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  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Red Griffin ATC

    Hi Red Griffin, Thanks for the quick reply. I'm running FG 2020.3.17 on Win 11. I'm using a Cessna Citacion X (this repo). For this test I just used NAV mode (no flight plan). I take off from TQPF runway 10 and follow the ATC instruction to stay on runway heading, climb to 6500 feet and contact Julianna APP at 118.700. Once there, i request approach and i get a vector and altitude. My intent is to land in TNCM but the instructions i get send me towards TQPF again. The last instruction from the ATC...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Red Griffin ATC

    I'm trying to get from TQPF to TNCM and the ATC keeps sending me in circles. How can I enable debug to see what is happening?

  • Created ticket #27 on ATC-pie

    Voice Synthesis

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2023-04-12 17:42:41.836000


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