Activity for Miguel Boyer

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hy Dimitry. CSS seems powerful. But is it easy to learn? In the old times of the www, and html, those CSS seemed very complicated? Is that still the case? How do we learn about such thing?

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    quickforld said: "Let us not fool ourselves. Saying that we want to please both groups is really saying that we do not want to make any changes that would upset any of the currently vocal users, because they are real people and we can always be skeptical and imagine that we are not 100% certain a change would make FP more appealing to new users. Do people disagree? I am open to being persuaded otherwise." From my point of view there is a third possible goal: To make the tool as advanced as possible....

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dimitry wrote: To be honest, I am not sure if Freeplane is the best choice for a typical user. Maybe it has too much power and requires too much learning for a typical user. Maybe it is a niche product, and I think we do not want to loose it as such. Aparently, quantum mechanics is fascinating. But do we want, or need, everybody to learn it? It is a legitimate question. And the realistic answer is probably no. But I'm not against dreams. So go ahead. Let's teach everybody modern physics. Dreamers...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I mean, in a nutshell: May it be that not anybody is eager to change it's digital projects into a tree, instead of a real problem with the Freeplane usability? We may be misunderstanding the real problem. Some times users hide the real motive for rejection . They may say something is clumsy, or ugly, when the real problem is their reluctance to admit that a new approach to something may be too sofisticated or too neerdy for them. let's not take the utterances of some random people at face value,...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Guys: Really, I may be a very strange person, but I see nothing wrong with the present Freeplane toolbar. It's actually pretty straightforward, at least once you understand the basics of the software and the fundamentals of the tree structure. Are we sure the reluctance of some people to use Freeplane is not about the tree philosophy, instead of the linear one in word processor, or the tabular one in spreadsheets? Maybe the culprit here with those potential users stubbornly resisting Freeplane charme...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ribbons take a lot of space. If any one implements them, please make them optional. I don't want to loose screen space because my main monitor is extra large but not tall. Consequently, I want to see as much of my mindmaps in the screen as possible, and not a big load of program options made into some sort of huge advertising banner. If I need features I will go to menus or use keyboard shortcuts. I think that visually focussing on MY work without standing a permanent advertising of program options...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It may be the time to be totally honest: Firstly, and I don't know how he manages that, Dimitry ultimately is always right. He may not always pay attention to some detail from the beginning, but he listens pretty often, and if you make your point more clearly a second time, he may get to work on your suggestion. I'm thinking of something I tried to push ahead years ago, without success, and when I came back to it, recently, I was heard, and the thing was implemented. I also notice the same thing...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Another bit of thought about it. Truth is the basic functionality of Freeplane is pretty much accessible. The very advanced one, like extensions, scripts in several languages, programing, setting an IDE for the software, all those things are more obscure. I wouldn't devote myself to making the basic functionality easier for the newbie. Why? Because it's already easy, unless we are talking about someone that is not motivated by this software. And the truth is not every body grasps the power of sorting...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dimitry: "Personally I value all personal opinions based on individual experiences and specific use cases." That is so considerate. Thank you. Modesty, assuming other people, besides one self, may actually be kind of smart, hard working and knowledgeable, that is the road to wisdom. Congrats.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not "gasping", but "grasping", obviously. 😂

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello quickfold and euu, IMHO the important thing is the export procedure. Freeplane is already great for writting because the tree structure manages ideas and details perfectly, as well as chapters, sections, or any other way to sort the world. Trying to make the program more like a word processor is not necessary or even desirable. For new users is just a matter of deeply gasping the great power or the tree structure, and learn to use it in productive ways. Cheers.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi quickfold If you finally make the ribbon, +1 to having the option to toggle off. Please.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Quickfold: what percentage of people do you think save files by typing Ctrl+S vs. the percentage of people that save files by using the mouse to click on the floppy disk icon? I have no idea whatsoever. But, as you mention, I would never do that. On the other hand, let me ask you my own question: What percentage of people eat too many carbs and become obese or insuline resistant? Assuming that percentage is high, should the rest of us eat carbs like there is no tomorrow, become obese, and ruin...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi! My claim is an exaggeration, of course. But I never even use the tool bar. I use keyboard shortcuts 90% of the time, and menus (with keyboard, no mouse) the rest of the time. I hate ribbons because they take a lot of screen space. And because that space is used for options that are used rarelly. Why would I be looking all the time at big buttons that I may not use in many sessions with the program? I guess for a newbie it's a way of advertising features. But for a veteran that waste of space...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Quickfold, many thanks. I am very interested by your suggestion, although i have not been using many exports latelly. I would like the implementation into de software of a robust way to transform long and deep maps into books, papers, etc. I think it would greatly expand the user base and the usefulness of FP. As per now, I can export to sequential text and word processor on my own, with a considerable degree of messines and poor efficiency. Even so, in the present state of things, I would never...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    "Dimitry made clear that he hates ribbon UI " I totally hate that too!!!! PLEAAAAASE, DON'T!!! Big branches, big corporations, big guys, make enormous design mistakes too, despite their investments in marketing. I have no doubt the ribbon interfaces have been a mistake. There is a limit to how easy you can make things for a lazy, uninformed user. I don't believe you can make someone learn quantum mechanics with no effort whatsoever. And ultimately, IT, Computers and software have some degree of unavoidable...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Try hoovering with the mouse (no click) and when the node gets the Focus use your orher hand to press the space bar. You will enjoy the method. It's so quick and so digital, so little analogue, that it's totally error free. The mouse hand navigates the nodes and moves the map (continuos click to move), and the other one folds and unfolds with the space bar. People talk a lot about the interface of freeplane beeing difficult. But they forget the amazing ergonomics of the program, when you master the...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for this great initiative, quickfold. I'm a great fan of mouse only work. The main thing I miss right now is a key to launch the context menu that shows when you right click with the mouse, while editing a node. That gives access to basic formatting options of the text you are writing. I have a specific key in my windows keyboard to do that, placed in between the Windows Key, and the Control Key. The sticker on top of that key shows a square filled with three lines horizontal lines, representing...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks for this great initiative, quickfold. I'm a great fan of mouse only work. The main thing I miss right now is a key to launch the context menu that shows when you right click with the mouse, while editing a node. That gives access to basic formatting options of the text you are writing. I have a specific key in my windows keyboard to do that, placed in between the Windows Key, and the Control Key. The sticker on top of that key shows a square filled with three lines horizontal lines, representing...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    "I would use hierarchical icons to have a visual indicator of pending tasks hidden somewhere deep in the mind map" Exactly what I thought when reading this thread!!! That's what I use when I want to notice something hidden downwards in the map. And I remember Dimitry accepted long ago, and implemented, my suggestion of hierarchical or not hierarchical as per branch, instead of as per map, making this function so much usable! 😀

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I feel like Isan. Although nothing lasts forever, we need developers that will keep providing a relay in the future.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Right. But the thing that we call "clone" in this software has no obvious name. To me clone is pretty accurate. When you have a new thing, in the universe, the name it gets is by definition a bit arbitrary. Not that big of an issue. But of course, I respect any other points of view.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Actually, integral part of a node is the branch of it's descendants. It wouldn't be a clone (super exact copy, and connected) without the branch. I think the terminology is perfect. Any teacher will explain that the difficulties when learning something do not make the theory or model wrong. Confusion when learning is normal and unavoidable. Adapting the thing each time somebody tries to learn would be chaotic. Just my opinion

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dimitry: Exactly. Just the point I was trying to explain. With freeplane I frequently see users asking for features that can be achieved through already existing features of the program. It may be an effect of the unusual availability of Freeplane's developers to improve the program. You don't find this availability with many software programs. Normally you have to make things happen with what is already there, in the software. That been said, many other times, people in this community propose really...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Without highlighting, you can already set background of the selected node, which is enough to easily locate it. I feel the systematic activation of Spotlight feature is somewhat of a rarity. What Jenny is asking for doesn't seem like something REALLY necessary. Jenny, why don't you choose settings to have a more noticeable active node? Any way, if you guys think this is important, i should not argue about it. Cheers.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I like "direct" too. I put one finger on " space bar" and the other hand in the mouse. When node is selected, I use the "space bar" to unfold. It's the only navigation way I use with the mouse.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    +++++1 Sounds great! Saving time with the keyboard is paramount for me. :-) Latelly Freeplane is advancing so much. I wonder what superproductive virus did our beloved devs got recently!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Quickfold: Thanks for your reply. I could probably solve those needs you mention pretty fast, if i had to. But you are right. I grew with this tool along many years. I don't think most features are easy from the beginning. But in my opinion that's normal. Truth is the program is not that badly documented. It's just complex. A prediction, though: No matter what kind of effort we put on documentation, the advanced features will still be for a minority. People in general are just not proficient enough...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just a very stupid observation that you guys would do very well to ignore: In my humble opinion, Freeplane is a sophisticated tool. The problem is not with the organization of menus or preferences. Those are not perfect, nor a disaster. The problem is this software has many possibilities, and people are not used to trees. Word-processing is sequential, not structured. Not with this depth and flexibility. Also, we have presentations, dates, and scripts. This vehicle is not a scooter. It is more like...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dimitry: The panning with the menu options Scroll-Left, Scroll-Right, Scroll-Up and Scroll-Down, once assigned the proper keyboard shortcuts, is perfect. I'm so glad you had a moment to implement that. Thank you so much. :-)

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on ticket #2953

    Thank you so much!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer modified ticket #2953

    Strange error when I open a certain a map

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer created ticket #2953

    Strange error when I open a certain a map

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Edo: Sorry I didn't make my self understood. I'm not talking about moving while editing in SymplyHTML. Forget about editing the node: I just want to pan the map, through the arrows in the keyboard, without changing the focused node. Like dragging the whole tree with the keyboard. Thanks a lot for your willingness to help.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    So interesting, Ding. Thank you so much. Will have to investigage how to use VIM. Confused about that.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Thanks Dimitry. I'm not sure whether you are saying that my feature proposal could be solved through VIM. If so, i will look at that. On the other hand, I just wanted to underline that my feature proposal has nothing to do with the new "overview map feature". My panning request is unrelated to the panning of the "overview map". Its about moving around , or panning, the real map itself. Sorry again if i am interrupting. Cheers.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hope i'm not interfering too much, here, with the main trend of thought. But, actually, in the same realm... May I suggest a useful feature i have been missing for a very long time? Without losing focus of a certain node, it would be awesome to pan de whole map with the keyboard arrows to move up, down, left and right. Any keyboard shortcut should activate this feature quickly, then you would use the arrows to move the map, then press "Esc" key or similar, and you are back to normal typing. But why?...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Which markdown? How can I use that thing?

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    the connector style is taken from its source node style by default, but it can be overwritten. +1 I don't use connectors, but this makes sense to me.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just a tiny useless hint, here: You create a path through the map that goes from one node to the next, as slides. That way you don't have to navigate in a messy way in front of your audience. You also have some highlight features and such, to stress the node you are explaining. I'm Just talking out of ancient memories, when the community contributed with some suggestions to Dimitry's effort with the actual code. Tackle with the function. You are going to enjoy it. I know this isn't much, but you...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I would keep the html format and I would replace the editor, the SimplyHTML part of the program, which is clearly lagging behind. Also I would facilitate more shortcuts to do formatting without having to open Simply HTML, besides italics bold and four colors. Now that I come to think about it, the good thing about HTML is the Universal character it is supposed to have. Why would we define a specialized markup when we have a universal one?

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, bepolymathe. Definitely write it with Freeplane. All of it, not just the outline. Then you have to export. There are many ways. You have to find your own. Worst case scenario, once it's ready, copy, paste in word processor and do a bit of formatting. Once the content is done, formatting is just a bit of work. The only thing is: To take advantage of freeplane, use a lot of levels and sublevels in your tree. That helps for great thinking and great work flow. Then flatten all that in the word...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Happy about that. 😊😂😊😂😊😂😊

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Wow. You are an ambitious coder, for an amateur. I don't know anything about CSS and HTML. You totally need a pro coder to interest themselves in this. Thanks for explaining a bit, though.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Very interesting. Exportimg Freeplane to a tradicional document has always been a difficult task. Little sugestion: I wonder whether the styles in the document could also inherit from just the node level and not the Freeplane style, as an option to your software. That would make it more flexible, I guess. And yes, a pro version of this thing could become the standard for printing books or papers written in Freeplane. VERY useful!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Great. Thanks

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    ¡The page for that link is empty! El dom., 15 nov. 2020 16:05, Henk van den Akker escribió: Hi John, For more complicated scripts it is better to use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) like Eclipse or IntelliJ, see When you are writing your script the IDE is immediately checking it for errors against the Freeplane API. It is also possible to run Freeplane in debug mode from the IDE, allowing...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Uf! Horrible problem, yes. If Java won't be free for corporations, anymore, what language should be used for freeware? 😬

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sfpcom: Wow, man, works perfect! Thankyou so much. And thanks a lot to the great zipizap for writting the little thing You guys rock. I'm happy.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello everyone. I would like to iterate the "Navigate/Link/Follow Link" function of the program interface over several nodes that point to webpages. How can I do it? I tried to look at the scripts dealing with opening web pages, but they are too difficult. The API is also too complex in this particular topic. Can I iterate a menu function, like "Follow Link" over several nodes? Thanks!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Never mind. I solved the issue. It's enough to move the second window outside of the Freeplane's application window. That way I can change from one vue of the map to the other with the standard Windows shortcut for changing the active program, i.e.: Alt-Tab. So, my issue is basically Solved.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Never mind. I solved the issue. It's enough to move the second windows outside of the Freeplane windows. That way I can change from one vie of the map to the other with the standard Windows shortcut for changing the active program. I.e.: Alt-Tab. Solved.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello Dimitry: If I have several views of the same map, I can change from one to another pressing "Control/Tab". But when those views are panned on the screen , that shortcut doesn't work. I just bought an extra wide monitor. I would like to change from one view to the other through keyboard tabs. Using the mouse is soo inefficient. Thanks so much for considering this issue.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Dear Patrick, Thanks for taking our comments gracefully. I hope you get your problem solved real soon. Let's see what the developers think about this issue.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Patrick, I guess your use casi is totally legitimate. But I have a slight concern. To me, Freeplane is about data, not presentation. Not mainly. This program is very efficient and fast, precisely because it automatically handles presentation. The routine is a horizontal tree. Focussed on the data, not eye candy. What you ask for is about presentation, which is more characteristic of drawing software, roughly speaking. Although it could be done, I'm sure of that, what you request takes Freeplane away...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, sorry to interfere, here, but... On the other hand, I myself would like a spell checker that can be activated to underline in red the errors for all the nodes at once, and not just the one that is currently being edited. That way we could find errors of spelling all at once, without going node by node. This would be very efficient. Thanks and sorry again.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    +1. Would be a small nice thing.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Many thanks, Dimitry. I see the functionality. But the behaviour doesn't seem consistent yet. When I toggle on a certain node (let's call it "master" node) the option "show icons hierarchically" to "ON" and "OFF", the icons in the branch do not get hierarchically updated to ON and OFF. And once a master node has been set to "ON", and then OFF, part of the branch remains on the ON modality of hierarchical inheritance. Like some of the nodes incorrectily stick to inheritance, when inheritance has been...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    The user case is not relevant to anyone? I think the icons featura would be greatly improved.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Not really. I need an option to activate hierarchical icons from a certain node onwards into it's own deep branch. Like: Select a node (or several different nodes) and tel it (them) to show hierarchical icons in all the nodes that are below this one, but not above this one. At the present time, the hierarchy inheritance is for the whole map itself, instead of working for each node separatedlly. Thanks for asking, Dimitry

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi folks. It has been a while since my last feature suggestion. Use Case: I manage my work in very large maps. Every folder for my work is somewhere in the freeplane tree. That way i keep all documents sorted. The tree reflects phisycal folders, but also digital ones, in my computer folder structure. At the same time, y keep track of my todo list in the same map, just another branch, at the very top. My problem is sometimes i wanna see urgent tasks. I would use icons inheritance that way. But because...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Long ago I put forward this idea.. The software should have the option to display, as lines in the background, the water mark of the page format selected by the user for the printing action. This way we could avoid split nodes, and even split lines, by just moving them manually when the paper edge or margin cuts through them. Because right now, when printing, the result is unpredictable.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Right. But going to Mars is bulky because any conceivable implementation is bulky. Admitedly, I have no idea whatsoever whether the hyper-clones can be implemented easily.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Isn't that complex? Would have to open the other map whenever the node changes. Or maybe open the other map every time you open the first one to check whether both are synchronized. Looks bulky. But devs may know much better ways. Who knows.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Actually you can activate node numbering for ANY style. go... Format -> Manage Styles -> Edit Styles Then, top right side of the dialogue box, 5th available chek box, named: "Node Numbering". Of course y have a particular style with node numbering activated and i have a keyboard shortcut to activate it. Numbering nodes legally is good from import export from freeplane. After all, legal numbering is nothing but a ... TREE STRUCTURE!!! It all comes back to the tree... :-)

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    uauuu... so cool.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I don't personally need this. But it looks like a pretty interesting feature for the user's community at large. +1

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Complex stuff. The glitch seems like a minor problem. But I still would have an icon for uncompleted tasks, with the hierarchical inheritance set to yes, like the red cross in the image I sent before. Then, when you complete the task you would just need to delete that icon in the leaf. But I'm sure I'm missing many things. So, with your permission, I will quit my suggestions in this thread. I'm glad you are satisfied with the system you are setting up.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi again. I also like the way your thing looks now. But for the icon that means "task not yet completed" (and that behaves hierarchically) to work clearly, and to properly stand up, you would need to get rid of all those static icons. I would supress those altogether and use node styles for the types of tasks you are using. (At the end of the day, styles stand up more than icons, and help better with the visual and intuitive asimilation of the stuf you are working with.) Glad my sugestion helped....

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Anybody knows how the colaboration feature development is going? As I tell my friends and coleagues about the wonders of FP, what I find the most, as a reaction, is wether this tool can be used by several people at once. I gues such things as Google Docs, the cloud, and collaboration have finally permeated the mind of our species. I have adapted to FP the way it is, in my work flow, but now that I think about it, I guess my team would work in a different way if we could colaborate on maps...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi Steve. I would attack your problem differently: Just using the tree structure. Often times people don't really extract the full potential of this fundamental feature of freeplane. Dependencies woul be parent nodes of tasks to complete. If you set menu "Edit -> Icons -> Show Icons Hierachically" then you have to use some icon for the tasks that are just leaves in the tree (meaning the basic step in your work flow that does not depend on previous tasks), and those icons get reverse inherited towards...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Kewapo.... Cool. :-))

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Well, I guess so. There is no size limitations in the field, I believe. Just write: "apple banana" in the "Fruit" field. :-)

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    But... It would be trivial to apply that to every node at once through scripting. El vie., 17 may. 2019 a las 10:03, abc163 ( escribió: To say it briefly, in order to applying a conditional style only to a node, it needs to select the node first, then set up the style. How are node-level cond. styles supposed to work? Sent from because you indicated interest in

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    +1 But, if this gets implemented, I would like to navigate the nodes in that panel with the keyboard. Reason: It is a productivity feature. That means speed is essential. And speed is through the keyboard.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Weird. I link to files all the time and they remain in their position within the directory tree. In options you have to select wether you want relative or absulte paths, though.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Valentin: I see. Thanks for telling.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I completely agree with Volker about... "I think that the restriction to tree structured mind maps is a strength and not a weakness of Freeplane.."

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hy, Valentin. Before Dimitry answered I thought about the same solution. Furthermore: It would make sense to put all your answers and only the answers as "leaves". Pre-leaves would be the questions. And the branches, in a different format, would be the classfication of subjects. With that setting, you just have to go to the root, unfold everything, then press Alt-PagUp, and that folds just the leaves. Then you can study exploring the tree, and when you have a doubt about the answer, you just press...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Pedazo de curro, Kewapo!!!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    super cool and easy. Thanx

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Zipi: -1. Thank you. Probably, the most important asset in the community is yourself. -2. Freeplane is, by far, the best and most important software I have ever used. Probably the most important PRODUCT I know. Maybe only second to the PC itself. Changed my life a long time ago. Still does, everyday. People don't even realize what it can do.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Gracias qué guapo! And +1 on what Zipi is sugesting.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello, Bryan. You never got back to me on the topic. Did it go the way you want? Cheers.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, Bryan, here it goes.... Just run this sript. At the beggining of the sript there is a note about the format it expects from legal numbering.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Let me know whether it worked. Thanks.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Just paste your text into Freeplane and run the script. The thing is, this script transforms legal numbering into the tree structure., but it doesn't remove the legal numbering for each number. To do so, and leave the tree structure WITHOUT legal numbering at the beginning of each node, use this second script...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok, Bryan, here it goes.... Just run this sript. At the beggining of the sript there is a note about the format it expects from legal numbering.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hello! If you can set legal numbering in your text, I can lend you a script that will transform that legal numbering into the tree structure within Freeplane, and without any restriction concerning the depth level. Let me know if that would work.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    +1 on this request. Keyboard shortcuts for node and note editing, in line or with SimplyHTML could be improved a bit.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I mean, Dimitry, apart from having sex with Sandra Bullock (in my dreams)... Cause I know you were excluding all such things... El mar., 13 nov. 2018 a las 21:05, Dimitry Polivaev ( escribió: Honestly? ;-) Beginning as a developer Sent from because you indicated interest in To unsubscribe from...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Excuse me? Freeplane is far from being perfect? Then, just tell me, what the heck you think is perfect in this very somber world??? ;-)

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Steve, glad to know you share my concern about this. Unfortunately, I never got any responses from the FreePlane devs. The thing is, it doesn't seem so difficult to implement. But who knows.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on ticket #2261

    ++1 This feature request sounds very sensible to me.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    It would also be real nice for me.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    nnako, nnadalinn: In my humble opinion, FP is more abstract than graphical. This let's the program to process huge amounts of information like a charm. The layout gets taken care automatically. All that is a huge advantage. Unless you want to really DRAW. If so, you have many other programs to do that. The only exception would be something to show page breaks when printing, in order to move the nodes accordingly to avoid ugly splits in the physical paper. Cheers. 2018-05-02 16:30 GMT+02:00 nnako...

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Gilles... I may be wrong, but I believe our devs ad Freeplane are already working to integrate collaboration in Freeplane. As far as i remember it has been suggested to update the map from database and viceversa when something changes. I don't know the schedule, but you may save yourself the effort if you can afford to wait for them.

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    As expected, NOW I have started to use connectors in my maps!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    This rocks !!!

  • Miguel Boyer Miguel Boyer posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    In my humble opinion what Blood Wolf just said is completely true. Furthermore, I would just consider the three first children as root nodes. How? Well, just mark the real first node, as "doc", or ".", or just "" (nothing). Something like: "Doc Node" "Root Node 1" "Root Node 2" "Root Node 3" I don't see much diference between that and just: "Root Node 1" "Root Node 2" "Root Node 3" That is the beauty of Freeplane. The actual root node could just be: "The Universe". Or "Me". Or "Reality" Whatever...

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