIM_bin_v8.4.3..... ".

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I have assumed you are extracting the Toluene from the water using Benzene as the Solvent. To this end I wonder how useful is the PR Thermo. Anyway I have attached an update. I switched the Extract and Raffinate streams. I changed the feed and product streams to reflect the top and bottom of the column. I also tried to fake in temperature and vapor/liquid profiles. It still did not run. Do you have any equilibrium Data on the ternary system? I suspect a thermo which has a LLE system would work better,...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try changing the Efficiency on the Evap to something less than 100%, say 85%. That insures there is a temperature difference between the cold inlet and the hot outlet streams.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In January 2022 someone published a Psychometric template. Perhaps you could us it. Attached are the Template and an example.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    I really hate to disappoint you, but there is no way to reconstruct a definite molecule from Proximate analysis and Ultimate analysis. Both of the analyses along with an Orsat gas analysis are used to characterize coals and coke. Coal and coke, as carbon, have no well defined molecular structure. If you need to know what sort of things you can do with these analyses, I would recommend the ancient text "Industrial Stoichiometry" by Lewis, Radish, and Lewis. McGraw-Hill, 1954.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    George: R-410A and R-407A are mixtures according to Wikipedia. R-507 seem to be 1,1,1 Trifluoromethane, R-23. Other species in the mixtures are Difluoromethane , R-32, pentafluoroethane, R-125 and 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane, R-134a. The critical properties of all these can be found in the book "The Properties of Gases and Liquids" by Poling, Prausnitz, and O'Connell, 5th Edition. However, getting the properties way above their critical pressure at 100 to 500 bar would be difficult. I assume you mean...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Hi Lisneider: it would help if you could post the simulation so that we too could examine what is the matter. First a suggestion. Try a Conversion reactor to see if you can get the products you want.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Try this solution. Maintained outlet temperature of 509° Rearranged controls . Increased Mass flow rate until power outlet of Expander matched E3, which is simply the sum of E1 and E4. Changed Scrips slightly. Hope it helps.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Usually something is just out of place or sync. How about showing us the simulation, something concrete we can see. Id Est Post a simulation!

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Windows Platform (New UI)

    Just an ID 10 T suggestion, if Nitrogen does not take part in the reaction try eliminating it from the list of reactants I have had a look at your simulation "reformB.dwmz". The only error I saw was you forgot to set the BC for one of the reactions. However, it did not make a difference to the outcome, still N2 disappears. Incidentally "NaN" stands for "Not a Number". The program just did not assign the number zero to the quantity.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The Absorber Column module uses initial estimates to solve the column. The Tabs are: general, specifications, stages, connections, Estimates, and results. Under "File", the third button which saves current profile estimtes to a file results in the Open File Dialog box, not the Save File Dialog box. the tool tip says "Save estimates to a file". but the button does not perform the action.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    If you really want to use a Cape Open absorber you could download one from Chem The absorber there is the one DWSIM calls. The problem is caused by a slippage in the row height. I'm not sure you can adjust the height like you can in Excel.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Picking the size of a Flash Drum or a Knock out Drum is easy. The size is built into the design procedure. Assigning the size to an Absorber or a Distillation Column is a bit trickier. Once the column vapour and liquid flows are available there are methods to design the trays or packing which results in tray dimeters. Such as KG-Tower. The design of the tower top and bottom is usually based on the hold up, boil up, and reflux flows. In other word somewhat of a guess! Once you have the size, diameter...

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Anyone who has had a course in Chemical Reaction Engineering can tell you that the residence time for a CSTR is the Tank Volume Divide by the Feed Rate. t = V/F.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Should stream 8 be connected to the heat exchanger?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    psot = post! :)

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    In order to tell you where to insert Recycle blocks we need to see your simulation. Without giving away any secret information, could you psot the problem?

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    Here are the changes I made. Lowered Sea Water pressure to 101425 Pa and salt content to get under 0.12 kg/kg sea water. On the Humidifier I chose estimates based on entering quantities, Temp., Vapor flow, and Liq. Flow. I have attached my solution. I hope you can warp it around to what you need.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    In a previous simulation, see attached the author used NRTL Model. You might try that first. Unfortunately, beyond a few general rules the best method of deciding which thermo package to use may be the Experimental Method. Try them and compare the results to real data.

  • Frank R Brown III Frank R Brown III posted a comment on discussion Help (Classic UI)

    I suggest you try a flash separator then a short cut column to separate the Methanol and Methyl Formate. After you have good estimates for a column delete the Short Cut Column and substitute a Chem Sep Column. You will have to adjust the feed conditions to get what you want. Finally have good estimates of the flows you reattach the recycle lines if you desire. Some lines may not be worth the effort. Depending on their composition, it is usually an economic decision.

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