Activity for The_Piper

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Bug_Reports

    Fixed, removed the word "lesser" from source, document and also from the VER command. Will be shipped with the next release. Thanks for reporting this mess!

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    LOL, somehow i have the impression you don't like TeX very much :P

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    Thanks for reporting Vince, going to fix all those warnings and errors with the next update. And yeah, haven't used TeX for a longer time also, was fun to work with it again :) Thr next release will have the missing image for TeX too..

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Thanks for reporting Vince, going to fix all those warnings and errors with the next update. And yeah, haven't used TeX for a longer time also, was fun to work with it again :)

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    1st of may update. Some more bugfixes and a simple spread sheet (ss) macro, just to show what macros can do.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Update done, looks like it is working. Feel free to post bug reports here.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    1st of may update of pipEdit, some more bugfixes. Available here: Bug reports are welcome :)

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r41] on Code

    1st of may release - bugfixes

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r40] on Code

    1st of may update - bugfixes

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r39] on Code

    1st of may update - bugfixes

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Starting 1st of may update now. Hopefully i don't break everything.....

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Bug_Reports

    Thats correct, the scroll factors arent implemented yet.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help me

    Update: I am still testing the editor, i am now down to one last crash which happens once in a blue moon... Two new macros will come with the next update, not really useful, but to show what macros can do, a calculator and a very simple spread sheet. I am testing the editor by writing a new COBOL preprocessor from scratch with the editor and the macros, maybe it's useful, maybe it's just fun to have :)

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    I dont think that 1.4 is fully implemented until now.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help me

    D'oh, thats why i love my Firefox, it always forgets some cookies or whatever... And you're right, let it be moderated, spam is not needed.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion News about the emulator

    First release of the emulator. The source code can be found in the "Files" section.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News about the emulator

    First release of the emulator.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #2

    Sorry, got sidetracked again, but this is still on my to-do list. Going to work on it hopefully soon.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on ticket #2

    The brackets and preceding colon is from Micro Soft SQL server, and ditto the rest of rdb syntax used. Going by my 75 year old memory was trying to see what dbpre did with it :) That way, I would hopefully know what needed changes. Ah, okay, i have never used Micro Soft SQL server, that explains it ;) Big grief is that on the .lst and .cob dbpre, is double spacing each source line and that is odd as in Windows each line is ended by a CR,LF combo but for *nix it is only one of them LF, so what is...

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #2

    The brackets and preceding colon is from Micro Soft SQL server, and ditto the rest of rdb syntax used. Going by my 75 year old memory was trying to see what dbpre did with it :) That way, I would hopefully know what needed changes. Ah, okay, i have never used Micro Soft SQL server, that explains it ;) Big grief is that on the .lst and .cob dbpre, is double spacing each source line and that is odd as in Windows each line is ended by a CR,LF combo but for *nix it is only one of them LF, so what is...

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on ticket #2

    I'm looking at it right now. EXEC SQL INCLUDE has a copybook with the suffix .cpy, dbpre doenst expect that and works only with copybooks without any suffix. I'll try to make that more flexible, so both formats can be used. Comments in your source code are usually written with "*>", one comment line starts only with a single asterik which confuses dbpre. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION - dbpre doesnt need that, i'll try to make dbpre to ignore that. PREPARE/EXECUTE - dbpe doenst support that right...

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on ticket #2

    I'm looking at it right now. EXEC SQL INCLUDE has a copybook with the suffix .cpy, dbpre doenst expect that and works only with copybooks without any suffix. I'll try to make that more flexible, so both formats can be used. Comments in your source code are usually written with "*>", one comment line starts only with a single asterik which confuses dbpre. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION - dbpre doesnt need that, i'll try to make dbpre to ignore that. PREPARE/EXECUTE - dbpe doenst support that right...

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #2

    I'm looking at it right now. EXEC SQL INCLUDE has a copybook with the suffix .cpy, dbpre doenst expect that and works only with copybooks without any suffix. I'll try to make that more flexible, so both formats can be used. Comments in your source code are usually written with "*>", one comment line starts only with a single asterik which confuses dbpre. EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION - dbpre doesnt need that, i'll try to make dbpre to ignore that. Lets see if the next release can handle your source...

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Coming soon

    Hi Ian, sorry for the late reply, just found your post here.. -lmysqlclient might be MySql specific, you have to find out how to compile COBOL programs with MariaDB (sorry, i have never used MariaDB). Maybe searching the GnuCOBOL forum for MariaDB support or asking there for help is a solution Your problem is not a problem of using dbpre, it is how to compile and link COBOL programs with GnuCobol and MariaDB. Piper

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Ok, uploaded V0.4 again, no clue why all files were deleted, maybe because i once used kdesvn which crashes very often.... Tested it with the example program and it precompiles/compiles.

  • The_Piper The_Piper created a blog post

    dbpre V0.4 uploaded again

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    For some unknown reasons all files of release V0.4 were gone. Uploaded them again in a new folder structure and fixed some typos in the documentation.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r24]

    new folder structure, typos fixed

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r23]

    new folder structure

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r22]

    new folder structure

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r21]

    new folder structure

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r20]

    restored V0.4

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    oops, yes, 0.4 is empty, going to fix that soon, But you can still download a snapshot from the '"code" section.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Yes, Vincent, thats the latest version.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    New release with some bugfixes, new line command "ts", new macros, def, ll, lcpy, zoomin. Updated documentation.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r38]

    new ureplace.c function

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r37]

    Bug fixes, new macros, zoomin, ll, def, rem

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r36]

    Bug fixes, new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    And while i am on it, macro development and debugging is now quite easy, another one: zoomin

  • The_Piper The_Piper created a blog post

    Macro zoomin

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    To be honest, i've never used VAR IN GROUP OF REC in my whole life, so i think, we can live without that :)

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    To be honest, i've never used VAR IN GROUP OF REC in my hole life, so i think, we can live without that :)

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    And another macro, lcpy, Locate Copybook in the $COBCPY pathes. And the def macro can now handle nested copybooks.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    And another macro, lcpy, Locate Copybook in the $COBCPY pathes.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    And another macro, lcpy, Locate Copybook in the $COBCPY pathes. ![(]

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    And another macro, lcpy, Locate Copybook in the $COBCPY pathes.

  • The_Piper The_Piper created a blog post

    And another macro - lcpy - locate copybook

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    For def macro: shouldn't it be possible to automatically position to the beginning of the current word? Yes, and same for the LL macro. Do you already handle VAR IN GROUP OF REC and definitions in copybooks? Handling copybooks is on my todo list, but i am going to handle that on my own and wont use any cobol compiler. The editor should not rely on any given cobol compiler, but should work even if no one is installed.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    A little teaser, two new macros coming with the next release: And i fixed some crashes, but still testing, testing, testing....

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    A little teaser, two new macros with the next release: And i fixed some crashes, but still testing, testing, testing....

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper created a blog post

    Two new macros

  • The_Piper The_Piper created a blog post

    CHANGE and FIND, PICTURE strings

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Contributions

    This now took a little bit longer than expected.. I found some bugs and some very evil crashes of the editor while using it more myself. The crashes cause a loss of the edited source code, so not very nice. With the next release some new line commands will come like "<<", ">>" and finally, "c", change. Also "ts", text split, and "tf", text float. Further a macro which can do block copy of blocks of source code, maybe. But first, get rid of the crashes of the editor.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    This now took a little bit longer than expected.. I found some bugs and some very evil crashes of the editor while using it more myself. The crashes cause a loss of the edited source code, so not very nice. With the next release some new line commands will come like "<<", ">>" and finally, "c", change. Also "ts", text split, and, i think, it's "tj", text join, going to figure out the correct syntax later.. Further a macro which can do block copy of blocks of source code, maybe. But first, get rid...

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    There is a new version of pipEdit coming soon. it has some bugfixes, if someone wants to test it, it is already here: If no one reports any bugs or problems, i am going to release it to the tools section of GnuCOBOL in a few days.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    The editor had some issues with finding macros and the comp macro had some problems when the parameter file for a COBOL program was missing. Fixed both and macros can now return an error message to the editor and stop it from reloading the (modified) source code.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r35]

    Bugfix for macro handling / comp macro

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified ticket #7

    localized language support

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #7

    English language file added, users guide updated.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r34]

    Updated user_guide, added english langfile

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #7

    Umm.. is that really needed? Just have a look at the german language file and change the german text to french, spanish, whatever. (English is the default, hard coded in pipEdit) But i am going to add a chapter about language files to the pipEdit_User_Guide.pdf.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r33]

    Added german language file

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r32]

    Added german language file

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #7

    ok, uploaded in folder langfiles, german language file.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    As the subject says, Simon did some bugfixes and i added the "lic"/"license'" command. The lic/license line command will display informations of the license pipEdit uses, the Gnu lesser General Public License. Just type lic or license in the command line and press ENTER key,then press F1 to toggle the short or longer message.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r31]

    lic/license command and users guide update

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on ticket #7

    Sure, if someone has more language files, upload them or post a link to them in "Discussion", so I/we can add them.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    This update has a lot of bug fixes, for example, local and global variables are working correctly now, negative numbers are now (hopefully) correctly handled. And there is now a game named "Hammurabi", which i converted from BASIC to LoLCode. It's an economic simulation, you have to run a city for 10 years, plant grain, buy and sell land and such. Maybe the first useful program ever written in lolcode :) I found hammurabi, when i had a look at tinybasic, there are too some other (old) games, like...

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help me

    "Trying to do COBOL on the PC is not easy with all the editors out there!!!" The PC is not the problem ;) Hint: LINUX wink :) Stay safe too and good luck with COBOL!

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help me

    Okay, it's not that easy... Just taking the source code and compiling it with gcc does not work. Maybe using PDCurses with pipEdit under Windows might work, but i dont have the time right now to try that. As an alternative, i would suggest to try "The Hessling Editor", but i see, you posted there already. Another thing for Windows i've found is this:

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help me

    I havent tried to compile it for Windows, but i will try it later, if i have some spare time. I will try to compile it with gcc, which comes with GnuCobol for Windows. And if i can compile it, i will upload the binary here.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Contributions

    Bugfix for INS/DEL keys.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r955]

    Bugfix for INS/DEL keys

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion News

    Bugfix for INS/DEL keys, now, when they are pressed, the source code is rated as changed and saved when leaving the editor. The bug was, when you edit a file and just delete (or insert) characters, the source code wouldnt be saved.

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion News

    Bugfix for INS/DEL keys, now, when they are pressed, the source code is rated as changed and saved when leaving the editor. The bug was, when you edit a file and just delete (or insert) characters, the source code wouldt be saved.

  • The_Piper The_Piper committed [r27]

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    @jklowden Yes, thats the dbpre i/we are talking about. Alan Honeyman and another person want to use it under Windows, thats the reason why i am trying to get it working under Windows. Edit: I just googled for dbpre and only found my project at sourceforge on the first page. Maybe i should sue Oracle for using my name for a precompiler, might be a nice source of income XD

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    @jklowden Yes, thats the dbpre i/we are talking about. Alan Honeyman and another person want to use it under Windows, thats the reason why i am trying to get it working under Windows.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thanks @sf-mensch, thats it obviously, scrolling down on Arnolds page helps to find a 64 bit version... Going to try that later, watching the US elections right now on TV :P

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Thanks Simon, thats it obviously, scrolling down on Arnolds page helps to find a 64 bit version... Going to try that later, watching the US elections right now on TV :P

  • The_Piper The_Piper posted a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Yes, thats the dbpre i/we are talking about. Alan Honeyman and another person want to use it under Windows, thats the reason why i am trying to get it working under Windows too.

  • The_Piper The_Piper modified a comment on discussion Help getting started

    Somehow i am stuck with that stuff and Windows... I have installed GnuCobol+gcc for Windows 10 from Arnolds page. I have installed MySQL. I can compile dbpre with gcc. I can compile cobmysqlapi.c with gcc and get an object file. I can preprocess scb files with dbpre. But when i compile the preprocessed COBOL source code with cobc i get this from ld.exe: Recognized but unhandled machine type (0x8664) in Import Library format archive I compile it this way: dbpre PCTB003B -ts=3 -I..\copybooks cobc -x...

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