Activity for Peter Molnar

  • Peter Molnar Peter Molnar posted a comment on discussion Installation issues

    hi Guiseppe, I tried to create symbolic link for one library but echoes stops with the same error message. Actually I don's see how symbolic link would solve the problem, as the libraries are there, but it seems that Echoes is (or some qt component is looking for a specific name/version information from the binaries): $ ldd which echoes | grep -i libqt5 /usr/bin/echoes: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `Qt_5' not found (required by /usr/bin/echoes) ... while $ ls -l /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

  • Peter Molnar Peter Molnar posted a comment on discussion Installation issues

    Hi, I have all the libraries in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ as follows, eg: -> -> as same pattern for other Qt5 libraries. Echoes claimes that 'version Qt_5' or 'version 'Qt5_5' not found. thanks Br Peter

  • Peter Molnar Peter Molnar posted a comment on discussion Installation issues

    Hi, I’ve converted the rpm packages to deb (echoes and libqt5charts), installed them. Then I’ve installed libqt5* packages. Echoes does not start up, it says for each linked libqt5 so library: version information ‘Qt_5’ not found. Could anyone please help to solve the issue? thanks Br Peter