Activity for Pablo Pinedo

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    Good afternoon, When running my code attached, I am running into an error when N >= 8. After the state has evolved for about 14 seconds (of 20 seconds), I get the following error: ** On entry to ZHSEQR parameter number 4 had an illegal value ** On entry to ZGEBAL parameter number 3 had an illegal value ** On entry to ZGEHRD parameter number 2 had an illegal value ** On entry to ZUNGHR ZUNGQR parameter number 2 had an illegal value I could not find much information for what caused this error, and...

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    Hi Matthew, For these data points, I ran openMPS using docker on my personal laptop. It is a Surface laptop 3 with an i5 Intel core (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G7 CPU @ 1.20GHz, 1498 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)). My question isn't so much about the specific runtimes in the table, it is more about the distinct change in trends. There seems to be one trend for N -> {1, 5} and a separate one for N > 5. I have attached a plot to more properly display this. Thanks again for your help!

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    I could not add the image of the table in my original post, so here it is.

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    I have been benchmarking the runtimes of the MPDO method against my own Lindblad Master Equation method and noticed that there is a jump in time when N > 6. Why might this be happening? Attached is an image of a table with the runtimes (in seconds) and my code used to create the times.

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    Thanks for the help Daniel! I believe I made all of your suggested changes. I added the QT key-value pair to the parameter dictionary, but when the number of trajectories is greater than 1 I get the following error: Execute_MPSMain testwrite/testB_1.0Main.nml 2 running with 0 0 1 At line 21081 of file /openmps/MPSFortLib/Mods/ObsOps.f90 (unit = 18) Fortran runtime error: Cannot open file 'testwrite//testB_1.00ObsMPO_1.dat': No such file or directory Error termination. Backtrace: #0 0x7fd017a98f81...

  • Pablo Pinedo Pablo Pinedo posted a comment on discussion Technical

    Attached is a simplification of the main script I have been using. Listed are some issues that I have encountered: The output files have extra spaces which lead to errors when reading the observables. I added a few lines of code to fix this issue, but I think it's important to take note that this is happening. I can't seem to find a way to specify the number of trajectories over which the code is running. Along with this, running the code multiple times gives the exact same results. This to me indicated...