Bruce, Can you please confirm that the required jars are only JRecord.jar & cb2xml.jar at runtime in PROD for the attached generated class. BTW: I am able to compile with JRecord.jar only but it is looking for cb2xml.jar when I run the program. Happy Thanksgiving !!
Bruce, Can you please confirm that the required jars are only JRecord.jar & cb2xml.jar at runtime in PROD for the attached generated class. BTW: I am able to compile only with JRecord.jar but it is looking for cb2xml.jar when I run the program.
Thanks Bruce. So xmlStream is the input XML file and cobolStream is the output .cpy file but where do we pass copybook layout in the above method? Detailed Scenario what I am trying to achieve, Appreciate if you could suggest: 1) I have copybook (.cpy file) from my client 2) And I have some source elements from XML and some are fetched from DB and mapped to different elements in the copybook. 3) It is not direct tag to tag mapping and Xml-Names DON’T match the Cobol Names but Cobol names are unique....
Bruce, My copybook won't change very often, so is there anyway that we can generate the JAVA class for the copy book (instead of loading copybook every time dynamically) and use that (may be in ICobolIOBuilder) to parse cobol data file & vicevarsa.
Thanks a lot !! But just wondering that what did I do wrong using JRecordCodeGen.jar on CMD?? ava -classpath C:\Apache\Velocity* -jar C:\JRecord\JRecord_Version_0.90.2\lib\JRecordCodeGen.jar ^
Bruce, Finally I am able to convert the cobol data sting to XML and vicevarsa with attached copybook & sample data file BUT I am unable to generate classes using the below command. Appreaciate if you could generate or suggest. C:\polasa\test>java -classpath C:\Apache\Velocity* -jar C:\JRecord\JRecord_Version_0.90.2\lib\JRecordCodeGen.jar ^ More? -Template standard ^ More? -package ^ More? -Schema AOPoCom1.cbl ^ More? -FileOrganisation FixedWidth ^ More? -font cp037 ^ More? -DropCopybookName...
Bruce, Finally I am able to generate convert to XML and vicevarsa with attached copybook & sample data file BUT I am unable to generate classes using the below command. Appreaciate if you could generate or suggest. C:\polasa\test>java -classpath C:\Apache\Velocity* -jar C:\JRecord\JRecord_Version_0.90.2\lib\JRecordCodeGen.jar ^ More? -Template standard ^ More? -package ^ More? -Schema AOPoCom1.cbl ^ More? -FileOrganisation FixedWidth ^ More? -font cp037 ^ More? -DropCopybookName true...
BTW: OIUPC21 should map to IN-PROGRAM-WRITING-MQ-REC in the copybook